I want to make Vaporwave music on Linux. What are some good programs or distros to use?
Making music on Linux
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Windows or macOS
see thats why Linux is a meme and unusable.
Its just not good for actual real life use cases.
Sure its great for browsing when ur a NEET who shitposts on Sup Forums all day but other than that its worthless.
Dowbload ardour and look at youtube videos on how to make vaperwave
Linux is for consumption, not production.
>Its just not good for actual real life use cases.
What the darn I hate Linnux now.
>I want to make Vaporwave music on Linux. What are some good programs or distros to use?
Bununtu studio
Fucking checked
if you want a simple free option use LMMS
Use Wine and emulate reason, FL, or Ableton, and even then there's awful latency issues (if you're recording at all)
You can go the tracker route with LMMS and Renoise and such but they have a very steep learning curve and are generally outdated and not as functional, plus you learn something that's irrelevant to 99% of DAWs out there, if leaving Linux seems like even a remote possibility you should learn more UI-based Daws, the normal ones
Really there's just no comparison to modern mainstream daws
>Linux based consumerism
>Fucking Free
>making music on Linux
I make music for a living and I can tell you you're going to get fucked in the long term once you realize most programs are halfassed by neckbeard autists just like gimp.
That being said Renoise is good for micromanaging sound samples, not really for creating an entire track but for perfecting and destroying a 2 second clip of audio there's no comparison
I edit most of my samples in Renoise and use ReWire to link that data to Ableton, which is my real complete daw
That's why you dual boot.
I use linux as a daily driver and I have to agree with this guy, you're better off using Fruityloops on PC.
Now if you need to do C programming...
You can get by with GIMP for photo editing, but with audio there isn't much you can really do honestly. Even with something as complete as GIMP there are some pretty serious issues to be addressed like multi-layer actions.
-t. someone who uses linux almost exclusively
Am i being telemarketed?
download bitwig
>that's actually his argument
Welp, time to pack it up. Kek said so.
Some repositories contain cutting edge software like deb-multimedia deb-multimedia.org
But seriously, look into KXStudio, is a distro, a repository and a set of applications kxstudio.linuxaudio.org
Ardour or LMMS
>but they have a very steep learning curve and are generally outdated and not as functional, plus you learn something that's irrelevant to 99% of DAWs out there
You are retarded. LMMS is used in a fashion which is almost identical to FL Studio.
Does it have a working Jack audio stack out of the box that I don't have to fuck with and allows for me to play multiple audio streams simultaneously?
This guy gets it. Renoise has a native linux port and i am learning it right now. Everything else is pretty shit unless you are going into wine territory.
Yes, last time I check they had.
+1 for LMMS, it was certainly made with the linux user mindset. Great vsti support and love the arpeggios
If you are looking for a linux alternative to Max/msp there is always Pure Data.
If you are looking for a BSD alternative to Pure Data well there's fucking nothing
Bitwig Studio
Ubuntu studio
bitwig or be really cool and use a tracker
>Muh creative suite
Use a mac then faggot.
Linux is for extendability and flexibility. If you need a office program just use WPS Office for Linux you cuck. Why do you think Google based chromeos off Gentoo? extendability and flexibility to fix their needs.
consumption =/= consumerism
If you're looking for a Pure Data alternative to plan 9 then there's
>time slows down
>entire family dies
>house is crushed
>Just fucking cries, for like 3 years
>being lowered into ground
>What was there?
>cuts to gravestone which doesn't even have a name and just reads "fucking nothing"
kill yourself gnu shitter
If you're looking for a pd alternative to freshports, and you are a gnu shitter and have killed yourself, there's broken
hahaha loser
I'm actually curious about the sound system on Plan 9. If it's just files like everything else you could probably have some cool pd-esque set up of individual sound programs all piping into each other however you want. I think I'll put it on my raspi over spring break and check it out
Anyway Unix in general is perfectly fine for making music: especially more academic and experimental material. If you want to dickride an already dead fad like vaporwave maybe it's not your best bet though.
>WINdows Emulator
>It's not emulator, they changed their name
But Wine Is Not An Emulator
Idk how one makes vaporwave music but I use tuxguitar and hydrogen drum machine to write shit out
Its still an acronym for "Wine is not an Emulator"
No where on their site does it say Windows Emulator.
Why the fuck are you greentexting
>But they rebranded
>you don't understand
>acronyms!!! ACRONYMS!!!
Do you actually know what an emulator is? They rebranded precisely because Wine ISN'T an emulator and it's inaccurate to call it one. Wine is a compatibility layer.
>They don't emulate windows guys
>They just have to translate everything into machine code
>It's not emulation, it's translation
vaporwave why. all it is is audacity.
Wine Is Nearly an Emulator
Wine Is NotNot an Emulator
Wine Intrigues Niggers Education
Wine Is aN Emulator
Wine "oh holy fuck I can just shove shit here and say it was assumed" *IS* aN Emulator
Wine Isn't Not Emulator-Appendagesheretomakemorefuckingshitupbutitsstillonewordfuckyou!!!!!!!
Wine (1.2M generations of people are born and die here and they only existed to hold up giant signs saying "IS NOT") Emulator
Wine May Or May Not Be An Emulator Capital Words Kill Me Holy Fuck
>stops and takes a gigantic shit
>Wait a minute
>300-500 years pass
How can we end these fucking thread
Just go make music faggot. I use LMMS. Just go make music faggot.
Yes no shit I know what an emulator is. Thats why my post says that wine is not an emulator.
>If I say things that are objectively correct but put them in meme arrows, they become wrong
>But it's TEEEEECHICALLY is not emulator
>If you kinda look at it kinda backwards
>If you kinda ignore everything
>FreeBSD with a custom DE is superior to Linux
Ardour is free for linux. Bitwig runs on linux, is breddy gud, but isn't free.
>BSD is superior to linux
This is correct. Unix for toddlers on the other hand...
I tried to do music on linux, just not worth it
the software is all pretty bad, jack is extremely confusing
reinstalled Windows 7 on my desktop for using programs like Reaper (>Ardour), Amplitube (>guitarix), Reason, Ableton (>rosegarden) etc
i am not a political freetard. I like Linux because it's fast and not having to worry about viruses and stuff. I just found that music production was not something to do on it
still use LInux on my non-music PC
You just pipe into /dev/audio (for output) and from /dev/audio (for input), I believe. The mixer is built into the system.
(As a side-note, I believe NetBSD has very recently introduced a similar thing for *their* audio system, and they designed it with music production in mind.)
> Real life use cases
> Making Vaporwave music
>not coding your music
There are plenty of great fully free DAWs available for Linux. Some people like LMMS, Hydrogen, and such, but there are also things like Ardour, or even Bitwig if you're not real-
>I want to make Vaporwave
Please relocate to your containment board.
>tracker route with LMMS
LMMS isn't a tracker, you idiotic newfag. By no means does it have a fucking steep learning curve either. Have you ever even used LMMS?
That's like calling MS Word a document emulator.