Sup Forums humour


a massive number of systems had security issues because people left windows update turned off

A massive number of systems had security issues despite the system getting windows updates regularly

Stop posting the altered pro-macfag one/

>implying windows updates update your software



>"Sup Forums" humor
>pists leddit picture

true ending

Please stop making these cringeworthy threads





wtf i love ayymd now

>linux user isn't getting progressively more fat and growing an unkempt beard


>buy new macbook
>no ports

People wouldn't leave it off if it didn't force you to restart your fucking computer.

>mfw can't grow a beard, not even using Linux

why live

That's just the beauty of the white woman, user. :^)

Is he /our guy/?
>BTFO the Jews
>BTFO Pajeets

Fresh oc

>be an average normie
>turn on laptop for the first time in 5 days to do work related shit
>open gmail in browser and write up a reply to something
>open up excel and do shit (this excel is going to be an attachment to the email)


In the original only one was wrong, but now literally all three are wrong.

Even with services.msc disabled W10 updates.


Try actually using the OS before you post literal shit.

perl showing its usefulness like always.

>python wack
>Ruby wack
>Lua wack
>rc wack

>but perl is tight as fuck.

Holy fuck I lol'd

UNIX is literally the patrician's OS, god's OS, UNIX above civilization, UNIX above all

> he thinks the user controls windows 10

Do you feel in charge?

Successful troll got me to reply. Windows 10 will not update with the update service disabled. Update will not bug you to check, and even the Windows Store will not function.

haha the awesome face lolz

He's obviously a Windows user and this is the only way he knows to hook up to a projector.
The A/V traps on Windows are more entertainment that the actual presentation.

It was only a few of the 4GB 480's that could be flashed to 8GB. Wew tho

Has there even been any windows 0days in the past year? If so I might need to update.

I posted that Isumi!

You can control Windows 10 if you have a brain which sadly most of you dudes on here don't have

reminds me of flashing my 6950 to turn it into a 6970

An excessive number of security updates mean incompetent developers not testing shit before release.

You are a shill, and you are also wrong.

Yeah, sure, you can control W10. But if this is a concern for you, why would you use W10 at first place?

Did you just assume my gender?
Nah but dudes sounds weird. Use user


>Random fag advocating for Windows saying that if you disable most things you should be fine
>Well he must be shilling. He can't have any other opinion of software that differs from mine.

I fucking hate this place.


Yeah, people should stop bullying cuckolds as well. There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuckold, you're all just bigots.

I'm ; honestly, I'm not serious if you're trolling, stupid or just quoted my post without reading.

what in the fuck? is that all for the headphones? what kind of an ascended audiophile is he?


>not regularly saving
yep, normie comfirmed

Wtf is the thing with the lightbulbs

How is advocating for Windows 10? Im not even the samefag

But the performance goes down when you do upgrade
That's how they get normies to decide they need a new phone/laptop every couple years

You've made it all gay.

can an audiophile explain whats going on in this photo

Disabling the updates is cheating.
The points in the comic are:
-Does the update do good?
-Can I postpone the update?

None of them mention the disable of updates, only the postponing of updates.

You should always update your system. This is common sense, and it triggers the shit out of me that people suggest disabling updates/upgrades on ANY system.

Enjoy becoming part of a literal botnet because you're retarded and use Firefox 2 on an extremely outdated version of Windows because you don't like the autstralis interface.

those are vacuum tubes


[spoiler]pls get bamboozled[/spoiler]

Does it update the hardware ?

>a massive number of systems had security issues because people left windows update turned off
Sure, and you anything at all gets patched how? It's a proprietary OS after all.

Yes. Kind of. It actually updates your CPU microcode.

Okay, shill, tell me why win10 shares a goddamn wi-fi password via facebook share? Why this option exists?

this shit is thread worthy
thank you mate

Unkempt beard -> Check.

progressively more fat -> Fuck, I still can't gain weight :(

If your interface sucks so much that people would rather risk security issues instead of using it, then they should have never allowed you to design it in the first place.

"Okay, I'll ask again tonight."

Would be the accurate version

only once did it offer a performance boost

os x mavericks introduced timer coalescing which helped a few of the older machines

yosemite was the last one to play nice with 4gb ram

el cap and everything afterward just ruined the performance of older computers

not really. it asked me once to update to siera, but i didn't. never asked me again. well, maybe inturned it off in settings, don't remember


Why doesn't macbook have a keyboard?

They ruined the performance even before Yosemite, I believe it was Mavericks - when they made aggressive caching to SSD, so computers without it were painfully slow to use. I remember I've had to clear all caches once in a while until I bought an SSD. I've had 4 gigs of RAM back than, probably used some hungry Java shit from Jetbrains.

pet parrots dont have 4 legs

didn't OS X not play nice with SSDs for a long time? especially ones that didn't have on-hardware TRIM support?

right to left: ac regenerator, headphone amp psu, headphone amp, dac.

Ac regenerator is a power amp that gets rid of thetans. Hooks to the dac where youre digital source goes in on a tiny cable, and your analog signal comes out the welding cables. Hook that to your patrician tube amp and memephones for that sound that is rich and creamy like hot pussy cheese.

What about wild parrots?

And hopefully zero fleas


Such a at birb

yes he is

It's like riding a unicycle. Sure, it's managable, but you'd be retarded to use it as the main mode of transport.

I don't know shit about audio but wouldn't it be better if the headphones themselves were running on digital signals?

That is a VERY fast birb you have there mate.

[10 Billcoins have been deposited into your asshole by Microsoft holdings inc.]

Audiophiles are mentally ill.

ugh, plus these pre-release benchmarks are never right and have always been BS yet people still take them as gospel...

I thought Apple devs were just a meme.

My college does Capstone, we're being contracted out to local nonprofits to learn the way of the trade. The people we're working with are all massive Apple fans, but don't know a lick of code, just ideas and design.

This! So this! I identify myself as a genderfluid otherkin! Anyone who has a problem with that can suck on my 6 inch clit!


But I have a pirated 8.1 and It never asks for update


Well, you failed to invalidate any of the points in his image. So I'm just gonna assume you're wrong and buttmad about it.




what's the problem here?


don't u worry ur pretty little head bout none of this, mkay baby?