/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Free giveaways edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for uhh...

The person trying to give out that invite got banned and couldn't send the invite. hoook shit.

What's with the shitty /ptg/ OP pics lately?!

what the point of these threads?

gotta keep beating those dead horses.

nth for OPPAITIME!

What motivates OP to keep making shitty threads?
He probably has 0 life+brain, glad I'm not OP.

spaghetti is an homo

>op's a nigger
>no news
every time


Please be Milwaukee

hi OP

Well you guys killed the thread ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

what a shit OP

fucking stupid chink

What am I torrenting today sirs?

ITT: t. pooloo staff and admin


tfw not uploading rare library to apooloo until i get into passthepajeet so i can get double upload credit


xth for fuck off kyle

Not sure if thread is dead or that I've filtered most of it. Probably both.

it's pretty dead desu

Why do people on KG not give a shit about good encoding? Shit's posted at the wrong framerate, only in 480p when there's a 1080 on ptp, etc.

Not everyone is willing to do interviews just to download movies and music. Not to mention constantly seeding if you manage to pass the interview or beg enough people to get invited.

Because it's a curry tracker.

Because lots of obscure kino is in shit quality and they got used to it.

sour grapes

>It is the most dead ptg thread ive seen in a while. Just wew.
Fixed, omg, sorry.

cos they think that 1080p is mainstream/too pleb.
the shittier the encode, the more obscure it looks, so they feel better about themselves watching it

Why would you spend energy on Aleppo when you might have a shot at joining PTH?


he's shilling user
he just wanted to be able to use the words rare library and apolloop in the same sentence, then say passthepajeet

kg is one the biggest meme trackers next to bibliocuck

Because I got in within minutes of joining their IRC, but I waited hours in PTH's irc. Either I wait until I have a day off to hopefully get through PTH's wait list, or I pump out some transcodes today and get in through an invite forum on another tracker. I'll probably do the latter tonight.

If I was shilling, I wouldn't say that APL has huge server issues that make it almost unusable unless you fuck around with your client a ton.

Guys, is B*N kill?

What are some good h-games? I just downloaded Starless and I can't finish it, or really even start it.

a brain


>falling for the 1080p meme

B*N is down, user?

Are you talking about btn as in the tv tracker? Because it's definitely up.

Yeah. Some people have issues.


discipline a record of a crusade

who the fuck wants to watch 1980s turkish cinema, for example?


Are you sure its not down? Can you ask people around?

I'm literally on it right now and the site is definitely not down

What the fuck is going on...


/ d i s a b l e d /

It is just the site. Ive seen other people asking about this (probably eurocucks).

eurocuck here and I can access BTN just fine

south amerinigger here and BTN is fine as well

Well ive no clue then.

>tfw a yuropoor and a nigger from spick america are in btn and you're not

Is nostream down again?

What happened this time


>are in btn
and sementaco

I found what caused the problem. HTTPS doesnt work. Can someone try to connect with HTTPS please.

bet your internet is also capped, gringo

werks on mymachine

btn is not down you nonces

oppaitime is making fun of us again..

they updated the certificate a few days ago so maybe that's the reason why you're having issues

anyway you should go to irc and ask for help there

My head is full of fuck currently. https B*N doesnt work on clean firecuck with no addons. Regular address works just fine. What can this be?

>biting the hand that feeds them
just shut the fuck up if you can't even bother telling us the error messages in five fucking posts
"it doesn't work" WELL WE CAN'T HELP YOU THEN

It just times out, user. Cant reach the site via HTTPS.

Why is IPTorrents literally the best private tracker for film right now?
>chill as FUCK community
>upload rules aren't completely insane
>every moderately popular film has several freeleech versions with good filesize >10gb.
>Easy system of progression
>Donations are reasonable to keep your ratio up (if it isn't easy enough as it is)

IPT masterrace.

Donations to keep ratio aren't resonable

i like it and use it because i'm too lazy to try to tryhard my way into ptp or something

Please help me, user, you seem smart. Worked tomorrow. No updates in software/settings since then. Doesnt work today. HTTPS wont load and times out. Regular address loads fine. Tried on a fresh browser. Can it be some issue on their end?

could be, they've had a lot of SSL errors recently, and as someone else said they just updated their site cert yesterday (though if that was a misconfiguration issue you'd be getting errors about it)
what OS are you on? you could be well served to update gnutls or whathaveyou if you're on a *nix system

this triggers the moral cucks

Im on Win 7.

Keep trying different browsers (IE/Edge/Chrom(e|ium)/Vivaldi/Firefox/Opera)
At some point you need to update your OS; Win7 is 7 years old

Why can't I seed properly on alpha ratio?
I use transmission on whatbox

You been cucked

use rtorrent, dick

sounds like u got cucked bro try making a new account

>being English and calling yourself a Eurocuck

Send me an invite nigger

Doesnt work with Chrome too. Guess ill just wait and hope its on their side.

Dude PTP sucks dick and is full of elitist pricks. The problem with PTP is that the same 100 people seed everything all the time, so new community members never get a chance to seed at all, so you're starving for ratio constantly.

They are if you don't want to seed. You don't have to donate, it's so easy to keep your ratio.

I didn't read the thread, are moralfags arguing with people about piracy in a piracy general again?

yeah that's what i figured. i have a seedbox but i cbf to set up autodl-irssi or whatever and download and seed shit that i dont even wanna watch

can someone transcribe this. i'm in class so i can't listen to it

A seedbox is a bare minimum for PTP. I was on it for over a year, too. Your best bet to maintain ratio on PTP if you want to stay alive is:
>Wait for the newest episode of that hot TV show you couldn't give a flying fuck about comes out
>Download it THAT NIGHT
>Seed the everloving fuck out of it for several weeks
>rinse and repeat until you have the measly table scraps to download one movie that you like
>seed that movie for a year and still have a .205 ratio on it because XxXx_Elitist_Jackoff_1999_XxXx has a monopoly on it.

Oh and by the way
>PTP only allows a select few uploads of each movie to maintain some pristine """archive""", so the thousands of active users are all fighting for ratio over the same torrents

Having TehC+UHD suddenly doesn't seem so bad.

Am I high or are people in here unironically claiming it's hard to build ratio on PTP?

both. drug are bad

What do you mean by cucked

>Worked tomorrow

Get out Graham

its hard af if you dont want to waste time and space waiting for GPs to come out

what's up with all these leechers lately on pth?


Someone's going through the site and snatching all the log files for some reason. It's probably a staffer doublechecking the logchecker or something like that