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I just can't get it done folks, I can't get my jQuery to load into my HTML code. I've tried everything and I am at my wit's end.

>I'm the user from last night (we both had interviews) let us know how it goes for you dude.

It went GOOD. Their CTO was out sick, so I talked to him over the phone. He asked me what a class was, then asked "If I gave you a normal sentence, how would you print it out backwards?"

I said without a second of thought "I'd explode by the space, put it into an array and print out the reversed array"

He said "Alright, I think that's all I need, I got enough info"

The CEO said the interview went really well and that he would discuss wages with the CTO once I left and call me in a few hours.

I'm worried the CTO didn't like my answer for class though. I couldn't think of what to say and said "It's like a block of code that you reference elsewhere."

He said "Like a function?" I said "It has functions, or methods"

I probably sounded retarded on that question, but I said I mainly use objects only in javascript because I use procedural for PHP since I mainly use it for APIs.

I'm nervous. It all rests with the CTO now.

Try putting your jquery and other js script above the closing tag, your scripts are probably being run before DOM gets rendered so you're getting undefined all over the place...

That was actually it, holy shit user I have been at it for more than an hour. Cheers lad, I owe you a beer.


That problem fucks everyone up the first time they use jquery.

I never write script in the head anymore because of the paranoia.

>mfw I completed my first rite of passa

For people interested in Angular 2 and Ruby on Rails

> medium.com/@avatsaev/angular-2-and-ruby-on-rails-user-authentication-fde230ddaed8#.bbeq7fn3e

I got the job!!! I got the job!

Next time make a webm for fuck's sake.

Dang I didn't get ANY technical questions. The three interviewers weren't technical at all. had a woman from HR there, a guy from IT (I don't know why he was there honestly), and a guy that was shadowing the HR woman?

We talked about standard interview stuff and I think really nailed it.

They either already found the guy they want or I think I got a good shot.

I hope we both get it man. I'm pulling for you.

I'm building my first MEAN application. Any good recs on a middleware module to get json objects from the mongo database into my app?

model the data with mongoose and make an API with express. at least that's how I did it when last I touched that stack.

congrats !

I agree with

Congrats user We knew you could do it!

spent a good share of my free time in the last week writing a homepage / startpage as a chrome extension mostly in javascript / reactjs and bootstrap because fuck writing my own css

I... don't really like javascript

99% of webdev when you start off is hating what you do.

Is there any good online cloud based IDEs? I plan on starting to learn some front end shit and I only really use a chromebook for my every day needs.

Also, anybody ever tried team treehouse? I love the aspect of them using videos to teach, as I have a short attention span and like learning through videos. inb4 just use youtube

i liked cloud9 from my experience.

It's free tier seems good for most 1 person projects.

cloud9 is pretty nice

Help. I'm doing a freelance gig for $1600 and the project's killing me. It' all handcoded and the guy wants to add new shit all the fucking time, throwing days, sometimes weeks of hard work out the door. He doesn't understand that adding something theoretically simple piles up more fucking work that causes other shit to be barely functional. Since it's my first one and I needed a job, I really can't budge on payment and if I drop him, I look incredibly bad and my abysmally low chances of getting employed to a real job go down to nothing. I've been looking for the last week or so, but I'm assuming that it's going to be like last time.

How do you manage freelance gigs, because this project's going to be a smoldering wreck once it crosses the finish line.

You should've made a document/contract with all the things you will implement, make him sign it and then when he asks for extra stuff you charge him (if you judge necessary) extra because that was not on the contract. This is how things work in the firm I work at. Is there any way you can adopt something like this with this client somehow? You could try to wrap everything in a big document, ask him if it's okay and anything added after that will be charged extra.

A contract is one of the most important things you should get. You might think that since you're doing amateur work you don't need one, but that's when you most need one.

I'm not even a dev, but I've read that freelancers set up a system to where you only allow the client to request up to so many changes, like five or so.

congratulations! what degree do you have? or did they get you only on the merit of experience?

I have no degree.

I got very lucky. The CEO said "My best programmers never have a CS degree" and he's been in the business for 30 years.

The coding test was a joke too. 2 questions any one of you could answer.

1 year of searching? Done.

Thanks guys

Also I had no work experience. I came in from retail.

So no degree and no work experience.

I think derailed interviews are a good sign. It means they like you.

I was probably a shoe-in. They barely tested me at all. Knowing how to reverse an array is hardly web development. My interview was not as professional as yours. It was the CEO and his daughter in the room. I did the thing listeners do where they ask a question that will get the other person talking for about 30 minutes straight so I could just nod and smile.

Good luck! Let us know when you hear back, but it sounds like you had a good interview.

What were the questions user? And congratulations too!

what are those 2 questions senpai ?

>What is a class?
>If I give you a sentence like "Bob goes to the store", how would you take it and print out the sentence in reverse?

He also asked what my favorite languages were.

and thanks, man.

>What is a class?
a block of students ?

>If I give you a sentence like "Bob goes to the store", how would you take it and print out the sentence in reverse?
how in reverse ? reverse as in 1 2 3 4 then becomes 4 3 2 1 ? or per character like 12 23 34 becomes 43 32 21 ?

That's all he asked you? What kind of job did you apply for. Any guy off the street can answer those questions. No offense.

>a block of students
>web dev question


Well he said they were easy and anyone could answer them.

I honestly couldn't answer the favorite language to be honest. I don't have enough experience with any of them to have a favorite. I'd say php though to sound like a good boy.

It's a web developer job. I add client requests to the already developed framework.

:^) If serious I can answer.

I was the same way. I said I loved javascript but I can't love javascript without PHP as the backend so I love them both.

you traitor. how could you love both when you only have 1 heart to fill ?

What are your thoughts on CoffeeScript, /wdg/?

dang coffescript is so 2015 user. just learn es6 + babel transpiler webpack

Fuck that client and his "build-as-you-go-along" mentality. Idiot is just too stupid to understand that he needs to plan the things he "EXACTLY" wanted before you do the rest. Fuck 'em

It's even worse when you do web design. I prefer webdev, but I do some designing on the side and sometimes clients drive me nuts. Yesterday they called to ask for the logo to be "a bit more to the left". 3 days ago they wanted it "a bit more to the right" (so now it's back to where it originally was). Site owners should AT LEAST know HTML, and then add some simple custom CSS.

I've had my fair share of "drill-bit clients" too.

>They:Make the button a little bit smaller
>Me: Here ya go
>They:Pls make it a little bit more smaller
>Me: Here ya go...
>They: Just make it "EVEN MOAR LITTLE BIT!"

See? All that bullshit misleading bullshit...
>even more
>even more little

Castrate em! If I could only charge them everytime they make a goddamn stupid revision I'm probably richer than Zuck the Cuck....

But I'm an employee under contract... shit!
Time for greener pastures!

Back when /wdg/ started we tried to figure out some cool project we could work on for giggles, I had to go away for a few months but did the idea end up sitting next to lo/g/os?


i just started and im just making shitpost sites for the keks

lo/g/os ? I think that's the project for Sup Forumseneral or /dpt/, idk.

They fixed it, added a bit of Haskell and called it LiveScript.

Haven't you heard? Open relationships are all the rage.

No. Literally no one wanted the same backend.


why are cunts all over the internet recommend "learnyounode" for learning node.js? it is the most useless retarded shit i have ever seen. even the name is retarded, as it should be 'teachyounode'. are all node users this autistic?

>still using for loops for iterating thru arrays
.map() is still THE fastest method to iterate thru arrays in JavaScript
no thanks, shit transpiler

>.map() is still THE fastest method to iterate thru arrays in JavaScript
Depends on what you want to do. For example, you can't break out of a map function early.

>.map() is still THE fastest
That's surprising, but then again, every method's performance is of the same order of magnitude.


Everyone always memes about how the constant churning of new frameworks in cancerous, but as a complete novice I wonder..

How long should it take someone with a 120ish i.q. to learn a new framework, assuming that they are already familiar with full stack web dev?

Just tested it. The for loop is faster in IE, Edge and iOS Safari/Chrome. In fact it's 10x faster on iOS.



>my whole life has been a lie

Obviously, but I said 'iterating thru arrays' specifically for that reason

Yeah, I get roughly the same proportions in FF.

how many times did you run it?

If you aren't using lodash in your json intensive apps, you're doing it wrong

Lads, can anyone please help me.
How is this kind of gallery called?
I know the grid is masonry, but the function where after clicking on the post, it shows up on top, rather than on a lightbox.

Example: strautniekas.com/

I ran it in IE and Edge three times and in Safari and iOS Chrome twice. The benchmark itself averages the result over many iterations, though.


Sup Forums?

I prefer to use ramdajs.com/ or preludels.com/.

Don't think there's a name for it but it's basically just a div at the top with changing content based on what's clicked, not that hard to implement man.

Learning to the point of "Hey! I could be employed with this...", about a month or two. Learning the absolute basics will take much less time.

website im working on is a fled theme. i can probably so that in like 2-3 but am looking for a plugin or smth that will takw me 10mins

Honestly I'd stay away from anything that has material in its name because of prior experience.

On an off note, I dont get the whole vue fad. As an Angular dev I see this as the same old shit just like everything else. Also, the difficult non typescript configuration. What is this even

More memes.
I wish I could just write haskell instead of meme libraries

Thanks, was wondering how professionals deal with this constantly increasing learning curve.

How long would it take to learn enough development skills to start charging for freelance web pages/apps?

How long would it take to get employed at an agency?

I would like to create a career as a web dev, with the goal of being a competent full-stack developer. Long term goal I would like to be involved mostly with the design/UI/UX aspects and have my own business. I'll be finishing a degree in design over the next few years.

1) Around 3 finished projects, could be two. I mean finished and when I say projects I don't mean code exercises but stuff someone actually paid for.

2) What kind of a fucking difference should there be. Do you think freelance shit is somehow more lax?

You can, or will soon be able to, write PureScript, which is pretty much Haskell.

Can't you just make the script run when everything has loaded? Can't remember the syntax off the top of my head.

Ease of use. I've been pulling my hear with react, but vue just fucking works.

probably the same thing I'm guessing. The basic principle being that you can avoid writing loops

Hey guys, I'm having trouble creating a method for getting an object from an Observable array in Angular 2 by ID.

I can do it directly from the list:

ngOnInit(): void {
this.routeSubscription = this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe(
(param: any) => {
this.gymServiceSubscription = this.gymService.getGyms().subscribe(
(gyms: Gym[]) => {
let id = parseInt(param['id']);
this.gym = gyms.find((gym: Gym) => gym.id === id);

But how can I implement a getGym(id) method in the service and include it in the above code? My service looks like this:

export class GymService extends BaseService {

private gyms = new ReplaySubject(1);

constructor(protected http: Http, protected httpConstants: HttpConstants) {
super(http, httpConstants);

getAllGymsFromBackEnd() {
(data: Response) => {
let tmp: Gym[] = [];

for (let gymObject of data['gyms']) {


getGyms(): Observable {
return this.gyms.asObservable();

getGym(id: number) {
return this.getGyms().subscribe(
gyms => {
return gyms.find(gym => gym.id === id);

the getGym method is just some random code I tinkered with.

Any help would be appreciated.

holy shit people actually use react. I'm fucking done.

Now you just have to get things smart.

What's the matter, too hard for you, JQuery cuccboi?

Nevermind, fixed it:

getGym(id: number): Observable {
return this.getGyms().map(
gyms => gyms.find(gym => gym.id === id)

You couldn't pay me to write in that Garbo framework


m8, pretty much everything related to JS is just one huge steaming pile of shit.

Even JQ has its fuckups.

>>average react programmer

How popular is RoR these days?
Would it be a bad idea to learn it as a back end language/framework or should I learn node instead?

Right now I've got the basics down (html, css and javascript at a basic oop level).

just remember: if you're not using {{JavaScript Flavor of the Month}} - you might as well kill your self.

>Back to your hugbox.

We want you to keep your gay hands off our sons asses, Milo

>Back to your hugbox.

We want you to keep your gay hands off our sons asses, Milo

>Back to your hugbox.

We want you to keep your gay hands off our sons asses, Milo

>Back to your hugbox.

We want you to keep your gay hands off our sons asses, Milo

>Back to your hugbox.

We want you to keep your gay hands off our sons asses, Milo

Just a reminder if you hate to learn new things you're a shit developer.

I have read articles on this subject containing conclusions that disagree with your own findings but I dont thnk anybody in the professional world took Fireshit into consideration so touche, sir.

depends on the job offerings in your area, but learning more js is never a bad idea

Hey guys, posting this HTML code I put in dpt by mistake. Any and all criticisms are welcome.


this is something that ill never understand about these threads. why would anyone follow a link from Sup Forums?

It's a pastebin. What, are you afraid that it's going to be an offensive ASCII art image?


I don't see anything obviously wrong with it.

I'd separate the CSS into its own file if i was deploying it. (same with the javascript if there was any).

Maybe look up what the "real/correct" way to use the
is, I've seen it as
, etc.

#myName {
text-align: center;
font-size: 2.5em; /* 2.5em = 40px */
color: #FF00FF;
#myNumber {
text-align: center;
font-size: 40px; /* 40px = 2.5em */
color: #FF00FF;

Do you know what classes are? You could make a class called secondaryFontColor and then assign that class to the elements you assigned IDs: MyName and MyNumber

The key idea behind this is:
1) you arent supposed to re use IDs but you can re use classes
2) you can change the color from magenta to something else in one place and then its changed in many places. If you wanted to change from Magenta to Cyan now you would have to update both of those IDs

br is an empty element

empty elements do not have an end tag

Close your blocks in that CSS and never link to w3schools, it's a garbage site. Use MDN instead.

HTML5 way is just

