Greeeetings my fellow technobabble bretheren!
I come to you on this most wonderful evening with a simple query....
What is the best Plumbus money can buy?
Greeeetings my fellow technobabble bretheren!
I come to you on this most wonderful evening with a simple query....
What is the best Plumbus money can buy?
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Shove this thread up your ass newfag, it's from two thousand and late.
Is this from that redddit cartoon?
Eat shit you faggot. Get the fuck off of my board with your stupid reddit-teir cartoon bullshit.
Fucking kill yourself.
>I hate fun
this board loves cartoons tho
This is a public website, if you don't like it, leave
Cartoons are great
>Shitty reddit tier trip
>Using a trip
>Bringing that reddit tier cartoon here
Rick and Morty is less cringy than anime shit tbqh.
>posting an anime pic
>complaining about cartoons
Did I ever mention that I didn't like it because it was a cartoon?
No one likes it because its just full of edgy shit and religion bashing to appeal to middle schoolers
You just hate it because it's popular
I mean you specifically mentioned that it was a cartoon in your complaint, that does casually imply that you don't like it because it's a cartoon.
I like Rick and Morty.
As a Rick and Morty fan, fuck you for making the rest of us look bad OP.
I've tracked down your Reddit account and am using it to send CP to to the admins.
Sup Forums is an anime imageboard. fuck off reddit
>that must mean that nothing but anime can be posted
Nice one, dumbass!
>When somebody doesn't like something I like they are invariably contrarian
That's it buddy. You just made the list!
>implying anyone gives a shit who you block
stop crying for attention
Newfag. That's a tripcode bruit forcing program.
Not even worth wasting your time. He probably made that trip an hour ago right when he came over from leddit
fucking cancer. rick and morty is reddit so you are, go the fuck back there.
>Stop liking things I don't like!
>muh reddit boogeyman
Sorry to tell you kiddo, but the majority of Sup Forums enjoy using Reddit also
>anime OPs
>brand wars
>offtopic blogging
So g really is the new v
Thieves think that everyone steals.
Fuck off back to where you came from.