
>5000 dollar build
>budget build
Sup Forums is there even a reliable youtube, who isn't filthy rich or a total shill?

There are few good ones but I would never let a casual Sup Forums normie touch my pure reviewerfus and infest them with the gaymer cancer.

Most tech reviewers are fucking pathetic
They have to be positive or they wont get shit early/for free

I doubt it. Anyone on youtube now days is on it to make money.

>Sup Forums normie

Why the fuck are you watching tech youtubers?

Do you own research

>who isn't filthy rich or a total shill?
there are many who are poor.
but all of them are shills.

it's literally their profession.

Because someties user you want people to do basic tasks for you.

I am still dreaming of the day where some richfag comes in, and buys all the products which has already been reviewed, but is 100 % honest about what he reviews, without holding anything back.

>Why the fuck are you watching tech youtubers?

because we need a break from fapping. It's not very healthy to masturbate 16 hours per day.

>implying at least half of/g/ doesn't fap to Linus from Linus Tech Tips.

linus is cringe core. I tried watching a three part series on building an oil cooled toaster, and every other comment out of that gay little twink mouth of his was some forced double entendre. Fucking degenerate.
Is there a Sup Forums version of AvE? That would be quality jewtubes.

Average video of him is like:

>Way too loud intro because eh fuck it
>Total we are building this intel 666 core 69 GHz machine THANKS INTEL!
>We are using 2048 GB of DDR4 dominator platinum THANKS CORSAIR!
>We got our 400 GTX TitanXs thanks to NVIDIA for sponsoring us
>This company build this custom case for free really cool guys check them out it will only cost you like a few thousand!

Fuck that shit

I had fun watching him build his pfsense router.
if you exclude the fact that many parts were most likely sponsored (or in his inventory already), he lost upwards of 10k in that endeavour.

Level 1 Tech has ultra budget builds you can do with used parts.

When he built his custom watercooling loop I was suddenly aware how retarded he was. Every time he does something that requires knowledge he couldn't ask his forum he does something stupid. He looks like a 1990s rentboy as well.

best Youtube PC build I saw was some weird kid who wanted a cool and silent PC who scratch built a case, including making a custom powersupply so it could share cooling with the CPU. It was sick. Forget his name.

He's right you k-know...

t. casual Sup Forums normie

How is this pathetic? Why should you need a reason to just be positive you sad fuck

This is what happens when your wife takes you to the doctor's and has you turned into a eunuch.

There is a difference between being positive and forcefully being positive

I hate the focus on tech from a high end standpoint on youtube.
As if the only options were current gen core i5/7's and if you buy anything other than a 1060/70/80 is trash

I like RandomGamingHD's stuff, a lot of talk on older hardware, actual budget systems, computer history, etc
The guys main pc is an i5 4460 and a 3gb 1060

Got me there. How do you think he is in person? I've always wondered

I feel like he's Jobs-y

OCD3D TV is pretty good if you enjoy watching a yellow-mouthed britbong wax on about something for 30 minutes.

most youtube channels and websites focus mainly on high end - enthusiasts users

obviously, this is unrealistic because 95% of pc users are casuals and don't have or want $1000 to spend on a pc

when casuals come across these sites and videos they get a false reality that "oh i need so much money to build a pc" when in reality you don't actually need to have a lot of money to build a pc for a great gaming experience, yes i'm talking about gaming because i'm pretty sure majority of users that watch linus are pc gamers and people who aren't total fucking retards already know about hardware and know how to be wise consumers

and he will come across something he really likes and will become a shill

Linus is Canadian, there is no casual low-end PC market oop north because the CAD is too shit for budget builds to be any good, nevermind all the added tax and shipping.


nerd on a budget



He literally had his balls removed for cuckery

>doesnt really even smoke weed
>now wants to make gmod videos

what the fuck do we do now anons?

>a lot

How about you stop being so poor. Good lord, you poorfags make my stomach churn in the worst of ways.


dude he's just moving.
Installing SSDs into things while driving is dangerous

>search for reviews
>see linukscucktips
>tfw can't afford any of that shit
>decide to make a youtube channel and make it a policy NOT to review or EVEN USE products that cost above 200 dollars
>tfw I speak four languages
>tfw I script my videos in all of them
>tfw no one gives a shit

You brought this on yourself. Enjoy your shills with their overpriced garbage they won't ever review truthfully because >sponsors

Normies think pc gaming is a 1000$+ affair to get AAA games at the best possible experience

When an Lga 1150 quadcore and an 750ti will give you decent 1080p performance for like 300$
And that you need gaming accessories like corsair mechanical rgb fullsize keyboards with macros and shit
And all you really need to get a comfortable input is a 20$ logitech keyboard and mouse combo

And this isnt just "all you need is the bare essentials", as long as the peripherals you choose are comfortable for you to use, thats what you should use

Not that guy, but if you want to do DIY stuff like fishing cables through walls or anything similar, it's way better to watch videos of somebody doing it

step one

t. poor

t. cuck

You are literally watching a guy using the stuff you want. That is the definition of a cuck.

holy projection batman lol

Lachlan tried to oppose this shilling business by crowdfunding (even though he is quite rich) until he just gave up because reviewing headphones is fucking boring if you've lost the passion for it.


The guy just rambles about tech he does not even own. It is like having an idiot read a forum thread out loud to you.

It's the former channel logo right?
Which never makes much sense. He has countless times stated his hate for Apple, but here the faggot comes in and does Steve Jobs's famous pose.

Take any desktop made by Dell or Lenovo, and Swap the GPU with a 1050ti, and you are fucking set for any game you could throw at it.

Didn't he buy a old Pentium Extreme to play Rocket League?
He has some originality to his videoes, which isn't just based upon the newest tech in the market.

The two videos I saw were about a wireless gfx card he had only read about online and a high end agp card his friend owned. They did some random benchmarks without context and drew no conclusions.