>tfw want to go to college
>don't have the latest macbook
What am I supposed to do?
>tfw want to go to college
>don't have the latest macbook
What am I supposed to do?
Other urls found in this thread:
>redpilled guy in the yellow on the left using paper and pen
grow up
They get them for free you idiot. Can't you see they're literally all the same model and size?
This is a pretty fucking stupid argument to be honest. Do you have any proof that they got them for free other than your guess? Also after looking at it for a few seconds I found 3 different models, two bigger and one smaller. Also how do you even explain the colors being different in some computers?
>Hey Apple? Sell us 10,000 Macs in bulk to give them to the students k?
>Oh but don't forget to throw in a pink one and a few purple ones k?
>same model
>same size
you mean 90% of their lineup?
and no one gets free apple products. their fucking student discount is a shitty 10%
>Also how do you even explain the colors being different in some computers?
those are skins you retard
notice how only basic bitches have different color laptops.
>Oh but don't forget to throw in one pink "skins" (whatever that means) and two purple ones k?
Now everything makes sense.
>being this fucking triggered
back to led dit, neckbeard
UCSD doesn't have this problem. What school do you go to?
There is one in the crowd uses HP and good ol' pen and paper.
>what is a clip on plastic cover
>i dunno lol
If they pay hundreds of thousands per student on tuition plus room and board the university can afford to give them macbook pros. Also the model differences ARE noticeable faggot.
you retain more using a pencil and paper and a bit of your own shorthand
accept the fact you will never get laid
Just kidding it will be fine
>tfw using an 8 year old asus with ubuntu 14.04
One of the screen hinges is fucked and I have to use a usb wifi adapter because the internal one is slagged
Still faster than my Windows 7 machine.
>not out-hipstering all liberal art fags with a 2002 Powerbook
step up nigga
Hello fellow triton, /warren/ reporting here
Colleges sell em with a student discount.
>not using modern technology to help you organize, take and archive your notes
I prefer having a search function rather than looking through 40 papers just to find what I'm looking for.
>not using a notebook and pencil in college to constantly practice visualizing algorithms by drawing diagrams
>not using a notebook and pencil in college to constantly practice your ability to write code that compiles and succeeds even in edge cases without the crutch of an ide
>not using a notebook and pencil in college to constantly practice exactly the whiteboard programming skills you'll need to demonstrate in an interview for a top tier software engineering position
It's like you don't even want a six figure job in Silicon Valley.
dbrand: it's not a product, it's a culture.
Get an hp envy.
I use my ThinkPad in class. Always gets some looks.
Hi, Apple Certified Mac Technician here to tell you that you're wrong. The majority of college kids buy 13" MacBook Airs or MacBook Pros, as they're the perfect size for use in class. Both models look identical if you can only see the back of the display. The 11" Air is too small, and the 15" Pro jumps the price too much for parents footing the bill to justify. This is of course referering to the older lineup from when this photo was taken, and not the newest MacBook revisions.
That garbage is built to sell. Not built to last.
>If they pay hundreds of thousands per student on tuition plus room and board the university can afford to give them macbook pros.
No uni ever does this. They might raffle off shit but they don't give students shit for free just for being students. If you want a scholarship, write an essay and do something to earn it. Unis just try to suck every dollar they can out of students.
Mine's running fine after 6 years of use. Even used it for 3d rendering and animation shit for a while.
>tfw CDE theme
my thinkpad looks ancient, probably
i got asked once "hay is that windows 95??"
Maybe I should I make the Windows install look ancient too for laughs.
>be american
>aimlessly jump straight from high school to university
>"oh, i'll just figure it out later :)))"
>pay $25,000 a year in tutition
>mandatory dorms
>no cooking allowed in dorms
>mandatory meal plans
>mandatory macbook pro
>can't buy used books because you need the ACTIVATION CODE to do your homework
>come out 6 years later with a shit degreeand a lifetime of uncancellable student debt
People will defend this.
Get a PowerBook G4 and enjoy the confusion when people see how thick it is
Bring a thinkpad with you
[/spoiler]And hang yourself afterwards because you're in a hipster environment for at least 4 years[spoiler]
university is a mistake
Here's my experience.
>Finish HS
>Take a couple years off
>have no money and decide to go to university
>local state uni, so cheap (about 5000 a year)
>books are reasonable
>don't have to live on campus
>will end up with around 10k in debt thanks to Pell Grants and scholarships
Get Surface
Do thinkpad users get bullied?
>go to any university in the country for free
>if there's competition the students with the better highschool grades get in
>get about $300/mo from the government to cover book, bus card and whatever
>live with parents for free
>graduate debt free
nah, turns out free education is a decent investment for a country
i prefered this
I use a samsung tablet with an s pen. It works the same, dog.
>not using a laptop with a stylus
>not typing what you can and flipping into tablet mode when you need to draw diagrams
wrong. you are no technician, you are a "genius"
When I was in college, I saw a fair amount of Windows laptops. Even a few surfaces. I think is right, this was probably taken at a college where a Macbook is included with your tuition.
Geniuses are the in person customer support people you see at Apple stores. There are also third party repair shops that Apple certifies to repair Macs.
used thinkpad
>learn just fine all my life with notebooks
>suddenly im supposed to use a computer during lectures
~ but why ~
i read that tutors often want you to buy their books for homework, which makes up like 30% of your grade.
is this true? how can this be allowed?
>he still takes notes in 2017
I hate how most colleges have an Apple store on campus. Both colleges I've been to had an Apple section right in the book store, and nowhere on campus sold PCs.
If I were in charge of a school, I'd encourage teachers to use Google services and students to use Chromebooks so that they don't go into debt buying Macbooks.
That pic from MizzoU or University of Missouri is pretty well known and old.
Depends what education it is. STEM and Trades are good investments with high average return, but Liberal arts and other shit are a waste. We are talking about return in taxes and GDP for the government here
Stuff changes so fast. Graduated 9? years ago and noone had laptops at school. Granted they were still trash then.
buy an Acer
90% of everyone in that pic is checking facebook.
>still using laptops
>not having a tablet for on-the-go activities like note taking, checking emails, watching anime
>not having a desktop back home for heavy duty coding, gayming, and video editing
>actively promoting a botnet
Convenience aside, why embrace the botnet so fully?
(Redirect them to /tpg/ and teach them Linux instead)
Just trading one botnet for another.
why do americans have such shit haircuts
Why not just use a phone?
In my country only business people have laptops. I don't see students with Macbooks, at best I see them with iPhones.
>bring thinkpad with i3 WM
>get qt college gf instantly
No mainstream consumer OS will ever not be a botnet. As soon as it picks up traction in the market place, the government will dedicate a lot of resources to compromising it.
>Convenience aside
Convenience does matter.
we get free apple products, we get to borrow macbook air 2014's for 3 years
>tablet for note taking
but it doesn't have a keyboard. note taking with a touchscreen keyboard or fingerpainting is painfully slow.
If I just wanted to write shit manually like with a pen, I'd just bring some fucking paper.
>checking emails
Phone does it just as well, unless you have to respond, in which case, both are just about equally shit anyway.
>watching anime
Am I meant to prop it up against a thing or hold it the whole time? Seems awkward.
wait what? Do they really pull that shit off in major Uni's?
I go to my local state college and they dont pull that crap with tutors, just get the book for the class (that they actually use for the class) and do the work.
Im a Civil Engineering/Surveying Major and if you don't have the books, you are super duper fucked, because you have to learn multiple Drawing/CADD software on top of the maths required (Statics and Strengths, Geodetics, ASTM Metals, etc)
I always laugh at the UCF kiddies who blindly jump in with their friends without multiple scholarships or insight into what the degree actually has in store or being worth the paywall.
heres what you do
First get some Balsa wood (it is easy to work with
and light to carry) Now you make two boxes From it that will be the top and bottom parts of the laptop. Measure the latest apple fad gadget you want to emulate and then go to work with making your own. Make it 4 times bigger than theirs. Put a giant apple logo on it
Take up 5 seats with it. On the part that is supposed to be a screen put a photo of a woman with huge tits on it. Spray the other surfaces silver.
> tfw French university is free
> tfw litterally no debt
>be french
>get hit by a truck
>free university
>can't spell literally
Didn't see that coming.
Butthurt detected
>be american
>get shot
Nah, I'm just making fun of your poor spelling.
Fuckin NEET
>What am I supposed to do?
end yourself
Wow you must be this "intelligent" type of person that I always heard of.
I'm a german computer science student and 70% of my fellow students, including me, use a Thinkpad with a GNU/Linux distribution on it
you should stay in your containment general
I'm not even a freetard
That's just how the majority refers to Linux at my university
Those 3.8% market share have to come from somewhere.
Time to start selling ass, ho
I agree wit you that GNU/Linux is inferior to Windows and OSX when it comes to home desktop pc for entertainment and multimedia
I have a Windows 10 desktop PC at home as well
But in terms of programming and actual work with computers, GNU/Linux is very efficient
i wish i was german
>>mandatory dorms
>>no cooking allowed in dorms
What kind of place are these american colleges trying to be? They sound more like a fucking boarding school than a university
Ohio state University student here. Can confirm most.
>people are not given direction from counselors in their field
>It's ok user, just take whatever you like :)))
>First two college credit years you need to be in a dorm (I avoided by going to a satellite campus)
>No shop on campus takes cash, just card or BUCK ID DEBIT LOAD IT UP WE TAKE A CHUNK OUT OF IT FOR 'SERVICE' card
>they do whatever the fuck they can for you to buy their overpriced 'custom' loose leaf textbooks. Mostly for online activation because you get an e-text but can't buy the code separate most of the time
Fuck this liberal hellhole. Thankfully I'm playing the 'I'mma jew stop oppressing me' card and shit actually works. Thank you convenient name and government handouts.
>gaming raputop
>Taking notes at all
you nailed it user.American uni culture is fucking cancerous
Can someone please throw a grenade into the auditorium. Absolutely disgusting
in germany:
>But in terms of programming and actual work with computers, GNU/Linux is very efficient
pfffffffffthspppthr hahahahaha
try a PC-BSD distribution sunny
>go to university
>dont pay any money
I study for free and I even get paid if I have good grades by my comfy socialist state. And yet pol cucks will still defend capitalism.
Call me a grandpa Slav (graduated CS in early 00's in Eastern Europe) but if a lecture is easy to take notes from using a laptop, it's probably a shitty lecture. An proper _university_ lecture (as opposed to a vocational school class), especially in CS, is supposed to have a fuckton of math, formal proofs (inb4 I'm a TeX guru!), diagrams, graphs and other stuff that's impossible to note down quickly with a keyboard. If the subject requires some interaction with a computer, that's what you have labs and your fucking home for. Also: the noise of a hundred faggots typing simultaneously must be unbearable.
german lawfag with thinkpad here
My backup laptop is a 2003 powerbook.
>Be American
>Go straight from HS to a non shit university
>Study engineering
>Cook in dorms
>Can live off campus
>Get degree
>Make lodsofemone
Everyone I saw with a computer at my lectures was either not listening to the prof and dicking around on the internet, or semi-listening to the prof and working on something else.
Pencil and paper and paying attention just werks
that one based dude with a pencil and paper
enjoy not being a faggot i guess