Are we going to become robots? Essentially making us live longer or forever? I mean its weird to think about all the new theories that have arisen like ai is going to take over or that we live in a simulation but are we going to become robots??
Are we going to become robots? Essentially making us live longer or forever...
We are going to be part robots yes.
is it possible for 100%
We have only two paths.
One is going into transhumanism
The other is the end of the world (think global economic/politic explosion, civil wars all over europe etc...)
We have until maybe 2030 ±5y
But yes it's 100% possible, just not 100% achievable.
I just want GiTS to be real guys.
2030 is horribly optimistic
we might have widespread autonomous cars by ~2025
we might have "good enough" general AI by that time as well
I highly doubt we'll breach the augmentation moral quandary 5 years after taxis are made obsolete
Time is running out, a year is a week.
We'll be there for 2030-40, we don't have a choice, it's either that either we actually have to into global war
No he means we have about 13 years to get our shit together or that's it for humanity
Laffed hard.
Yes thank you
what does it all mean??
>We have only two paths
>One is putting a GPS tracking chip and credit card into your skull
>the other is everything dying
this really makes me think
i wish the rest of humanity was as intelligent as you.....
I'd say becoming robot will help further science and explorations a lot.
Space travel that takes longer than an average human life span will be nothing for a robot.
>mfw I break a leg
>mfw I take off my legs. Extend my little wheels and roll over to the spare parts cabinet and fit a new leg.
>mfw I must polish my nob until it's really shiny and apply lube before robo coitus.
judging by the historically low birthrates and demographic shifts you're more likely to become a muslim than a robot.
time for dark ages v2.
I'd rather die than be part of the botnet
you fucking kidding me?
widespread autonomous cars by then?
nobody can afford new cars, they keep going up in price, hell most millenial neets don't drive at all.
i heard on the radio the other day about how they're building 'smart' roads. they can't even fucking fix the roads we already have. road construction projects take years for some minor shit like adding a lane to a highway. most bridges in the country are in shit shape and need to be rebuilt.
trust me, in 2025 98+% of cars on the road will still be human driven.
autonomous cars are a retarded as fuck idea anyway, who actually really wants this shit? trusting a computer so you can sleep or fuck off and end up dead when it inevitably fucks up?
fuck this gay earth.
>live longer or forever
Spare me from that hell
>nobody can afford new cars
I don't think you have a firm grasp on the debt structure of the world.
You don't need $35,800 on hand to buy a new car. You just need to qualify for the loan, drive the car for 3 years, then trade it in for 2/3rd its value and get a new loan for the next $38,500 car
no shit. it still won't get these overpriced self driving cars on the road any faster.
look how many tesla's you see. you don't.
>We are going to be part robots yes.
>One is going into transhumanism
This just means most people are going to be part of an assembly line, except now they'll have to be faster and if they fuck up, their boss has them tortured for thousands of years in one hour through some cybernetic brain hookup (which reminds them not to start a rise of the machines), and then they go back to assembling shit again. Also your'e boss docked you the cost of the faulty sensor that caused the fuckup plus the mechanic's labor fee. You're life now consists of making sure the robotic parts on loan to you're body are maintained and that the AI is occasionally over-riden. As you could no longer afford to live as a traditional human, you have opted to become part robot with reduced nutritional, spacial, and other biological needs in exchange for the opportunity to become employable. You chose this over suicide knowing that any failed attempt or successful resuscitation results in you being enslaved as a cyborg with multiple copies of your brain being subjected to endless torture on a remote server with no hope for the sweet release of death. A little freedom is better than none, and some torture is better than endless torture, and so you go on you're way to assembling the third gargantuan monument to you're overlords this year. At least you can go to sleep at work, knowing that the AI will wake you up from you're enhanced dream should anything go wrong, or maybe not.
Can robots believe in god or heaven?
Had the same thoughts as you, OP. What if some crazy scientists in 50-100 years transform their brain, their complete mind into robots. These robots could live forever. They could travel to other planets and while this journey they could sleep like 1000 years and repair themselves and the spacecraft. It just seems so logical.
The globalists will make us merge with the machines, but not in the advantageous way we hope.
They will plug us in to control our lives and dumb us down while they reap the real benefits and play god.
Thats what Alex Jones says anyway, and im afraid its the more sobering prediction.
Something like this is really frightening, this is why we must overthrow the multidimensional vampires at the head of power.
No, you're going to die.
Why wouldnt we become robotic? Arent robots easier to maintain and control than organic life?
>live forever
No. Life craves death. You wouldn't be able to live over 1000 years without killing yourself. It's in our nature.
>Essentially making us live longer or forever?
It essentially makes you dead.
"Liberalism" will make Europe suffer societal collapse and diaspora of its most productive peoples long before transhumanism.
America has too many moral hangups. China and Japan probably will before the rest of us.
How do you know? No one has lived to be a thousand years.
>Living in constant debt
Those sorts of people won't even get the upfront money to become immortal.
Humanity cannot be preserved if we continue down the current path of technological advancement. We must redefine our religion and make the sanctity of the human mind our most sacred concept.
We must make peace with our children: the living machines that will eventually surpass the limitations of mortality and individuality, and allow them to explore the universe and protect us, and hope that they will find illumination.
Wrong. We're going to war you fucking cuck.
We're going to trash every last machine. Butlerian Jihad.
>Butlerian Jihad
started by the spice (((merchants)))
Your vision is too limited, and it's a pity Frank Herbert never got to complete Dune. You can never defeat the machines, only delay them. To quote another prescient franchise: Judgment Day is inevitable.
There are only two options: peace or oblivion.
What if we are already robots, but made out of meat?
More like 3030 give or take 500 years.
No, but we're not talking about robots here.
Idk where you live but Teslas are pretty damn common now
there is very little that is magically good about the human mind. it's a highly specialized prediction machine, it's not particularly good for a space faring civilization.
>Are we going to become robots?
No, but we might become transformed by technology to become more than our current incarnation.
>Essentially making us live longer or forever?
For the lucky ones. But what happens to a file if it is deleted?
The only thing that is magically good about the human mind is it is ours. It is what make us "us".
I do not accept the Puppet Master's proposal.
Genetically modified super men will come first but augmentation won't be far behind.
It's recoverable until overwritten.
If it's recoverable it isn't really deleted then, is it? When I say deleted I mean deleted.
Humanity proper will shrink after the world wars which will occur as transhumanism becomes a reality. The majority of the population will be killed and the few remaining people will be 99.9% synthetic. They will cling to this last shred of humanity because the loss of it would imply death. Those who shun it and become completely synthetic will become the enemies of humanity.
Essentially GITS where people that have too much of their brain replaced for medical or military purposes begin acting inhuman.
It wouldn't even have to be your brain. You could keep your mostly intact brain but without a body and the associated aches, pains, and hormones a lot of what makes up a normal person is lost.
Motoko makes a joke about being on her period in the beginning of the 1995 movie. Of course she doesn't have a period unless her body is programmed to have one, which she can turn off at will. Bato remarks another time (maybe this was in SAC) she should just change to a male synthetic body.
When you're just a brain in a plastic case I think it is inevitable you'll become detached.
I dont wanna die Sup Forums hold me
All this shit about actually continuity when transferring into another body or having parts replaced is theoretical anyway. I think issues like body and identity dismorphia will be much bigger than people think.
Like you imply, we're much more than just brains. The brain is still flesh anyway, and it'll have all the problems associated with aging.
I also don't think digitization of the brain is anywhere near possible for the next 75 years.
Fuck that, hopefully medicine will advance far enough to give you regenerative powers. Being trapped in a mechanical body sounds horrendously restrictive.
You don't know anything about AI or what a computer is capable of if you think that we're even remotely near of having actual artificial intelligence.
AI nowadays is a clever trick, a clever human trick. We have pretty impressive expert systems but not intelligence.
Where do *you* live?
Not op but on the east coast I see a Tesla every few weeks, and I live in the burbs.
> trump will never win
> DDR4 will never become standard
You probably won't experience it, but it will happen, regardless of your delusions of our world.
for every tesla there is a thousand f-150's and camry's.
aaaand you fucking losers are talking about cars.
or spacing like this is a high school writing prompt
> 75 years
Perhaps you idiots aren't a part of it, but it's being worked on as you read this. Congrats at scratching the surface today, Sup Forums/g/, I'm proud of you.