Brightness at 0

>brightness at 0
>contrast at 0
>gamma at -50
>color temperature at 1000K
>gunnar glasses
>still blinded by the light
Why is it impossible to have a comfy browsing experience at night?

Other urls found in this thread:

>having sensitive eyes
subhuman desu.

turn on the light

this, I have two desk lamps and an RGB+W LED lighting strip behind my desk for accent lighting.

Stop trying to fuck up your eyes by staring at your backlit monitor in a dark room for hours on end.

likely a neurological issue
or just an eye issue
idk see a doctare?


use sunglasses bro, it really works

I use to set my bright and contrast low, then put on polarized lenses like the yellow ones found those helped a lot.

oh yea and edit the user settings, change white default pages to a yellow so when you bring up a text file it's yellow background not blaring white, works with web pages too so google homepage for instance wouldn't be blinding bright either

If phoneposter, install Dimly. It helps

Because you won't turn on a light.

download .flux you stupid fuck

Try redshift



only correct answer

>color temperature at 1000K
Do you retards think flux or redshift does more than change the color temperature of your monitor?

Have a lamp behind the monitor pointed at the wall.

Suddenly you don't feel like you are getting blasted in the eyes.

Do you realize that simple change makes it easy to stare at a screen at night and experience what OP experiences? Retard.

Get a cheap light and put it in the back of the room and direct it upward. Basically you need indirect light. Use dim 40W equivalent bulbs with yellow-red light

flux would be less effective than what OP is already doing

It's comfy as fuck, no eye strain and that's good for me to use pc at monitor


The problem isn't that your monitor is too bright, it's that your surroundings are too dark.

Light the room with a 100+W or equivalent lightbulb.

B-but darkness is so comfy

Mood lighting is comfy.
Darkness is boring.

his eyes are clearly augmented