Old one hit bump limit let's do this.
/bst/ - battlestation thread
what a time to be awake
It's not even midnight here in the UK Seiden what are you talking about?
How's the project going?
You took the effort to clean your desk for this photo but you can't clean those nasty ass walls.
Aside from cleaning the desk how should I improve this space? I was thinking of getting some of them thar smart lights to put on the wall behind my monitor.
Some wall decorations would go far. Give that lonely dalek a friend.
who had a setup composing of a thinkpad in a docking station, a thinkvision monitor and some keyboard.
Please post the pic again
It's just a bit past midnight here, though I slept until three in the morning, so I'm not sure when I'll be going to bed, if at all. Work should be fun tomorrow.
Base is printing right now, started the print earlier today already, but the feeder tube got loose, so I had to restart the print. Judging by the 30% or so that did actually get printed, it's looking good.
Sadly that is the only poster I can put up on the walls here, the problem is that my landlord is anal about holes in the walls and all my other posters are framed.
I really want to put up some xfiles art see above.
All I can really think of is cable management and lights as both of these things dont put holes larger than a thumb tack in my walls.
think about covering that cum stained chair of yours
just a friendly tip
I've noticed that things 3D printed tend to look rough as fuck. Is that the case every time or does it depend?
Could always use adhesive velcro?
Comfy as ever.
That's dust. I'd just finished moving the room around when I took the photos.
The frames are too heavy for such things. I tried using those 3M adhesive strips and those too failed.
Ah that sucks. I take it you're not willing to remove them from the frames and maybe use blu-tack to keep them up?
I need to take a photo from my comfy bed station tonight.
Damn, finally a battlestation that looks like a real person really lives there.
I always wonder how people manage to have nothing whatsoever on their desks. What do they do when they're not on the PC? Do they not use their desks for anything but shitposting on Bruneian online cattle markets?
What is this keyboard? I see it posted on Sup Forums so much. Is it a meme?
Sadly no. The xfiles are is limited run prints and the other posters are just massive. I hate this apartment.
Have you considered that we just use the our desks for what we need when we need it and then pack away our shit when we're done?
I keep all my shit in the two drawers and just get it out when I need to use it.
Comfy bedstation? Yes please
It's not one specific keyboard. It's just a set of gay-ass keycaps.
Tai-hao Miamis if you're interested.
The caps fit on any Cherry-stemmed switch.
>I always wonder how people manage to have nothing whatsoever on their desks
I should be trying to do that as my desk, as you can see, has no storage.
That being said everything on the desk is important to me and gets used.
I dig the separate kb and numpad, kinda want.
Not sure about that speaker placement.
Just place the case on the floor?
Appreciate the response.
>Just place the case on the floor?
I live in AZ, that would put it in the most dusty level of the air inside of a home.
Any other ideas though?
hi good afternoon, Sup Forums
Nice, also very utilitarian. I like this.
I should stop waking up at 9pm.
That looks quite neat. I like the view. Not that into the desk, chair, and the cables could use some organization, but that window is really nice.
>I dig the separate kb and numpad, kinda want.
Thanks. I like it desu. I can move the numpad around and frankly having it to the right of my mouse is far more convenient.
That's a very plain desk you have there. Looks nice.
No worries. Enjoy the caps if you want. They are kind of a meme at this point though I didn't realise this until a fair while after I bought them.
How you can stand to use your mouse without a mousepad or at least a wrist rest I have no idea but I like your station.
+1 point for using a coaster.
New photo? Looks great man. I see you moved your lamp.
Could always do with more bears.
>How you can stand to use your mouse without a mousepad or at least a wrist rest I have no idea but I like your station.
Thanks. I had, for a short time, a long black mat that I put my keyboard and mouse on. Didn't really make a difference to my mouse but dampened the clack on my keyboard a lot which was kind of a nice side effect. I wear a hoodie 90% of the time which might be why I never seem to hurt my wrists like people complain. My forearms rest across the front of the desk as well, so my wrist is never on the edge.
It's not about them being on the edge. I can't use either for more than half an hour without pain in my wrists even with my deskmat.
Yo, what is the brand of them blankets senpai.
They look soft AF
Depends on the type of printer, with your typical FDM printer, I'd say yes. They tend to look rough since it's layers of material built up on each other. Though you can go with a lower layer height, it just makes the print take longer (and uses a bit more material, but that's cheap as shit). Making prints look less rough is a lot in the finishing process that comes after printing.
Yeah I know, the speaker placement is a bit unfortunate, but it's what works best with this desk and the rest of the setup. I'll see about setting them up better when I build a new desk once my living situation changes in a few months.
What do you mean about the finishing process?
Things like sanding it to be smooth?
Hm, that might be more posture related than anything. Optimally you want to keep a distance where your wrists aren't bent at all to use your keyboard or mouse, and your forearms rest flat against the desk leading up to them. Your elbows should be at about a 90 degree angle of your upper arms and forearms. You might also have smaller hands or larger peripherals than I do though, which make your wrist angle more to use them.
Typically sanding it and treating it with acetone (assuming that you're using ABS) to make the surface smooth.
Other than that, there's a whole lot more you can do with it after printing, like friction welding it to other parts and the like, though I wouldn't call that "finishing"
>>New photo? Looks great man. I see you moved your lamp.
Yeah. I've been thinking about doing it for a while, but it has a short cable, so I didn't want to bother fixing everything, but Tex suggested doing it on another thread, and I like that position a lot better.
Nice lamps.
I took the pix, wont edit till tomorrow though.
Iirc it's some norwegian brand, lots of volume and it can easily "breathe". Cant find the tiny flap with info right now. Tomorrow if I remember.
Then some crep thingy over it. Same for 2 pillows and one huge pillow.
My arm looks longer than it is here because of the angle but that's the gist of it.
Ah I think I remember you mentioning in the last thread. It looks nice.
Sounds like a lot of research to git gud but worth the effort.
Have you got any examples of other stuff you've made? I'd love to see it.
Didn't print a whole lot recently, though there's this thing.
.3mm layer height, didn't bother doing any finishing with it since it's just a functional part
aight. I'd appreciate it when you do find it.
It's soft AF?
Neat! Though I've no clue what that's for.
it's the slider for a motorized camera slider that a friend commissioned me to do.
Thanks actually, now I have something to kill my time with. I still didn't get around to designing the rails.
Here's the first thing I printed. You can see the layers quite well, the little blobs are from printing with a too high temperature.
Neato. Guess mistakes will be made with this sort of thing.
Ayy how you doing bud? Figured out what you're going to do with that desk yet?
It's fairly simple business, I wouldn't say there's terribly much of a learning curve. Just getting to know the basics, experimenting with your printer, and silently wishing that you had one of those multi-thousand dollar models.
Ayeeeeee, wasup mane? All good over here, not bad.
I still haven't figured it out man, it can wait though. There is no hurry at all, I'll just be patient.
>having your desktop on your actual desk
>those tryhard pointless posters
>muh gaming mouse
>muh gaming headset
>muh squishy linux penguin and
Kill yourself faggot.
your setup is shit m8 and you're probably a child
grow up
>your setup is shit m8 and you're probably a child
You're probably just a ass hurt faggot that lives below the poverty line. Let me see your setup. I bet that you're the child.
>grow up
I am. Maybe you should, cartoon watching shit stain.
Lekker bezig.
What could possibly be wrong with having your computer on your desk?
There's nothing wrong with any of those peripherals faggot.
Affordable adjustable mouse.
Best value for money headset+mic combo.
Seems like a 'spensive hobby though I guess you could do commission work to pay for it like a lot of hobbies.
I'm doing well bored as shit though. Ignore the butthurt poorfag.
eh, the printer was only 700 bucks, and the material costs 30 bucks a kilogram, which is absolutely nothing since rarely print parts with more than even just 30% infill.
Where the fuck else would I put it, on my carpet?
Nothing wrong with having your PC on your desk, kill your retarded-ass self if you think otherwise
more like
>dell case
>acer monitors
>linux plushies + windows
>>having your desktop on your actual desk
>>those tryhard pointless posters
How Sup Forums has fallen, rip.
Yea man I am pretty much always fucking bored.
>Ignore the butthurt poorfag
Literally dude, they talk all that shit but don't show there setups. I know who it is also, same faggot that always hates.
The cables are a mess I know. Pls no judge.
What kind of speaker stands are those?
haven't posted in a while
at night
that keyboard bezel looks like the worst fucking thing i've ever seen
>i need to pay a shitload of money for a cool keyboard without the numbers so i can pay another shitload of money to get the numbers separately and make it unpractical putting on the other side of the table
i don't give a fuck for 'Sup Forums consumerism' but this is borderline retarded
>heater right behind monitor and amp
you're a fucking imbecile, i hope your shit gets ruined soon
looks like it cost about $20 desu
numpads are retarded because they are pointless make you spread your arms more for no reason, taking up more desk space
the fact that he uses a tenkeyless is fine, but adding it is beyond stupid because of the pointlessness
Can you post your desktop background m8?
user if you ever felt like you wanted to put it on the floor, I use a wooden platform to keep mine off the carpet. Not the guy giving you shit btw, mine was on my desk a few days ago.
rotate the picture next time.
>not activating windows with a Kinguin bootleg
what should go wrong? my electronics and cables are rated between -5 to 80 degrees
Not that user, bu I had to recheck the picture to see if it was true. Then you post this comment...
Are you really that stupid? He didn't say shit about cables.
what? did you momma also tell you to cover your display with an antidust foil when you're not using it?
Thanks man, sorry on my phone. No idea why it does that.
you're a fucking idiot and i hope you don't breed
it's easy to trigger you people. are you too poor to just rebuy everything if it breaks?
Yeah but your heater being right up against an amp or monitor isn't relevant to the heat rating lol
how about not breaking shit by being a fucking moron?
your lookings do neither
i'm sorry for using this setup for an entire year now :^)
>your lookings do neither
My mother does not advise me about technology, nor does she buy my constantly breaking things.
It's clear you don't understand why having heat there is stupid, so continue being stupid. But please take user's advice.
>a year
>implying non-winter months matter
you're just degrading your image quality, you retard
who knows what you're doing to your amp. enjoy your busted-ass shit, i guess
i don't think that my shit which was merged in thousand of degrees will melt by a 75°C heater
but let's find out I guess.
anyway, i don't keep my tech for too long usually. i hope someone from Sup Forums ends up buying my used stuff anyway
>merging non-powered electronics being the same as heating electronics that are under electrical load
oh boy, you sure are retarded. please tell us more
If you're calling people poor and making fun of their mom's great advice then why did your mom only buy you a radeon?
That Zelda WiiU controller shows you're just a kid, you need to be over 18 to post here, go back to shitposting on Miiverse and watching Leafy videos.
you don't keep your tech for too long because you ruin it, you imbecile
i've got a question. how old are you?
>making fun of their mom's great advice
you made me giggle quiet a bit. but nice try calling me out
now you're clearly out of arguments
>Being this butthurt about what other people spend their money on.
Your autism levels are beyond professional help.
>pay a shitload of money
Nigga the board, caps, and numpad cost less than a good fullsize mechanical keyboard the fuck you saying? The board is just as good as any other decent mechanical keyboard too.
>and make it unpractical putting on the other side of the table
This makes 0 fucking sense. If anything it makes it easier because I can move both separately. Not to mention the numpad has a USB hub.
I bought it so I could use it for keybinds in Elite: Dangerous before I had a HOTAS and that's just about it.
The thing cost me like $25.
During the day: Boring as fuck
At night: Woah senpai lookin' good.
Seriously though nice lava lamp/10
iirc EXIF data is stripped when uploaded here and portrait photos taken with the phone are still landscape, the EXIF data just tells things it's meant to be portrait.
Obviously we're not talking about the metal literally melting dude. We're talking about the electronics inside being damaged by close, strong heat.
to be honest, i sometimes wish that my marantz amp1 would suddenly die so i can just receive a new one to put on ebay.
the amp is a little bit to weak for my taste, i want something with more juice.
the monitor doesn't matter either. Eizo will cover any of this shit in 6 years
this idiot just loves wasting his worthless time by replacing shit
he also won't just admit that it's fucking stupid to put electronics next to a radiator
>Eizo will cover any of this shit in 6 years
that sounds like an extreme waste of time and a major headache that could be prevented with a simple step
do you like RMAs? do you have a shipping and handling fetish?
so many kids in this thread
when did Sup Forums become a hangout spot for 14 year olds
t. 15 y/o
you have a wrong image from me. i actually do love all of you. and i really take it to my heart that you just want to give me an advice for a better life.
but saying that i waste my time with anything while someone tells me this on Sup Forums, is the worst argument which exists and clearly says much about how new you are to this board
the same goes to you.
keep strong brother