Download icecat

>download icecat
>open it
>go to usual sites
>surprised and pleased that everything loads faster and uses less memory
>go to google
>doesn't load
>try google search bar
>doesn't work
literally everything else just werks and is damn near perfect but this god damn thing just refuses to go to google

>Using Google

Use Duckduckgo.

i wish user i really do but it's just not as good (imo)

>using duckduckgo

>Using Duckduckgo

Use Startpage.

Iceweasel works great to me

How does Icecat have such a top tier logo when it's a fucking GNU project?


Sup Forums helped them.

Why? And what do you guys think of the DDG/Yahoo partnership?

>Using Starpage
Use ixquick

DDG also partners with Yandex for Russians.

Google uses non-free JavaScript.

But startpage and ixquick go through Google, no?

enjoy getting datamined out the ass

You say that like it doesn't apply to every single thing you do on the internet.
Not saying you shouldn't strive for the contrary, but there comes a point where you've done everything you can and you're still going to get datamined out the ass whether you like it or not.

>Using ixquick
Use searx


i disabled that option though

Yes same here. If im googling programming problems google goves me way better results.

>not using pale moon
shiggy diggy

goes through duckduckgo by default

Google loaded, but painfully slowly.

use lycos



What a waste of quads

Because DDG's logo is trash.