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The one my mother used died 2 years ago, i got her a cheap ass Android, she did not like it but since she got Viber on it to talk to all her relatives in bum-fuck-nowhere she wont put it down again.
go off and take your shitty memes with you
bring back landscape sliders and ill care.
Release date?
>buying meme phones
Portrait's the way to go though
I still use a Samsung Intensity.
27 feb - 2 mar 2017 for official announcement, this is just the leak
>The handset will reportedly cost €59
it never left
it outlived every other phone
People seem to be getting excited but I doubt they'll actually buy it.
Landscape is shit. Thank God for blackberry carrying the torch all the way to it's death.
This but with two screens and zero bezels
>two screens
fuck off
Enjoy your shitbox
it's rare that you can tell a UI is slow and unresponsive from a still image
Exactly this but modern
Do you enjoy being a masochist?
Please! I've been using the Droid 4 for way too long. Need an upgrade.
kek looks like a resistive digital camera interface
kys u binger fagot
but it works on mobile. It's by definition responsive.
>Reacting QUICKLY and positively.
not quick = not responsive
I currently have a Nokia 150 as my backup dumphone. I loved how tough the old ones were, will consider this.
I'm curious to find out whether it will be literally the same hardware, or updated to support 3G talk (2G networks are dying fast).
I don't know where this 3310 is indestructible meme came from. My first phone is the 3310, it was far from indestructible. The 3210 is far sturdier, and the most indestructible phone that came out at the same time as the 3310 would be the 5100 series.
The 3310 was compact, felt sturdy, but would crack. You could replace the outer body when it does though
>You could replace the outer body when it does though
They should release xpress body for their shit again. I would use one with pepe.
Are they gonna add botnet to this one too?
>It’s worth pointing out that the phones sold under the Nokia marque aren’t actually from the company that originally released the 3310, the N95, and the N-Gage. Rather, the rights to the name were bought by little-known Finnish company HMD Global in a deal that completed last December.
Official (non neo) N900 with modern specs when?
Still being ran by almost the same team or so I read
>Very Fake News
I'm pretty sure HMD has a bunch of ex-nokia engineers.
It's still Finngolian either way, so that's good.
Portrait is worthless. Just accept it.
I'd literally murder families for that.
I just want a new 3710, the only thing it needed would be some polish to the camera program which threw fits if lighting was a little dark.
Before going autistic on me, it just fucking worked. Day in, day out.