Windows 10 appreciation thread

>Installed Intel Graphics update yesterday
>computer didn't even reboot
>screen flicked for 0.5 second and new driver update was working
>runs smoother than any linux "distros" and DEs on my 2 years old i3 with 4GB ram
>everything works, all kind of phones and tablets works with just PnP
>doesn't even need to sideload programs anymore, everything is available on Windows store. No chance of shady malwares and bundled apps to be installed
>get constant autoupdates on apps and OS and it doesn't even restarts randomly. It has a set timer on 3 AM in the morning by default to do all the work even it needs to restart.

The windows 10 sucks meme needs to be stopped. It is a perfect OS for a normal person.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's smooth, but it sucks.

>Photo viewer disabled by default.
>Won't let you select default applications.
>Forced spying.
>Laggy and broken start menu.
>No ability to manually install updates.
>Have to regedit everything back in.

I've been running it for a few days now.. I like it, but it has some big issues!

49 rupees and a plate of curry has been donated to your online Microsoft image rescue campaign, satella.

Keep up the shilling

You are a fool if you value convenience more than freedom.

>>Won't let you select default applications.
This is the problem I can reproduce but you can change it from control panel. I also don't like it when MS uses two control panels for a single operating system.

Other spying and muh freedoms bs like this doesn't matter. You are on Sup Forums. Google already knows what you fapped to last night.

I am more concerned about my social media being hacked by my friends and seeing a dick pic on my profile picture than the gubment seeing my fap folders.

>everything is available on Windows Store
Like what?

( cuck )
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whatever you want

I don't want shitty pajeet calculator/converters


So I can overwrite Windows 10 with Gentoo from the Windows Store?

That's fucking neat.


i sadly have to agree with you on this one.

w10 runs much better on my low-end 2010 machine than shitty linux distros which don't even support my ancient GPU anymore (fuck canonical and their shitty distro )

>inb4 arch shit

Things that still bug me in Windows 10:
>hitting the start menu and typing a simple calculation results in nothing but a local file search
>dragging a file to a file picker to upload moves the file to the folder that was open in the file picker
>changing the name of a file while it is open either results in an error or a program that can't comprehend what the hell happened

Pls post your pet peeves on windows 10.

>windows ten
They should rename it to winTRASH

my pet peeve is that it sends contents of private files and emails to microsoft

Let's tear this shill post apart:

>Other spying and muh freedoms bs like this
>doesn't matter. You are on Sup Forums. Google already knows what you fapped to last night.

No, it doesn't. It might know what (you) fapped to, because you're a shill with no concern for privacy. It's not an argument to say that it's okay to spy because another company does it, or that it's okay to give up and submit to all intrusive spying because it's difficult to stop some of it.

>I am more concerned about my social media being hacked by my friends and seeing a dick pic on my profile picture than the gubment seeing my fap folders.

That is, again, because you're a shill with no concern for privacy. Nobody sane uses "social media" that spies on you and turns you into a product to be sold and resold between companies who make a business out of using your own dumb ass against you.

There are many more things than "fap folders" that we might want to keep hidden from corporations who run big data businesses. This is a widespread shill argument that the only thing you might ever want to hide is "weird porn", and it needs to stop.

photo viewer is shit, pic related, that ones right, start menu isn't great but it's not broken either, use startisback if it bothers you, you can tho, regedit what back?

How do i force the anniversary update?


i just spent my whole night dealing with windows 10, all because it decide to shit the bed while turning on. While I truly hate windows for all the sleepless nights it's given me, I hate everything else just a bit more which prevents me from moving onto other pastures.

I like my windows, but this is bait

even fucking browser hiccups and freezes, I mean how retarded is that?!
And I'm not even speaking about unity.
Wifi sucks, everything is slo, packages 70% wont install via gui

>Use windows 10 since day one
>Did some registry edit or something I can't remember to stop spying and updates
>Cortana is disabled by "company policy" and I haven't had an update for six months, never get forced updates. I think it would make me update if I checked.
I have no clue what I did

are you gay?

Cool. Same happened to me on windows 7.

>updates are bad
this meme needs to stop

May be in linux updates are bad because it breaks the whole system, but on windows updates provides more security and fixes lots of bugs. I don't know why people don't want to update their machines regularly. If something breaks then you can always rollback to previous state.

>5 year old laptop takes 2 min to boot Windows 10 in a good day
>if I'm loading windows for the first time in a couple of days, it takes more than 5 minutes
>manjaro boots in 1 min

>New kaby lake set up.
>Had backed some data to another pc
>Install wincuck 10 takes like an 1hr
>Download updates restart
>take out drive to put my old data back
>For some reason says the folder with the data corrupted and cant open
>Try repair
>Windows cant boot try system restore
>doesnt work either
>Reset windows another hour wating
>Lost all data
Another day
>Left pc open to download some shit while I was away
>Turns out sleep mode disabled my ethernet adapter and had to reset CMOS
>a bunch of times I got a back screens with dots loading
>Had to restart enough times to get repair screen to do system restore
Propably had some other problems too but cant remember.
Why is microshit so shit?How hard is it to make win7 with a new UI?

Why are freetards even on Sup Forums? Serious question.

yup ^^

>KB7734206 fixed a bug where microsoft one note would not allow to paste tiff image when windows media player is playing an mp3 file from windows/temp folder while cortana is doin a search on baby whale
>enables password telemetry and mails use rimproved password suggestion list along with current passwords as xls file
>removes empty folder named cc2k from c:/windows/system/cc2k/cc2k

>What is “Turn on fast startup” ?
Also why even turn off a laptop? They are designed to be in sleep mode.

for very old legacy hardware, windows will kind of always be better since it's the only OS properly supported.

if i had newer shit i'd probably ditch windows for good, maybe dual-booting it rarely for bad-supported games

Fast startup is on. It's the loading time after the windows logo disappears that kills me.
I turn it off because I only use Windows for gaymes anymore.

>Windows """""Enterprise"""""
>lots of bloat and other shit included that should stay in Windows Home edition
>gaming xbox trash is enabled by default for enterprise
>have to spend an hour in group policy editor, services and powershell instead of simple opt-in checkboxes to have a somewhat sane configuration
why is this allowed?

and thats something to brag about ? thats exactly what linux has been like for years now if you run an actual stable distro

>windows will kind of always be better since it's the only OS properly supported.

t. never worked in a professional environment with a critical kernel bug causing issues with production.


because you allow it by continuing to use it.


it's not like it's some deep profound dilemma.

it's a vm, i need some windows applications
what i dont understand is how it's considered enterprise when all the adware bloat is there by default just like home/professional

what business wouldn't want Windows Solitaire Deluxe Edition™ and Xbox™ Game DVR on their machines

I share your sentiment, fellow human.

I guess enteprises do not complain about it to microsoft.

Who in their right mind thought this was a good idea?

because they can.
it's not a question about why.
it's a question about, why not?

if retards want to give M$ this info, #yolo #swag more info to sell for better quarterly reports.

this includes "enterprise" customers because they are the most royally fucked in terms of their dependence on this garbage-ware.

This. Microsoft went absolutely full retard with their update policies. I always updated everything they suggested and even had it update automatically at one point. Then came Windows 10, the forced "update to windows 10" files hidden within security updates and all sorts of shady telemetry and feedback security updates.

What happened after Windows 7? They've done abysmal decisions since then, like buy Nokia, throw their almost ready smart phone OS in the trash, shut the whole mobile phone operation down, make Metro UI for Windows 8, make common games like solitaire show ads unless you pay, make Xbox one spy on user, create Windows Phone OS, try to make some sort of MS product family with interconnectivity between XB/Phone/Windows and fail terribly.

Is it because Ballmer was actualy decent at his job, or what the fuck is going on over there?

windows 10 is a decent OS kneecapped by microsofts own stupidity

>It is a perfect OS for a normal person.

You're posting on Sup Forums, you're far from normal and more likely abnormal in high degrees across multiple aspects of being human so fuck you.

>windows 10 sucks

That's the only thin you said that really matters, everything before and after is pointless.

>paid software to get the old start menu
why not just use classic shell?

Reported for shilling

I like StartIsBack more

>this meme needs to stop

That's entirely up to Microsoft.

I remember when it came out some dude made a nice program that "fixed" win10, turned off all the invasive shit and horrible settings really easily
it also makes a "god mode" panel so you don't have to dig through 2 control panels and 3 settings menus to find that obscure setting you need to change, it puts everything in one spot

ever since I used that shit I actually love win10 desu