Hey guys...

Hey guys. I finally took the advice of Sup Forums and decided to install Linux! What do you guys think of my new Desktop?

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OwO desktop thread?

Nice try freetard, off to page 10 with your fake and gay thread

Please refrain from posting underaged Chinese cartoon girls wearing little to no clothing in my thread. Thanks.

she's like 5000 years old baka

You should rename your host to "pederber".

i dont get it

how to show cute text like that in the terminal

toilet -f future --gay

hell if I wanted my PC to look like that I could've just installed macOS

why not elementaryOS ?


no bully

i'll pin you down and rape your little girl butt

pls no (。>﹏

To be honest, I've had my fun at distro hopping and ubuntu just works. macOS is a bit more fun at getting working


you say no but your loli hole is dripping? *kisses* :3

>whereis toilet

Idk man rate mine tho: a.cocaine.ninja/qieohf.png
It's over the image limit


>which toilet

looks great, congrats!