Sup Sup Forums, do you think that being Homosexual, a transie...

Sup Sup Forums, do you think that being Homosexual, a transie, or anything remotely close to LGBT will help in getting jobs in the Technology field? With Liberals and SJW's as they are I get a feeling that gays and anyone that's not a white male get an easier interview process and higher chance of being hired so liberal companies can be more diverse.

Are jobs rigged????

Can you do the job, if yes I don't give a shit what goes up your butt.

Liberals and SJWs are on their way out. Thank kek, for based Trump.

Meh, my place keeps picking up white dudes and it's libtard Cali for fuck's sake.

Don't fall for the echo chamber. It's not really as loud as it seems.

But he will spend 4 years apealing the muslim trial, and the Saudis will be dissapointed.

in SF, Maybe. Especially if you're a womyn.

Also call them trans* or the SJWs can tell you're faking from a mile away.

How the fuck would they know

I am in my late 30s and worked in tech all my life and nobody has ever asked me in a job interview or questionnaire if I am homosex

I have been asked if I am white a million times and if I have a disability a million times, but never who I fuck

retarded premise OP

The truth is in the USA only white guys can code or get anything done in IT, so they HAVE to hire white guys or the company or project comes crashing to a halt

sorry for facts

>Are jobs rigged????

yes, like 80% of everyone making over 100k in tech is a white male

so rigged against you

such oppressed

>How the fuck would they know

they stick a finger in during the interview and see if you like it

if you do you get hired and a bonus

Have you ever been asked if you are a homosexual during a job interview?

Some of the best devs and engineers I know are Indian. The worst are also Indian.

There are a lot of diploma mills and dev sweatshops in India, but you just have to ignore those when hiring.

Pretending to be a fagola or tranny is definite going to win you major points with the HR department. If you're a special snowflake you're a diversity hire, and thats pretty much just as important as having real skills.

Why don't you cut your dick off and let us know how it goes.

Might be different where you live but I know here it is illegal to ask for someones ethnicity, languages spoken (unless it is a requirement for the job) sexual preferences or mental interment (unless it may be a detriment to your work)

What memes have you been smoking OP?

Being gay gives no diversity points, only being a woman or non-white.
Trannies are just treated like women (diversity hires), except worse because they don't get to climb the dick ladder.

Trump is on his way out. Look at how his approval ratings are crashing and burning, not even a month into the presidency.

trans* is deprecated. It was originally intended to be inclusive of non-binary trans people, but people eventually decided it seemed to be implying that non-binary trans people aren't "really" trans.

He's only ten points below average, even with actually doing things which of course causes a lot of friction.

Yes to everything
As a former trump supporter I can't believe how dumb he is I'm a cruz missile now. But seriously we can't let this guy get the nuke code

>How the fuck would they know
they don't if you are a homo you look to make everything about your enjoyment of dick.
This is half-true, chinks code pretty well but speak broken english and Indians are shit tier. As a dominican I promise you hispanics are the solution to everything when taught properly.

>they don't get to climb the dick ladder

Or do they?

>Pretending to be a fagola or tranny is definite going to win you major points with the HR department. If you're a special snowflake you're a diversity hire, and thats pretty much just as important as having real skills.

gay does not count as a diversity hire lol

gay here
not even a bit

>White male.
Strange pretty sure everyone is second to the pajeet.

If there is one group of people who are oppressed in this world, it's white males in the tech industry

fucking crybabies you own the whole fucking industry to the point companies have to go out of their way to recruit just some women to make it look like they are trying

this is a tech board, not a place to whine about faggots

>how would they know

So do any of you actually have jobs or is this all a meme

Every single job application I've filled out in the past five years has asked for gender, race, and sexual orientation for diversity hire purposes. Do you guys not live in the US?

>Every single job application I've filled out in the past five years has asked for gender, race, and sexual orientation for diversity hire purposes


>Do you guys not live in the US?
No, and no job application I have ever seen has asked for these things.

>being a trap
>not climbing the dick ladder
They're doing it wrong then.

Have either of you ever worked for a large company? Startups may not ask for it but corporations (for instance MetLife and Express Scripts) always ask for ethnicity and gender.

Adding on: this information is always said to be kept separate from your application, but when you show up and you're a white male, it doesn't matter.

Just pretend to be a faggot and get jobs

>Have either of you ever worked for a large company? Startups may not ask for it but corporations (for instance MetLife and Express Scripts) always ask for ethnicity and gender.

they do not ask if you are gay or not, that is a bullshit lie

>Every single job application I've filled out in the past five years has asked for gender, race, and sexual orientation for diversity hire purposes.

nobody asks if you are gay


>Do you guys not live in the US?
I'm glad I don't, that shit is highly illegal here.


My most recent job placement application did have a form for sexual orientation. It's a non profit that has several programs aimed at placing women in IT roles.