Norton kicked arseholes once again

Norton kicked arseholes once again.

Fuck CommonSense!

Other urls found in this thread:

Kaspersky > *

>list not sorted by the average score
fucking winfags

The thing about commonsense is that with it you don't need any AV.
Because you won't be downloading executables from non trustworthy sites.

I got so used to not using antivirus with Linux that I forgot about it when I installed windows.

What's good these days and free? Malwarebytes?

pussy destroyer

>Using Antivirus in 2017
Wew lad

>windows defender
>4.5/6 performance
but it uses close to no resources outside of a full scan. even then it's just disk read which would be the same across the board. this chart is bull. no need for anything other than common sense and maybe windows defender

It's more than just dl exe files.

except no site is ever fully trustworthy since you don't control the content.

nothing. AV is snake oil. your browser and OS offer all the necessary functionality now. hell, all the AV suites do nowadays is break those and piss off browser devs.

How else can you get a virus?

>What's good these days and free?
Nothing, AV are now virii themselves.

there are other file types that are executable.

You can also get one through a remote code execution attack, but it's unlikely that your virus scanner will be able to catch that kind of thing. They tend to only exist in the wild briefly. Noscript is probably the best defense.

What other file types? I'd still have to give it permission to execute, right?

>remote code execution attack
What's that?

.vbs .js .sh .bat .com
there are a lot of them.

remote code execution is where you open a non-executable file, like a pdf, then it exploits a bug in the pdf reader to execute code on your machine. These kinds of attacks are rare, but exist. As far as I'm aware, javascript is the easiest way of doing one in a browser.

That's what ublock and umatrix are for.

Common Sense 2017 with uBlock.

100% protection and performance.

I think you didn't get it. A hax0r can easily change exes from trustworth sites and change the hash information too.

You fucking stupid cunt
You're ruining computers for everyone

I had norton installed when I used to use windows and it fucked up my computer making it impossible to right click in file explorer, and it crashed immediately whenever I tried to open it

Quads fucking confirm

But we can control the content.

I prefer noscript to umatrix. umatrix is really painful to deal with and it doesn't provide much of a security benefit over noscript.

Just Windows Defender, and only because Microsoft is competent enough to not have their AV fuck around patching other application's DLLs and adding more attack surface.

>wintoddlers circlejerking about anti virus while their windows atom table is permanently vulnerable
>mfw this is what Sup Forums has become

>Fuck CommonSense!

Normally I'd agree, as it used to be my AV of choice. Not only does Kaspersky have ties to Russian spies, but Natalya Kaspersky recently went on the record saying that Russian data belongs to the state. I was going to post my source but it's been deleted and now I can't find any info on it, no big surprise there. Use caution if you choose to continue using it.

Yeah for hackers.
>muh botnet

gentoo trumps all

eset is best


I still prefer my Common Sense 2017 Enterprise.

>Lifetime license
>updated every 1 femtosecond.

>She believes that all personal data, such as search history, geolocation, contacts, correspondence, photo and video materials, should belong to the State.


Sorry bruh... It's just not reality. ESET was put to the test, and failed. Norton kicks arses.


>Normally I'd agree, as it used to be my AV of choice. Not only does Kaspersky have ties to Russian spies,
Google has ties to American spies. They're part of the PRISM. Yahoo scans every email for NSA. German companies have ties to German spies.

What the fuck is your point?

>but Natalya Kaspersky recently went on the record saying that Russian data belongs to the state. I was going to post my source but it's been deleted and now I can't find any info on it, no big surprise there. Use caution if you choose to continue using it.
KEK'd. Total fucking bullshit.

If you live in a Western nation, you should be using Russian or Chinese software and/or services since those countries don't cooperate with your law enforcement.

Enemy of my enemy is my friend.

it's as simple as that.

Google/MS/Ebay put people regularly in jail. Kaspersky and Russia can't do shit to me.

>OS offer all the necessary functionality now
not really, normies run windows with admin accounts

i tried win7 creating a standard user acc the other day, executed some old counter striker 1.6 and connected to "slow hacking" servers, sure enough some VBS script appeared in the startmenu startup folder

i tried fiddling with user accounts and tried to find a way to grante a "cs16" account permission only to game folder, but either the game didnt run or it attacked the OS

>using AVs
fuck off with your shitty OS

Here you go, weeb.

>Russia can't do shit to me

Bitdefender desu
>uses it on a Mac too

Putin have 70 billion dollares in his bank account. He can do whatever he wants to you, your family or to whoever he wants to do something. I don't know how this fucker became as rich as Bill Gates, but he is.

And Garry Kasparov thinks he can be president of Russia in Putin's place... This is no chess holms.