No igpu why is this allowed ?
No igpu why is this allowed ?
>spending extra money and die size when you already have a dedicated gpu
What's the problem? Buy a card for $30, it has the same performance.
Instead of utilizing the whole die for cpu purposes, let's waste space on an igpu that most people won't even use!
MIght as well get an intel cpu at that point.
Yeah it sure did work well for amd in the past
>GPU dies
>PC becomes useless until replacement arrives
There's no excuse to not include an iGPU, it's not like AMD doesn't knows how to do it or it will cost more.
They are just trying to jew you and you're an idiot if you defend this.
Pointless on a high performance platform. If you want a IGP get a Raven Ridge APU when that come out later. IGPs are no cheap on silicon. You can fit an entire CPU cluster in the die space needed for Intel's dog shit IGP.
Pic related.
Kaby lake's die is almost 40% IGP.
it will cost more
This is silly, I buy xeons instead of i7 specifically because I don't need igpu and the e3 are basically that
Zen based APUs will come out later in 2017
Mite b cool some builds if the GPUs are capable
People like you are what's wrong with this world and thid board. U just can't accept anything. If you are buying a cpu like Ryzen you are probably gonna buy a seperate gpu so no need for igpu, are u literally retarded, igpus are just a waste of space on the cpu nowadays. You are so fucking stupid, if I saw u in front of me I would fucking rage so hard. U are fucking mentally retarded to be asking shit like that fucking Intel jew, go suck off that 6700 igpu or whatever it is you'll never use it anyway go pay that 400$ for it u fucking retard. I am so pissed rn at how dumb u are, u are ruining this board and just making an idiot out of yourself. Please just stay off the internet in general if u are gonna ask questions like these u fucking attention seeking intel bastard. All u guys want is attention now because amd is the only one doing stuff. I bet you still live in your mum's house and suck ur dad off for that nice 6700 igpu. ITS SO NICE HAVING AN IGPU LOOK AT ME AMDFAGS HAHAHA AMD IS FINISHED NO IGPU, AMD BTFO. SHUT THE FUCK UP I WILL KILL YOU YOU STUPID FAG, STOP POSTING USELESS THREADS LIKE THESE U FUCKING RETARD. U made me so mad I wanna punch the wall and hope there's you on the other side so it would shatter your dumb skull you stupid fuck. I bet you are gonna make another shit thread after this one gets removed because it is SHIT just like your igpu and your shit intel cuck cpu. So fuck off to another board or off Sup Forums, because u can't handle us or even basic logic like why there isn't an igpu in ryzen cpu's. Can't wait for the release to see you cry and be mad at yourself for spending so much of your dad's money on a shit intel cpu with an igpu u won't ever need. JUST FUCK OFF!! AND IF U EVER MAKE A THREAD LIKE THIS AGAIN, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER VISIT THIS SITE AGAIN. So bye intelfaggot and I hope I'll never get to see you or one of your threads ever again!!
Do I have to buy an APU if I want gpu passthrough then?
Will there even be Ryzen APUs anytime soon?
just get an intel cpu
Wafers are sold as whole item, it doesn't matter how many working chipsets they get out of them they still play full price, by not including an iGPU AMD is trying to maximize how many working chipsets they get out of a wafer, it's not like they would need to invest in research either, they already have really good APU technology.
Is this the birth of an epic new copypasta?
Just get a cheap 2nd hand GPU on ebay for like 15/20$ or wait for Raven Ridge if you don't need the extra cores.
>intel cpu
o u
bump for this, ppl have to see this kek
You can simply put a $20 passively cooled GPU into it. It will also have more performance than an iGPU.
Also, there has been a method where you can seamlessly hand over the GPU to the guest at runtime, and back to the host when the guest closes. You don't even need a second GPU at all if this method actually works.
>wasting 40% of die size so you can have display for a few days in the 0.1% chance that your GPU dies out of nowhere
Intel shills sure are desperate
because this isn't the market they're going for? APUs are for the consumer, this upcoming Ryzen CPU line is for the enthusiast line. It just got so much hype that idiots like you started noticing it and then go online on taiwanese cave painting image boards ask why they don't have igpus
any more reading you have on that?
Last time I checked the 6800k and up doesn't come with an igpu.
who doesn't have a spare graphics card anywhere? I think I've still got a pci Geforce 2 MX
>GPU dies
>PC becomes useless until replacement arrives
So spend $20 on a cheap dedicated GPU, you stupid fuck. I keep a GTX 570 around for just that situation.
>need to rma my gpu
>process will take months
>tfw if I waited for the ryzen meme my computer would be out of use for that whole time period
Thank you based Intel. Also thanks amd for allowing me to buy a 7700k for cheaper when ryzen releases, that's all you're good for.
Because high end desktops and servers don't need iGPUs.
The reason AMD can sell an 8 core so cheap is because they don't waste any die area on iGPUs.
Because it's a CPU, not an APU.
Just wait a bit more.
if you're building a new pc, chances are you'll amass a few spare parts before any on component fails.
And if not, 10 bucks on crabs list will get you back to shitposting on a Chinese cartoon image board.
the APUs are coming down the line retarded
do you not have a spare $25 GPU laying around for trouble shooting?
>nvidiafags will never receive a response like this
>order new graphiccard
>have to browse for 2 days on my laptop
>he needs a GPU to use his computer
Oh man these GUI slaves are hilarious
Just ssh into it dude
Need the die space for MORE CORES
I'm pretty sure the point is just to have tiny chips so they can get more on a wafer
That's preposterous. It's for more cores. Common knowledge bro.
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
what's the point?
you need an igpu? get an apu!
you need an igpu when your dedicated gpu dies? OH MY GOD YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOUR PC FOR JUST ONE DAY?
>he doesn't keep an old GPU handy in case this happens
let's analyze this post
verdict: prime suicide candidate
Yeah because everyone has a big stash of old parts tucked away in the corner of their uni dorm. Neck yourself.
>my fx 4 module
fixed that for you
If you're buying the higher end you have a dedicated gpu. If you want an integrated gpu you should get the equivalent to the A series when it comes out in 2018.
to be fair there's plenty of space in mom's basement when you're down there alone.
I have an old 550Ti as a place holder until Vega anyways.
oh, so this problem is exclusive to entitled millennial niggerfaggots in dorms, guess we can move on then
>iGPU on CPU
Why don't all mobos just come with a small crappy iGPU with at most 8 MB RAM like wtf is it that hard why should I have to keep a spare GPU lmao
>he has a problem of GPUs dying
Can I take a guess at your vendor or case conditions?
>edgy talk
>bitches about millennials
but you seem like one yourself friendo
>Also, there has been a method where you can seamlessly hand over the GPU to the guest at runtime, and back to the host when the guest closes.
Could you elaborate on that or at least point me towards further reading?
You'd be one to know.
If you're that worried about something that has a extremely low chance of happening then just buy the cheapest GPU you can find when you're buying the CPU and put in a drawer to keep as a spare, you dense fuck
i dunno, don't buy it then retard
>this autism
The state of amd fanboys
>have only used non igpu cpus
>have never had a gpu fail me
>doesnt matter if one did, finna set up that dusty 7870
It's amd. Nobody will anyway.
wow bro calm down
> tfw currently waiting on my RMA and posting from a Radeon 5770
you're bitching about something you aren't even going to buy, most AMDfags have a GPU or two lying around so it is a non-problem, AMD knows their customers enough to know we'd rather have more room on the die than waste it with an IGP we won't use
Send your shekles to intel for all I care, you might as well complain about the brand of toothpaste I buy.
I should clarify im being a bit sneaky in calling it a 7870, its actually a GOAT Vapor X 270X from Sapphire.
Yeah I'm sure DIE SIZE is very important to you amazing AMD users
>this whole post
what the fuck
>have only used non igpu cpus
you on bloomfield, son?
It's common sense to have at least a spare stick or RAM, a spare hard drive or a GPU, heck I even have two power supplies for troubleshooting.
But if you're like OP and buy prebuilts that's gonna be difficult
For the very same reason there is no igpu in high end intel desktop CPU or Xeon.
but user, there are no 8 core FX processors
>6/8 core ryzen without igpu vs 4 core gayby lake with an igpu i'll never use
hmm that's a tough choice.
lol goddamnit someone's mad
When will this meme end?
“We believe our marketing accurately reflects the capabilities of the “Bulldozer” architecture which, when implemented in an 8 core AMD FX processor is capable of running 8 instructions concurrently.”
this is actually a good point. how did amd think they have a chance in hell to compete with intel when the massive majority of pc sales are prebuilts? this is also how nvidia are destroying amd.
amd basically have no prebuilt market because of the lack of igpu. they have some serious retards working for amd.
it actually is. it decreases tdp
Well fucking said!
>desktop PCs
Servers and gayming are the only growth markets. Zen APUs will come in second half of 2017 and focus on laptops because literally nobody buys a desktop PC anymore.
>CPU dies
>Pc becomes useless until replacement arrives
why is there no iCPU build in a GPU goddamn
its 4 physical cores, with 8 threads
Yeah all that unused silicons when gpu is in really heat up the steam works
4 modules, 8 int cores, 4 FP cores
You have been educated
nice educated and cited retort
but it doesn't have 8 physical cores, it only has 4
are you done embarrassing yourself?
It has 8 integer units, it can do 8 instructions in a cycle
stop being retarded and go shitpost elsewhere
jump off a bridge with your shitty quad core that overheats on a stock cooler
Define a core.
(hint: nobody has as it gets really, really messy)
Dont motherboards have one?
>losing argument
You tried.
that was one of the worst replies I have seen on Sup Forums in a long time
wanna try refuting any of what i've said, realistically? or will you just accept that the FX 8XXX series aren't actually octa-core CPUs? jesus AMD boys get so messed up when you discredit their core count, as if it's the only thing they have going for their crappy financial decisions
sit down user it's okay
No motherboard this day and age has any onboard graphics.
>Not keeping a spare GPU from your old parts in case of emergency
Underage please go
Last gen only some mobos and they were never updated for win8/10
It clearly has 8 physical integer cores, retard.
>4 modules
>4 floating point cores
>8 integer cores
>2:1 INT:FP with 2 INT and 1 FP per module
>The chip that's the subject of our attention today is code-named Vishera, and it's the direct successor to the silicon that powered the prior-gen FX processors, which was known as Orochi. Vishera and Orochi share almost everything—both are manufactured on GlobalFoundries' 32-nm SOI fabrication process, both have 8MB of L3 cache, and both are essentially eight-core CPUs. The one big difference is the transition from Bulldozer to Piledriver cores—or, to put it more precisely, from Bulldozer to Piledriver modules. These "modules" are a fundamental structure in AMD's latest architectures, and they house two "tightly coupled" integer cores that share certain resources, including a front-end, L2 cache, and floating-point unit. Thus, AMD bills a four-module FX processor as an eight-core CPU, and we can't entirely object to that label.
Do you even read what you post? Not sure what your point is though.
Honestly is it too hard for your tiny brain to understand that the 8XXX and 9XXX FX CPUs have 8 INT cores?
Yeah?My previous mobo with phenom ii 965 and a cheap asus matx had one what happend?
Are we sharing our apu collection?
This guy gets it.
i just realized this little kitty is probably dead by now
I dont get it, why you talk about based nvidia
kek, saved.