what's wrong with ubuntu and why use any other distro for a desktop usage?
What's wrong with ubuntu and why use any other distro for a desktop usage?
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nothing, I would consider it stupid to use anything but Ubuntu or a derivative like Mint for a personal computer
Over half of all Linux machines use Ubuntu. Makes no sense not to go with the distro with the most support
Works for me. As far as I know people dislike it because of the following:
1. Amazon botnet (removed, it's just a desktop icon these days).
2. Unity, for various reasons such as being ugly (install a fucking theme) or the lack of customisation.
3. Bloated/slow, from the people who are running old as fuck hardware.
Personally hated Unity when it was first released but as most Ubuntu things, the first release is absolute shit. After trying 14.04 and slapping some Numix theme on it I've had no reason to switch away. We'll see how the Unity 8 release goes, hopefully they'll have it sorted out when 18.04 is released.
Comes pre-installed with a lot of useless shit
tray icons are fucked and the UI is completely unoptimized
When considering also Xubuntu and others, there is usually no need to consider other distros, if you don't have unusual demands and just want something that works.
But give it a try and see for yourself.
What's the consensus on xubuntu?
I'm considering ditching windows for xubuntu
Try Ubuntu Mate.
You wont regret it.
This is a silly set of questions. What's objectively wrong with a thing? Go check out the bug tracker for it. What's subjectively wrong with a thing? Go collect opinions. Why use something else? Pick from the data you just collected.
Since Sup Forums is neither a bugzilla nor strawpoll mirror, this thread isn't going to get anywhere on those fronts.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
It works just fine. Use it if you like xfce, use something else if you don't. I personally do when I'm too lazy to tinker with openbox.
the only way to know which gnome 2 clone you like best is to try them all. I like cinnamon, you might prefer lxde. It's about what's most comfortable.
what wrong with LINUX!! why every village needs to have its own distro, how the fuck can you beat MS, when there are like billion distros
ffs now every application will have its own distro, PS distro, vim distro, hello world distro, python distro, VLC distro... fucking stop, stop making distros and start making OS
You usually should never download spins like Xubuntu or Kubuntu since they get fucked immensely. Currently the most efficient ubuntu installation methods are getting the Unity image and breaking the fuck out of it by deleting unity or using the net-install 50mb version that left my HDD as read only.
horribly buggy every time I try it. If not for the bugs it would be GOAT
ubuntus just a fork of debian that adds a different gui. what else does it do? removes stuff doesn't it?
what about eos? how do we still not have a w98 or osx gui clone yet?
But they already did the OS it's called GNU/Linux
Lags behind releases.
different development cycle: debian has a stable release every 2 years or so, supported until the next version comes out, and a rolling distribution called testing.
ubuntu does a stable release every 6 months, supported until a few months after the next one, and an LTS version every 2 years, supported for 5 years.
There's also other ubuntu specific software such as PPA.
You can't trust Canonical. Ubuntu was the first distro which included actual spyware. Also they're working together with Microsoft -> Ubuntu on Windows 10.
I remember one autist complaining how you can't change the theme colour, as in the dark gray parts on windows.
Anons complain about screen tearing on xubuntu. I haven't used it in years so I wouldn't know, but I never had any tearing on any distro possibly due to using AyyMD GPUs. From what I've read here their drivers are much better than nVidia ones on Linux. Generally, Ubuntu and Ubuntu MATE are the most stable and working *buntus.
If you want KDE you should install KDE Neon or openSUSE instead of kubuntu. If you want a windows look install ZorinOS. Since you asked about xubuntu I assume you want a lighter DE, either go for Ubuntu MATE, Linux Mint with Cinnamon (or XFCE) or wait for Zorin Lite to be released.
>search results from the web
you speak like an angry indian. Who the fuck lives in "Villages" any more?
installer is bugged to shit. Try netinstall
you're free to modify the botnet my dude
The tearing is because XFCE is too lightweight to actually include a working compositor. Disable the preinstalled one and install compton to solve tearing
>on Unity
it's fucking nothing
Ths is 90% of the reason I won't touch Ubuntu, and fucking botnet in Unity. The only reason to even use Ubuntu is for Unity, and well they throw that idea out the window by loading it with NSA spy services.
When I install Arch, I know the only thing that is there is the kernel, and I know I can build my OS around my needs. I know exactly what's there and what isn't there.
>you speak like an angry indian. Who the fuck lives in "Villages" any more?
thanks now i read this in indian accent haha
when you say "NSA spy services" do you mean "opt-in Amazon telemetry"?
why is everyone on Sup Forums such a dramatic cunt?
Same reason old people increasingly buy into conspiracy theories: a boring life depresses them.
i was xubuntu user 100%
have discovered mint with mate desktop
using that alongside now
the choice
mint cinnamon
mint XFCE
mint mate
It's annoying how much shit has to be in PPAs even for their unstable branch. Oibaf for 3d, wine-builds for latest wine, chromium-dev for Chromium with hardware accelerated video decoding etc etc.
XFCE+compton is tear-free for me on Broadwell integrated graphics (GalliumOS on a chromebook).
Hope Mir will save us from this unholy patchwork of software though, doubt it's very efficient. Even with video hardware decoding in Chromium the CPU load for youtube with html5 and h264ify is just ridiculous (40/30/30 on three threads for 720p, better than the 100+ on the first thread without hardware decoding though).
My little doge can't be this cute!
what does mint do better than *ubuntu?
for me it's much snappier, with WAY less bugs and seems more compatible with any hardware I throw at it
All Ubuntu variants are worse than Ubuntu due to having less active people working and maintaining it. Just install XFCE over actual Ubuntu, wow you got XUBUNTU
why would they need ANY people working on them? Just the DE itself needs updates, they all get the Ubuntu upgrades anyway
I don't mind Ubuntu. I'd love to use Ubuntu since Unity is honestly pretty neat but SCREENTEARING. I really wish I could fix it, I tried using Intel's Graphic Drivers installer and it didn't do a thing.
>why is everyone on Sup Forums such a dramatic cunt?
For the (You)s. Seriously, people flat out lie about shit now and everyone believes them. Lincucks are the worse with their anti-Windows shilling.
The ironic thing is that the typical Sup Forumstard will say they don't use Facebook because it's all shit memes and fake news which is exactly what the typical thread on this shit board is filled with.
>what's wrong with ubuntu
Nothing. Kubuntu sucks and Unity has the Amazon botnet; but outside of that, Ubuntu is perfectly fine. Just people trying to look cool and tech-savvy by hating on the most popular distro.
>why use any other distro for a desktop usage
I can think of a few.
>You want bleeding-edge software
>You want to use exclusively free-as-in-freedom software/packages
>You want a DE other than the _buntu options
After having used Manjaro, I have no idea why the *buntu family is top dog. Manjaro give the user all of the power of arch, with all the ease of 'just werkz'. Noobs use *buntus because they're well known. NEETs use Arch because taking the long way of solving simple issues grants epeen. Use Manjaro.
It also requires time travel ever so often :^)
>what's wrong with ubuntu and why use any other distro for a desktop usage?
Nothing. I just like pacman better. apt is slow imo
They keep using outdated critical things like old versions of xorg, mesa for ages because phones are more important.
>the only way to know which gnome 2 clone you like best is to try them all. I like cinnamon, you might prefer lxde. It's about what's most comfortable.
Anything but cinnamon is for niggers.
I will never not find this funny
See, People never use OS to their fullest.
>Beta person usage (BPU) : Porn,Sup Forums, Leedit etc
>Average person usage (APU): $BPU+Ricing
>Above Average person usage (AAPU): $APU + video related
>Good Usage (GU): $AAPU + pentest + maintaining website for reconnaissance.
>Better Usage (BU): $GU + Actually wrote device drivers + games + softwares
>Best Usage : Re-invent the wheel.
Sadly all of you are below AAPU
xD ebic
Oh look. This meme again.
I used to think Unity was trash until I learned how to use it. That doesn't stop it from being ugly. At least it's miles better than Gnome 3.
It just doesn't work. Even fucking arch just works.
meh I like debian for normie desktop and arch for everything else. i don't see a point to ubuntu's existence honestly
it is still funny though.
Because macOS is better.
I use Gentoo because it's more flexible in configuration. I find nothing wrong with Ubuntu and people who prefer Ubuntu.
Problem with Ubuntu is all the modifications they've made exclusive to their distro that drive up the complexity whereas you can install generic Debian, and get the Debian handbook and understand everything that's happening.
Some other interesting things you can do with Debian is bolt on microkernels like Hurd, bolt on Guix packaging manager, or run it as a rolling release. With Guix you can run multiple different gcc versions and they're all installed in /home/ instead of /usr so no root req.
If you still go with Ubuntu use the LTS release because the other releases tend to break during upgrades (the .10 releases). I used to run those in a VM to see what was coming to the next LTS version then do a worry free upgrade on thousands of boxes to latest LTS.
1. buggy as fuck. In the past (12.04 ans before that) LTS releases used to be stable as fuck and actually good while x.10 were used as testing grounds. Now you are basically beta testing no matter what release you use until x.04.2 usually.
2. maintainers take forever to fix bugs. Since *buntu runs it's own versions of packages whatever bug there is needs to be first fixed by original package developer and then by ubuntu maintainers in their own version of package. Bugs that take 2-3 weeks to fix on vanilla distros like Arch take fucking half a year in Ubuntu, Fedora and such. Beyond ridiculous.