My little brother wants to start learning a programming language (He's 14. Quite bright) After seeing me doing it for years he's just now starting to take an interest. What do you guys think is the best language for kids or beginners to learn ? Personally I started with PHP cause I wanted to make a website when I was like 11 and then started picking up Python cause that was what my older friends were using. I'm thinking Ruby maybe ? I dunno.
My little brother wants to start learning a programming language (He's 14...
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Do you hate your brother?
I was thinking Ruby
Python or JAVA. Ruby is hipster tier.
Give him python.
>Quite bright
No, he's not.
c++ if he is bright
he is 14 he can do it.
Unironically the best intro to programming around.
It doesn't matter, concepts are ubiquitous and syntax is new at any rate. I started with C++ at the same age, with no problems save coping with the lack of structured education.
Ask him what he wants out of it. It's irrelevant, but if he wants to make video games, C++/C# will wend towards an eventually industry placement.
If you want him to unterstand pointers at some point in his life and not just be another Java codemonkey let him Start with C/C++ on a linux/bsd machine
Ruby is the better choice. It's very easy and funny. Writing in ruby you don't have the problem to find out a way to let the machine understand you; so the only problems you have are the problems you want to solve.
You'll be harming his development if you coddle him with babby languages. Go with C or C++.
Teach him the language of love.
Teach him how to suck dick because he's clearly a fucking faggot.
C and Lisp.
What's wrong with PHP? It's comfy.
If you can help him understand pointers and data structure overall, start with C. If you can't, Python.
I started with basic at 10 and C at 14.
But honestly is not about the language but about what programming means.
Java and python are ok.
Learn him assembly after that C and after that rust now he knows enough to do whatever he wants.
PHP. So he can start getting shit done right away. It's everywhere, it's easy. After that, SQL (any variant).
He'll be employable and he'll have a decent foundation.
Fuck the haters.
>actively encouraging your brother to go down the CS meme path
>your brother will end up on Sup Forums one day just like you
>you think this is a good thing
srly .. tell your brother to lift and hope he gets laid one day unlike you ... fucking moron
Sadly this.
Simple shell scrips that return junk or do things.
>But honestly is not about the language but about what programming means.
Ding ding ding.
The language doesn't matter, but he needs to understand how computers work.
So basically start from the bottom and work your way up to higher levels of abstraction. NEVER the other way around.
Ask him what kind of stuff he wants to make, and pick a language that's suited to those tasks.
What.. what are you even doing on g/
C, c++, Java, or Python. I'd start him on Python because he doesn't have to absorb as much info as with others, and he'll learn about basic commands and how this shit works in a clean and easy environment.
I'm 17, is it to late for me to learn programming?
We are bored in between our sets. Here to make brain gains and shit.
Ruby or Java. Python is garbage tier.
Any time after 12 is too late. 11 and 12 is already pushing it
And a RISC assembly like MIPS.
And tell him to install gentoo.
>apparently has years of programming knowledge
>still has to ask such a simple question on here
Why are you lying on the internet, idiot?
Phython. The DataCamp courses are pretty good.
Please learn him haskell, maybe scheme first. This will be an excellent long term investment as he will be able to create a layered abstraction model in his software. Dont start with low level languages like C++, it will be a waste of time: nobody cares about serialized performance anymore, parallellism is the next big thing
Start him with Python then once he's comfortable with the basics of programming
Then move him to C and teach memory management, then move him to assembly to really understand programming
Then move him to masoning and finger painting
Anything you can help him with is good, OP. Something for which you know how to debug obscure fuckups is best. If that still leaves plenty of options, sure, python is great.
>Learning a Programming Language
>not just teaching algorithms and data structures
>not teaching memory allocation
>not teaching skills that are transferable to any language.
For a 14 year old kid to stick with programming, they should have fun first and foremost first, as in start programming. Have them make a game or something
Starting out by teaching them about algorithms is a good way to bore the piss out of them and scare them off
Wtf no, there is no need for learning low level languages to "really learn programming", if you are going to write software you should learn how to create abstractions to separate concerns. Python is a good start, but C and assembly as the next language is pointless
Hello Pajeet
Then maybe they don't really like it that much if they're not fascinated by the meat of it all.
>I wanna make games but ugh I gotta learn to program
>C and assembly are pointless if you want to understand programming
I bet my kid can program circles around your kid
In real world, the meat of programming is meetings, bosses, deadlines, abitrary performance evaluations, documentation, email, filling tps reports, never seeing your own code in production, process meetings, fat coworkers etc. Tell me you are fascinated.
different strokes for different folks. I'm almost 30 and still can't bring myself to read one of those data structures and algorithms books. they are b-o-r-i-n-g.
Sure they'll help you with concepts, but you can also get better at programming by simply programming. Trial and error, and reading other people's code to see the best ways to do things.
Then maybe they should not get into programming.
If you want to interest a kid with making games then go for Java. Its GUI design is the easiest and documentation is the best. He can make an android app and have all sorts of fun until he is ready for the real fun.
This is why I program as a hobby, not a job