Fuck you, I like it!

Fuck you, I like it!

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It's okay I guess.

Only ever used it cause of Gmod desu

it does coroutines nicely. most people I see shit on it because they can't handle 1 indexed arrays.

1 indexed arrays are retarded.

Tell that to Knuth

do the same with java/javascript/php to get a 300 replies thread

message[1] = 'J';
message[2] = 'U';
message[3] = 'S';
message[4] = 'T';

i agree
but lua is nice except for that if you ask me
at least it has its uses

message = { "J",

it's literally the best named language


it just sounds based as fuck. Plus it would be a good name for your qt3.14 waifu

There are many worse choices for scripting languages

strexplode ("JUST")
Can you not into writing functions?

nigger its much comfier than python

>manages to single-handedly tank Torch
>is this the power of Lua

>Fuck you
Calm down. Lua is The Beatles of scripting languages. Many don't care for it but few really hate it.

Now Tcl, that's a divisive scripting language. Some really love it, some really hate it.


Lua is wonderful for embedding in other software. Easier than Python to use securely -- sandboxing scripts is actually doable, just make another Lua state. And you can handle all data accesses if you choose.

Can you sandbox Lua so that an infinite loop in the script doesn't cause your program to hang?


i doubt it. You could create a timeout function in your host program?

luafags WILL defend this

That's what I do now with [language redacted], but I want something better like limit the number of total statements executed.

people tend to shit on things for petty reasons. just look at all the people bashing python for whitespace. 0-indexed arrays makes sense in C because the array index represents the value's offset from the beginning of the array but a higher level language doesn't need that

You can just not wait for it to return anything and use something like io.popen.

Roblox Lua scripting at 13 gave me an intro to CS, the only good use for it is tutorials.

Loved a bit of SWEP dev

But that's not in the standard library...

Lua is the best. Used it for CC and OC. Also scripting with it in HexChat.

Tangentially on the subject of Lua, there's a LÖVE gamejam coming up in a couple days. itch.io/jam/love2d-jam

I have written functions that return true on success and nothing on failure and then used said return value (or lack of it, nil) as a conditional. I love it.

I also love indexing tables with true and false, and handling large pieces of conditional logic as a single array. For example FizzBuzz might look like this:
result = {}; result[true] = {}; result[false] = {}
result[true][true] = function() return "FizzBuzz" end
result[true][false] = function() return "Fizz" end
result[false][true] = function() return "Buzz" end
result[false][false] = function(i) return i end

for i = 1, 100, 1 do
local cond1 = i % 3 == 0
local cond2 = i % 5 == 0

Sure. Depends on what you want to embed it in.

this is not untrue


You give Lua a bad name

Sorry pybaby. We can't compensate for your stupidity.

As dumb as that kind of code is, I enjoy it. Nothing wrong with writing things in a silly way for the heck of it.

Its easy on the surface but when you try to get metatables working and lua interfacing with c++ without glue libs it's easy to feel to dumb

no not really

Write it asynchronously then.

Just verify beforehand if the Lua code you are about to execute will stop. Trivial, really

>I have never written program beyond 'hello world' printer
>what is halting problem

Oh shit, didn't think anyone here would actually be autistic enough to bite the bait. Thank you for the chuckle

>merely pretending

I'm gonna learn Lua for web dev.This will be my first language.
Is it a good idea?

I didn't even know there were frameworks for it. Go for it I guess. Have fun!