>Windows Desktop
>Linux Laptop
>Android Phone
This is the best combination.
Windows Desktop
I think you mean
>windows desktop
>windows laptop/tablet
>linux server
>android phone
>linux everything
This is literally the best
>OS X desktop
>OpenBSD laptop
>BB10OS phone
Masterrace reporting in
>t. mactoddler
Windows laptop
Android phone
Comfy as fuck.
>>Windows Desktop
>>Linux Laptop
>>Android Phone
Pajeets don't use Linux at all.
>macOS desktop
>Linux laptop
>Windows server
>Ubuntu phone
top comfy
>carried an ethernet cable for a year instead of simply replacing his damned Wi-Fi card
Jesus user, try thinking a little sometime.
Sure do. Coz it's free and runs on old hardware.
Precisely me.
Linux can only support well what is documented well. This is not a fault of the OS but a fault of your Wi-Fi chipset manufacturer.
>MacBook air
>Windows phone
Fuck my shit up
>Pajeets don't use Linux at all.
I am indian and I use GNU/linux
>Windows Laptop
>OpenBSD Laptop
>Android Phone
The true master race.
T. Autist.
>Windows VM
>linux desktop as host and non-gayming OS
>Linux laptop
>Android phone
Do you just hate programs being compatible with your devices?
I just wanted a thin laptop and a fancy phone camera
>windoes desktop
>windows laptop
>android phone
>Pricey workstation laptop dual booting Windows and LiGNUx off separate drives
>BlackBerry10 phone
>Android tablet
This is the best combination
>Windows Desktop
>Linux Laptop
>iOS and Android Phone
>Wacom Tablet
Because I'm no poor
>OS X laptop
>iOS tablet
>iOS phone
comfy af
>macOS Desktop (Hackintosh)
>Debian Laptop or Windows 8.1
>Android Phone
>Android Desktop
>NetBSD Laptop
>Ubuntu Phone
>OS X Server
feels good
>Windows/Linux dual boot desktop
>Linux laptop
>Lineage os phone
it's a collection of zomboxes
>Windows desktop
>Windows/Linux laptops
>iOS phone
>Linux Server
>Linux Desktop
>Linux Laptop
>Android Phone
The only combination
Android is Linux
>windows desktop
>macbook pro
>xps 13 w/ linux
>VM server, 4 linux and 1 win 2012
>2 android phones
its expensive but cant be beaten
>Windows Desktop
>Linux Laptop
sorry, dont want to have green bubbles lmfao
>windows workstation
>windows laptop
>linux thinkpad
>windows tablet
best combo ever
>t. iToddler
unless you're running games or something on your laptop, linux works just fine
>GNU+Linux Desktop
>GNU+Linux Laptop
Apple Desktop
Linux Laptop
Windows Phone
living the dream
This is it guys
OS X laptop
android phone
Linux desktop
>gentoo desktop
>gentoo laptop
>hanmade stage1, 2, and 3 gentoo on mobile
Every other combination in WROG
>systemd desktop
>systemd laptop
>systemd phone
thanks lanny potter
What about touchscreen 2 in 1s?
My x220t runs great with Linux.
Making fun of the poor...
macOS desktop
chromeOS laptop
android phone
My next phone will be an iphone se though.
My same setup, nice job user
Android is Google/Linux.
macOS Desktop
iPad Pro
Windows gaymurr desktop (weak CPU, Stronk GPU, 8gb ram)
Linux desktop (powerful CPU, weak GPU, 16gb ram)
Linux Laptop
Linux Server
Android phone
>windows desktop
>windows phone
>laptop ???
>being me
who is this boy?
that's my wife
Windows Desktop
Linux Laptop
Linux Server
Android Phone
>botnet phone