/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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Previous thread: If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

What distro should you choose?

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first for source mage gnu/linux

second for Source Mage GNU/Linux

>3 IPs
>2 hailing for source mage

Here's a little history for those who are interested. [repost]

>In 2001, Kyle Sallee created a source-based linux distribution called Sorcerer GNU/Linux and released it under the GPL. In late 2001 due to differences with Kyle on how to run the project, a fork was created called Lunar Penguin, now known as Lunar Linux. As a result of confrontations with the Lunar developers, Kyle took Sorcerer off the web one night and nobody could update.
>Many of the developers tried to talk Kyle back into continuing the project, but failed. Ryan Abrams and Eric Schabell took over the GPL'd sources and put up a temporary website. At the request of Kyle, the name was changed, and after a vote, Source Mage GNU/Linux was born. On April 4, 2002, sourcemage.org was registered and website content was put up.
>A short while later Kyle rewrote much of his code and released it under a non-GPL license that prevents forking. These three distributions have continued since, however the rest of this article concerns Source Mage.

>Development now continues on 3 separate distros with three distinct goals:
> - Lunar-Linux aims to produce a stable, solid, source-based distro using well-tested software versions.
> - Sorcerer's aims are unclear at this time, but apparently will create a non-free source-based Linux distro to suit Kyle's vision.
> - Source Mage is working to continue rapid development of the sorcery tools and create a 100% free source-based GNU/Linux distro that allows users the maximum amount of freedom and choice possible.

The wikipedia article says that the initial release of Sorcerer GNU/Linux was in 2007, which is obviously wrong.
Although the rest of the article seems legit.

Sorcerer appears to be both non-free and non-existent at present time and nobody gives a shit about Lunar Linux (latest release was in 2014).

Is this an actual distribution with stuff up to date or just some random distribution that no one maintains ?


pls replace
>/fglt/'s copypasta collection: p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

you have an older version

Will do.

In all honesty yes, is more than up to date than most distros. Just don't get trolled, some people are bitchy about the name and the theme.

This is a lie.



I dumped most of what I have. Will drop more tonight but want activity in thread.

Copy and pasting from other thread. Dump your GNU/Linux related webms.

what is that arcade game?
in the webm from webm

I am making a couple.

I had a dream about RMS last night. He was in a mountaintop compound that I visited. He and his disciples became very mad when my dad came to collect me and didn't remove his shoes or use a freedom-respecting phone, and we both got kicked out.

I'm finally going to give Linux a chance Sup Forums.

I've used it before a few times but never wanted to commit to make it my main OS. I've changed my mind though.

Give me the run down on the fresh shit that I need to know


Have you decided on a distro?

I'm not sure what you're asking.

the webm from the OP I meant

The difference between 32 and 64 bits, how to burn an iso to a cd or usb, how to enable usb booting in the BIOS, and how to dualboot.

Also, how to use check the OP. Good stuff in there

so it's a lie that the scripts for pretty much everything, including the kernel, x, drivers, audio, video, editors, most of your WMs and DEs that everyone likes, those are all being actively maintained? you should tell your wizard buddies to updated their website and their git then.

Refer to the OP pasta please.

If I have the chance I will tell them, but is implied that what is in the stable repo is there for a reason.

is it just me or is rpm dogshit? slow as fuck with zypper and yum. I've never tried dnf though. It seems incredibly slow compared to pacman and dpkg. it seems like pacman is fastest.

>is more than up to date than most distros
>is more than up to date than most distros
>is more than up to date than most distros
>is more than up to date than most distros

sorcery ftw


I am researching atm, just asking for general advice if you have any to give

I made a linux drive in the past to fix stuff, but that's it, only used it as a boot drive

I'm more asking about which distro to use and general user-knowledge stuff that might be interesting/helpful

I know you are trolling, and you probably won't stop after my reply, but do you even read about source mage? They take the latest stable source code directly from upstream, even in the stable repo. That means bleeding edge for you

Someone should tell the SMGL devs on IRC how popular their distro is getting.
Maybe that'll give them incentive to work harder and speed things up a bit.

You don't really need to know anything.

Install one of the popular distros to a new drive (or free space on a drive), use normally.

this, they need a kick in the butt

maybe they'll actually reach 1.0 by 2030

So does arch
So does debian

Use either Mint or a version of Ubuntu. Any other recommendation of distro is only good if you have experience, otherwise you'll get a hard time. And yes, Mint is just fine.

About daily driving, you need to find the names of the software you are going to need. GNU/Linux most definitely has software for you, like Scribus for advanced word processor, or Lyx, or Texmacs, but you need to find the names.

The OP has a good set of links for that.


>latest stable source code
> VERSION=42.0
ok then, if you say so...

I start to enjoy this sorcery meme.

We need to find something to do with a rolling system

I haven't visited these threads for a while, what is this Source Mage meme?
Is it actually good?

> Any other recommendation of distro is only good if you have experience, otherwise you'll get a hard time
Nonsense. Ubuntu is a possibly choice, but hardly the only choice for a beginner.

openSUSE, Manjaro, Sabayon and so many others also are intended to be easy as fuck.

It's like Gentoo, only better because you get to """"cast"""" """"spells"""" from """"grimoires"""".

>Sourcemage is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution based on a Sorcery metaphor of 'casting' and 'dispelling' programs, which we refer to as 'spells'.
>Source Mage's tagline is “Linux so advanced, it may as well be magic”, and its commands have a “sorcerous theme”. Each package is called a “spell”, and its package management program is called “sorcery”. To install a package the user must “cast” that spell. Casting a spell consists of downloading the source code (if it is not already downloaded), checking for dependencies, casting them if necessary, compiling the program, and installing it. A set of available spells is called a “grimoire”. To uninstall a package the user must “dispel” the spell.

You are right, but I go for the safe bet.

> We need to find something to do with a rolling system
You don't have to look, its quite commonly used to simply keep distros updated with their package manager. Nothing more, nothing less.

Can someone please post all the commands for installing/removing packages etc on smgl?

This sounds so gay and autistic


I've had more issues with Ubuntu than with most distros on both bare metal and the later pet VM I kept around.

But I guess YMMV.

see , , , ...
if you want to compile everything from source and be super edgy and have a lot of outdated software and think that makes you cool, you should try it out.
otherwise, stick to distros that are mature/convenient/actively maintained by a competent team


To change KEYMAP to your keyboard change /etc/sysconfig/keymap, and /usr/share/keymaps contains the reference keymaps.

to update the package manager
sorcery update

to update the package list
scribe update

to check any changes in the architecture specs
cast smgl-archspecs

to change general things like the color scheme

to rebuild everything from source
sorcery rebuild

to recompile the kernel
cast -r linux

after casting new spells you need this to have apropos, man -k, and whatis

to get a list of spells needing upgrade
sorcery -q

to upgrade the spells themselves known to be available for upgrade
cast --queue

to check for broken installations
cleanse --fix

to delete completely a spell
dispel --nosustain SPELL

It's like Gentoo without the vast majority of time that was invested into tooling or package maintenance on that distro (Gentoo pretty much has the most impressive tooling and packages overall).

scrot or it didn't happen


Any ideas for fun things to do with a 5$ VPS?

I'm currently running a web server and nextcloud.

Symphony ! 8)



I don't think that was very polite


Can Sup Forums help them reach 1.0?

shut up

I have no idea if this would be better suited here or in /sqt/ but I'm going to hazard a guess and ask it here.

I have a laptop running Slackware, and a desktop that I'm currently not using. It can either run GNU/Linux or Windows, it shouldn't (in a perfect world) matter which. I use my laptop as a daily driver, but I'd like to be able to come home and be able to use my desktop as well. Previously I've been using it as a computer dedicated to video games, but I'd like to use it as something I use more consistently than that. The crux of the problem is getting things (files, applications, browser sessions) from my laptop to be able to be used by the desktop in a "seamless" manner, caveat being that cloud shit in the vein of Google Drive or Firefox Sync is a non-starter. I'd also prefer not to use something like VNC/RDP, not because it wouldn't work, but just because it'd like chopping a tomato with a choppy, low-framerate nuke.

My original plan was to use something like X11 Forwarding to be able to ssh into my laptop and summon all of the applications I'm running, but then I realized that would create new instances of whatever I'm running rather than just grabbing the currently open window, so that wouldn't work. The less-ideal plan was to use Synergy, so I'd still use two computers but with one keyboard and mouse, but the fucking cunts have started charging money for it, and even if I pirated it, I have no idea whether whatever pirated version would work with whatever version is on Slackbuilds. I've come across some other alternatives (xpra, xmove, x2x), but they're not exactly what I'm looking for, and some of them are grossly, grossly outdated. Like 1997 outdated.

tl;dr: is there a good way to use both a laptop and a desktop at the same time, operating one semi-remotely from the other?

There's a lot of wisdom floating around the internet, and I'm not crazy about a large portion of it. Figured I'd at least ask before giving up.

>would work with whatever version is on Slackbuilds
the SlackBuild on SBo was last updated for 1.7.5 and the latest release on git is 1.8.6, in my experience you can usually get away with just changing the version number in sbopkg (or in the script itself if you download and run in manually) and it usually still builds with no problem, or at most you have to look if they changed some files that it is expected to move somewhere, or you might need to upgrade some library dependency.
According to Wikipedia,
>On 8 September 2014, the Synergy developers started charging a fee for distribution of pre-compiled binary files of Synergy on their website, while offering a free download for the source code. The developers claim only "0.002% of people were donating" to fund the development before charging
and this was before 1.7.5
Unless they changed their model, I'm guessing you can still download the source and compile it without having to pay them anything.
Try it out, let me/us know if it works. I've never heard of Synergy and I don't really feel like sitting through some oversimplified youtube video explanations.

x2x might be the thing you want
it's similar to synergy, you use it via ssh like this
ssh -Y x2x -to :0 -west
it allows you to move your mouse pointer through the west side of you laptop screen into the desktop screen and redirects all your input to the desktop.
You need to enable X11 forwarding for it to work.
I think there's a way to share the clipboard also.

Fuck, I didn't even think about looking for the source code. I figured they gave a fat finger to everyone and closed the source so they could make a fucktillion shekels. The Windows depends look awful, but, well, Windows. I suppose I could have a VM dedicated to building this shit so I don't poison the host install if I had to. I'll guess I'll give a shot before I go whole hog, seems a bit easier to compile one thing on the host rather than two things on the host and client, but I'll keep that in mind for the future. Really, the best situation would be something analogous to screen or tmux for X11 applications, but it's not looking like a(n easily accessible) thing, so I guess this'll have to be the next best choice(s). Thanks for the pointers, though.

Retard nigger winkids can't even figure out a terminal, I know my computer for sure.

I'm using Arch btw

install source mage

The terminal gives you power compared to niggerlicious buttons made by fags.

not that user, but thanks
that's very helpful

Installing Source Mage first thing tomorrow

that's pretty cool imo

Friendly reminder that systemd is an NSA botnet programmed by big time jerk Lennart Poettering who is on the take from the NSA, FBI, CIA, Kremlin, Mossad, and MI6/MI5. The lack of proof is proof of a coverup.


What is the most painless way to set up a LAMP server on my laptop running Mint and SSH into it from my desktop?

What is wrong with umbuntu? You guys are making me consider suicide

You mean dat flamboyance?

Because otherwise, have you considered what the tooling of a binary distro looks like on the distro maintainers side?

it's not Arch :^)

but muh gentwoo

source mage ftw

You install the packages you want (is that really apache for the web server rather than nginx, lighttpd, cherokee or something?) and use them.

>source mage
CIA is on that shit nigga

Still waiting for those niggers devuan to hurry the fuck up and release as stable.


cant trust deblyin ted cruz either.

Dispel systemd.

If you just want
>things (files, applications, browser sessions) from my laptop to be able to be used by the desktop in a "seamless" manner
I imagine you can set up nfs and a bunch of symlinks so that one box gets it's shit from the other. Perhaps make a little script that rsyncs your home directory between the two if you take the laptop somewhere away from your desktop and it does some browsing on its own? You probably won't be able to avoid some things getting overwritten or you might break the whole profile since I doubt it was designed to be used that way, but it doesn't hurt to experiment.
I imagine you might even be able to run software from one box on the other if you either do some careful/clever linking, or keep the required library objects up to date on both machines
Also you can launch X applications on the remote machine over ssh by setting DISPLAY.

why would you even install it in the first place?

I wouldn't

How do I change konsole's resolution? This is happening when I type netctl

Why would you want to use a specific terminal? They all seem pretty much exactly the same. I only use urxvt because it handles colour schemes in a way that works easily to be the same as my wallpaper.

Yeah, you would cast it, if anything.

hey i really like chromium, it's a much better and faster browser imho
any way i can cast that?


I need a program for e-books that allows me to write notes on the "sides" of the pages and allows me to highlight the text (like with a marker)

Anything out there? There are some for Android that do these, but I need one for desktop too.

>using an operating system "created" by a handful of bitter people who leech off other people's work for 99% of "their" operating system and only hackishly disable something everyone else is using and which only causes more work for no upsides

ha ha hahahahgjhgajgkghjh

Is there an option to install opensuse with no DE?

I fail to understand the difference between distributions and why people care so much about them. It seems to me like the only important difference is package management, and how large/minimal and easy the installation is.

Distros are a fascinating thing. All the systems can install the same software, yet things like drivers can run completely different depending on what system their on.

look up "opensuse headless"

many distros are largely the same, especially when they derive from an already popular distro like debian. there's more to it than just the package manager. But yes if you are just using your distro casually at home there's no need to worry too much about what you use.

>Gentoo pretty much has the most impressive tooling and packages overall
>GCC 4.9

switch to global unstable