Monitors with no height adjustment still exist

>monitors with no height adjustment still exist

worst thing ever

>monitors with no height adjustment, rotation, or VESA mounting (at the same time) still exist

>There are people who post frogs

wow quality thread mate. a hardware feature that hardly anyone ever uses is not on modern monitors.

Not having stand adjustments cuts cost. If you really needed this, buy a separate mount. Or, buy a dell

>yes goi, buy a separate mount, spend money goi

Or you could just put it over some books. Kike.

>1050 Ti coming in the mail
>I still have a VGA only 720p LCD monitor

Is DVI-D worth it over HDMI?

current HDMI is superior to DVI-D
you want HDMI or DisplayPort

why don't all monitors support vertical mode?

shouldn't it depend on the OS, not the hardware?

>browse monitors
>40$ clearence shitbox has adjustable height
>brand new 300$ monitor doesn't