/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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Learn what a specific command is for:
$ man
$ info
$ help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos
For advanced users: grymoire.com/Unix/index.html
Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros): wiki.archlinux.org, wiki.gentoo.org

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/fglt/'s copypasta collection: p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Friendly reminder that if you choose your distro based on politics then you have autism

First for Freedom.

>mfw there are freetards in this very thread who are posting using google botnet captcha on a closed source proprietary imageboard software

first for Source Mageá Ž

nice one hehe

For the glory of Source Mage!


>Value your freedom or you will lose it, teaches history. 'Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
>-- Richard Stallman

You don't exactly make yourself look less autistic when you quote Stallman

winshit troll begone

>You need to be a Stallman evangelist to use Linux

Yeah nah





hi, I'm using python for scientific computing (numpy, scipy, ipython, matplotlib)
I like working with a terminal and an editor
will the choice of linux distro affect this at all?
I'm thinking about going with ubuntu because I have used it before, but I am curious with there are any other more suited?


Just get any distro (except Arch, python is fucked up there).

>will the choice of linux distro affect this at all?
no unless is a really autistic distro

just go for ubuntu

by politics you mean social statements or update/package-managing/maintenance politics?

The distro doesn't matter for developing Python since it works the same on all distros. Choose what you want.

Both, but at least the latter ones can be tied to valid reasons such as performance

nice spyware

is good enough for noobs

Is XFS good for something or is just a meme?

couldn't find an entry for xfs on knowyourmeme, so I guess it's not a meme

Pro tip for the newfriends: we use "GNU/Linux" ironically. Never say it IRL, you autist

top meme

Let's discuss systemd.





it's shit


I love it

because muh unix way

it's red hat crap

because I was told so on Sup Forums

what wrong with redhat?

Hey guys, I'm really stuck and not sure where to go from here. I'm running Arch and did my first -Syu, but it seems something to do with Readline doesn't work and when trying to use pacman I got an error that it can't find libreadline.so.6. I reboot, but it won't boot into my display manager and when I try to log in through tty it gives me the same error (that it can't find Readline) and asks me to log in again. Can I get some advice about how to get Readline on my computer?

it's shit

it's the nsa


>I'm running Arch
>trying to use pacman
>got an error
That's normal.

install gentoo

Arch is for advanced users only.

install Source Mage

install smeagol

you somehow borked your system and need to reinstall, hope you had /home on a separate partition

please, will I have to do it from a USB drive? I'm not sure how to get Readline from it to my hard drive without logging in

It is good for storage and media,large files.
The filesystem does not allow for shrinking or expanding partitions though

you either reinstall or learn how to chroot to perform maintenance, since you're new reinstall is the easiest option, but learning is never wasted

Only if you use unity and then

is sourcemage better than gentoo?

Depends on your level of autism.


good enough for noobs

You want a more minimal and more customizable distro which also happens to be even more bleeding edge? If so, yes.

How is that more bleeding edge?


Packages come untouched from source, and if you enable the testing "grimoire" you can install stuff like linux kernel 4.9.

I booted from a live USB, mounted my hard drive's partition onto /mnt and tried to chroot /mnt from the usb. When I do this I get the libreadline.so.6 error again. Is there a way to just get this file and put it into my lib folder from the live USB?

no devs, ancient packages

yes devs, memes

So I've seen Slackware recommended here every now and then, and I've read up on what it is and does and I like the philosophy behind it (BSD like,modular, user control, also no systemd). I've only ever used Windows and I've just about had it with Widows 10 cancer. I got some questions that I would appreciate being answered regarding it:

I don't mind reading an hour or two to install and configure, but after that is it ready to use?
I want to put this on my T430 MemePad, will it just werk or am I going to be fucking around with drivers and the like?
I would like to have an nice, intuitive UI that is customizable, Slack have that or is that something I can install/configure?
The big question, how easy is Slack for a first time user? Will I get my ass kicked? I don't mind learning but it its a convoluted mess I don't know if I want to bother.

Thanks for the help!

yes it is

the main problem with arch is not that it uses systemd and not that it merges everything into /usr/bin and not that it's developers are austistic fucktards but that very often they push a bleeding edge package update and forget to update some critical part of the dependency chain and now the expected versions don't match the versions you have installed, and because it's pacman you can't easily rollback to your previous version.
you can do slocate libreadline and it will find any files with libreadline in the name, you probably have libreadline.so.5 or something
or maybe you don't have readline installed which would be big league retarded
just install a normal OS

Slackware is probably a bit too advanced and not as ready to use, may scare first time users. Try either Devuan or Manjaro.


try a slack based distro first, give salix a go

Thank you.

I renamed libreadline.so.7 to libreadline.so.6 and it works now so whatever

Devuan is rock solid and easy for noobs

Slackware was my first distro when I was 13 and it was simple enough for me to log into, start KDE, and use that for everything except games. I didn't become 100% comfortable and able to solve complex problems on my own until I was 21 or 22 or so, but I had not been using Slackware (or any Linux) exclusively until 19.

>but after that is it ready to use?
yes and no
if you want proprietary nvidia drivers, you have to install those manually or use a SlackBuild
if you want graphical login, you have to change one line in your inittab
if you want ntp (correctly sets your clock from time servers) enabled properly, you need to uncomment a few lines in /etc/ntp.conf
most things that "don't work" OOTB are fixed in that manner
>I want to put this on my T430 MemePad, will it just werk or am I going to be fucking around with drivers and the like?
Slackware ships with a huge vanilla kernel by default so it contains pretty much every non-restricted driver available
Some things, like proper scrollwheel behaviour with the clitmouse, have to configured in your xorg.conf.d but the thinkwiki has step by step instructions for that
>I would like to have an nice, intuitive UI that is customizable, Slack have that or is that something I can install/configure?
This is a DE issue. Slackware ships with KDE 4 and Xfce by default, and there are community packages for KDE 5, MATE, and Cinnamon, as well as (I believe) LXDE/LXQt.
The UI for system management is console-based but very comfy with easy to understand menus and options
>I don't mind learning but it its a convoluted mess I don't know if I want to bother.
Slackware is not convoluted, it has very few moving parts so it's easy to learn, but the simplicity also means it's easy to break if you accidentally some files. On the other hand, just keep a separate /home partition and you can reinstall as much as you want. That's just part of the learning experience for first-time users :^)

enjoy something completely unexpected possibly breaking in the future
or pacman sperging out when it can't remove libreadline.so.6 and and libreadline.so.7 already exists

I'm obviously not going to keep it like this, only so I can get the legitimate version

it's been ages since i've used arch, but i'm pretty sure pacman spergs out if files (don't) exist when it expects them (not) to. i may be wrong though

It only spergs when it exists but the package is supposed to provide it when you're installing

>rename 6 to 7 so that pacman can start
>tell pacman to install 7
>7 already exists

It would install over it.

No.Pacman knows that version 6 is installed,when he renames 6 to 7 pacman still expects 6 to be there to update to 7,not 7 already existing in the filesystem.

Grab the source from the website and build it locally but instead of using pacman to install the package,take the .so out generated pkg.gz and put it in its place.That should fix it

arch is the best

arch is best when competent users configure it :^)

... example for failure

What's the meaning of the Arch logo?

"A" for autism.

A naked Arch user looks down between his legs.

"Cutting edges"

Does Sourcemage have a screenfetch logo?

anyway to monitor my IP for changes from CLI?

can you be more vague?

ok sorry, I want a small lightweight cli tool that posts my current ip waits 5 seconds then clears terminal and repeats, it's cause I'm using a vpn via network manager so it doesn't have a kill switch or anything so I worry about if it's turned on

>posts my current ip waits 5 seconds then clears terminal and repeats
posts it to the terminal also doesn't have to be exactly this but something to this effect

Should I try Gentoo or Source Mage first?


Not on the the list.

I don't know any reason why anyone would use Source Mage over Gentoo

Again a good answer Slack dude.

Is Source Mage the new meme?

Since ArchLinux install guide has arch-chroot stage, can't you just boot usb and arch-chroot?
>Honest question (Not running arch now, and it never broke on me when I did run it)

linux_logo, but screenfetch is just a bash script anyway