How can technology utilize 6 dimensions?

How can technology utilize 6 dimensions?

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A lot of technology struggles with 3 dimensions, so I don't see that comming.

There's no such thing as a 3 dimenson


1 to n

Int ******v;



What? Have you never heard of depth or something? So you live in a planar world? Are you the flat world thought experiment? What?!

calm down bro, I was just role playing as a non-3 dimensional character

A 6D oven to gas jews would be pretty useful.


are you an idiot? it's capped at 3. The only possible thing that could even get to 4 is the universe itself

import numpy as np
muh_dimensions = np.empty(6)

Hi Nazi. Gotten punched lately?

3D is worse than 2D, so will 6D not just be terrible?

Get off my board you papercunt

maybe, but for certain ur mum is lul

go take a math class

>are you an idiot? it's capped at 3. The only possible thing that could even get to 4 is the universe itself
What a retard.

Are you american?
I bet you are.

Educate yourself:

And read picture related you dumb pleb.

According to some variations of string theory we're living in a 27 dimensional reality...

Dekagames when

>science fiction weekly

It already does dipshit.

>three-dimensional space

I count six different dimensions.



>only spatial dimensions are dimensions

>How can technology utilize 6 dimensions?

Perhaps we'll finally be able to weigh OP's mom.

according to me thats fucking retarded

why hepteract before hexeract?

I would hate to try and debug memory leaks in a program containing this.

probably a bad idea