Why is GNU/Debian the best OS ever made?
Why is GNU/Debian the best OS ever made?
>Suicide OS
why not use a real mach based os instead of that clone
If it would be called GNU/MacOS I would use it. But instead I'm using GNU/Debian since it has a true GNU kernel not like the "GNU/Linux" operating systems which are a total lie
> impying a closed source OS could be better than a true GNU system
>instead I'm using GNU/Debian since it has a true GNU kernel
b-b-but muh hardware support!
WTF, how can someone make a soft so ugly?
Who needs hardware these day's. Today its all about software.
why does old osx look so comfy now
Ask the one who wrote the "GNU" in "GNU/Linux"
Because minimalist design sucks
Is that background colour default?
>shitty brushed metal look
with the friendly help of autism
Yes, do like it?
I do, yes.
Would you like to change your main OS to GNU/Debian?
Not today, thanks.
Because apt is a complete fucking mess.
What kind of pseudo GUI is this?
sounds about right, older versions were pretty clean but didn't hide away as much shit
newer versions feel more dumbed down for normies but at the same time manage to turn a mac into a cluttered fucking mess when you want to do anything more than kikebook
I liked them substantially more before they buckled for systemd. Frankly the modern debian team is a bunch of SJW losers.
Systemd is not that bad... Boot up times are much smaller with it.
Debian Stable is a collection of 5 Year old software...
i love debian
>he uses Hurd
How is the filesystem? Post pics of the filesystem.
Meanwhile OpenRC/Runit boot up times are minimum 3x faster.
how often do you reboot?
I keep an uptime counter in my system monitor and it almost always rolls over 3000000s, sometimes over 10000000.
This is the quagmire of linux. You either have a stable distro running ancient software or you have an unstable turd running the latest software.
There doesn't seem to be a middle ground anywhere.
>2 year old software
>ancient software
I hate this agile development meme
If it ain't broke don't fix it
Debian stable is the last sane OS
not the last
not the first
and unless I'm severely mistaken it ships fresher packages than Debian and is as if not more stable.
>uptime 6 minutes
post something that you actually you use.
back to Sup Forums you fucking faggot
Have you seen the picture, retard?
It's gentoo on a raw virtual disk chrooted via the arch live for kernel compatibility.
I don't actually use it that way, but I had the picture lying around.
Uptime of windows is 9m, btw
>It's gentoo on a raw virtual disk chrooted via the arch live for kernel compatibility.
No, you just ran neofetch from your arch VM with an override. If you're going to shitpost fake screenfetches, at last put some effort into it so it doesn't look sloppy.
Slackware is also the most Unix-like of all the Linuxes. It's a superb distro.
Why would I lie on an anonymous board?
This is my laptop, with arch, connected to the vm via ssh
It's not desu
(Even if it was the "modern" one (lol) and not one from 1996)