Technology Careers and Mental Illness

Okay, honest question here.

Does anyone else feel like there is this weirdly common conjunction between mental illness and technology careers? A disproportinally large group of people I've met so far that truly want to go far in this field have had some sort of mental issue in the past or present, and in general they have all been very "existential" people. In addition, it is becoming a trope in movies and television. Is this just me, or does anyone experience anything similar?

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I'm working at a technology company which employs 300+ people. I know about 100 of them pretty good and vast majority of them are total normies. From devs and testers to TLs and DLs, normies everywhere.

U say illness or disorder
I say personality

Being mentally stable is normie shit.

Saying the word "normie" is pleb shit.

saying pleb is retard shit

look at that photoshopped butt

>defending playground tier insults
>arguing against a word which has been part of the English language for hundreds of years
Stay new, faggot

I have schizophrenia. My doctor did tests on me and told me I shouldn't go to college or work because I don't function well enough.

I'm on neetbux with no plans on doing anything at all ever.

i'm currently in college majoring in computer engineering and i'm completely stable

i've never once had to take medication other than for rashes and shit when i was little. although i do agree slightly with that, but i think most of the people wanting to go into video game development (especially indieshit) are mentally unstable

I don't have any mental problems, but... I don't consider myself a normal person desu. mostly because I'm reclusive, a-social, and literally have never had a gf (I'm almost 30)

developer with depression here, can't say i don't disagree

>no plans on doing anything at all ever
yet you post in a thread about careers. back to r9k

This image makes me depressed

Most webdevs are total normalfags.

I don't know much about real programmers because I have not been around them.

t. webdev that hates his job and his coworkers

whoops, OPs picture put me off

i def agree with the post



not him, but it also depresses me, because I'm lonely as hell, and completely socially retarded

Technology centered careers generally don't involve talking to people, which is generally a hard thing to deal with for most mentally ill people.
So naturally they seek them out.

I don't find this to be true in practice. Every technology job I've encountered so far has still required a lot of interaction with other people. The best employees are the ones who are good at both technical problems and dealing with people.

I see, I'm sorry man

>Urge to procreate intensifies

Look around at your fellow-posters and reflect on whether it was a good idea to insult them all.

Mediocrity is worse.

Yes, at the several different jobs I had from my network admin job to the several programming or web dev jobs I have, every single one of my coworkers were soft bodies genetic wastes that honestly shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Since I lived with my parents while I was working I saved pretty much 100 % of my money and was able to outright buy a house and two cars and was right on a few of my stock investments, so I never have to work again. Teaching myself to draw and paint with all my free time so I'll be able to make some money doing commissions when I'm good enough.
I refuse to work with in tech ever again unless it's my own company, even then I would hate the people I hire.


A lot of mental illness has to do with how you interact with other people. There's some portion of mentally ill people who would fine in a vacuum, but do terrible in a crowd. (AKA, most autistic people)

Technology jobs allow you to avoid some of that, and cater to personality types that are already avoiding some amount of interaction.

It's not just techlogy --- a lot of manual labor is rife with mental illness. Some crab boat dudes spend the majority of the year not working, and also drunk.

>Fit cutie with dogshit on her shoes
That's my fetish!

She demands that you lick her shoes clean. Do you?

Dogshit is a firm no, but if it was her own I'd consider it.

it's pronounced 'plebe' you plebeian faggets.

thats part of the pattern, idiot

its a base sole color and black accents

in the UK, specifically, computer programmers are treated like dirt. There is absolutely no respect for the profession

>mental illness
A bullshit catchall term to commoditize non-normies and make money by selling them pharmaceuticals.

PROTIP: There is an ocean of difference between someone with clinical depression and a schizophrenic

Half of all psychology research can't be replicated, why do you still trust this shit?

OCD is a reoccurring disability I have noticed among the brightest people I've met. In some cases it's almost crippling, but insanely beneficial to their jobs.

Seems similar with ADHD types and their ability to 'hyperfocus', I work in tech and there's a lot of people who claim to have ADHD, not sure how many are just pretending for meds tho

Not saying that all crazy people are smart, or that all people with technology careers are smart, but there's a lot of evidence in studies that people with higher IQs are at much greater risk for major-depressive, bipolar, and schizophrenia disorders.

This could be due to inherited dopamine receptors. From studies today, we observe that DRD4 has stronger correlations to ADHD, higher IQ, Depression, and Schizophrenia. DRD1 by contrast has less mental disorders linked to it, however it has a stronger correlation to being cognitively slow.

where you have more levels of checking than any program


It's just you

That said, I have HFA and have been working with computers since I was 10

Can't confirm. All my issue are rooted back in early childhood and I haven't really seen a computer before junior high.

It's 100% poop.

I have OCD and been programming since I was 8. Do it to keep my mind occupied. Sometimes though I can't function because I get caught in thought loops.

incoming blog post:

isolation does weird things to your brain. One of the reasons I got into technology was because I moved around a lot and usually when you move it takes a while to get that first friend.

I never had social anxiety or felt depression until a period of isolation that happened during a summer when I had no one to really talk to. Single mom, worked two jobs. was completely alone. It fucked with me for a long time.

I stopped wanting to be around people because I was so use to being by myself that there was comfort in it. Took me a long time to shake that and it's still there. I'd still rather go home and internet than go out and do pretty much anything.

That said 90% of people taking computer science courses at a university are spreglords. I'd rather hang out with normies.

having a mental illness is normie shit these days.

>Single mom

Tech careers often involve purely rational, data-driven components which unconsciously draw individuals seeking some form of stability and solace within a predictable and functional outcome in a world often considered vague.

Another factor could be electromagnetic interference, brains could be stimulated by EMI fields.

According to this website
it isn't photoshopped.

OP you should talk to this guy. He's fucking weird and crazy.

t. Normie

Was diagnosed with schizophrenia once.

Recreational programming has always been a necessary outlet. I can work in employment but I need my personal "useless" programming to stay sane. So I work part-time.

>unconsciously draw individuals seeking some form of stability
Interesting and probably true hypothesis.

Pretty much this but they're the kind of people to spend all day working at it and getting gud. Meanwhile I'm just a shitposting faggot with electrical training I probably won't use. And felony records so I probably can't get a "real" IT jerb.
I should have just poo'd in loo.

fuck user, are you me? my single mother was a contractor, so i moved every year since i was 12 until i moved out on my own at 20. i dont know if it was the same for you, but i just kinda gave up on having any friends, because i knew that i wouldnt see them again, and eventually they all stop responding to your texts and calls. the one exception is a friend that i made when i was 12, i started talking to him again before i moved out and weve been living together for a year. the only reason i mentioned it is because anymore i just want to be alone more than i want to be around him. its troubling because i dont even want to be around somebody who i consider to be my bestfriend.

have you ever made any life long friends? how often are you around people?

I don't talk to other people in computer science because I find them all pathetic. They just want a degree.
You would think this correlates highly with them being normie scum, but this phenomenon seems to occur with all types of people, from the weebs, to the gaymers, to the normies, and even to the full-on autists.
However, the primary differentiating factor I've found between competent and incompetent CS students is how old they are.
Older students (they are going back to college) without exception do very well in class. Younger students almost unequivocably do worse. There are exceptions, but I don't count on them.

Putting some thought to it, this phenomenon obviously has nothing to do with age. It's merely a matter of discipline. Older people going back to college have it, and younger people are still essentially children. Some, once reaching upper division classes, grow out of it. Most don't.

tl;dr young students are mostly pathetic and not worth being colleagues with. Friends maybe, colleagues no. When it comes to classes, I don't mix them together.

getting paid to check things.
Some day.

What if she lets you lick her shit out of her asscrack if you lick the dogshit off of her shoes first.

Yeah when my parents were together we stayed in the same place for until I was like 9. Still talk to some of those folks, mainly because we moved back there 3 times. I got to rekindle those friendships over and over again.

Now my friends where I live now are all married and have kids and I don't want any part in that shit. So I'm more alone now than I used to be because I'm old and people moved on to the next chapters.

Hang out with my best bro about three times a week. So not very social really. Still single because I don't get out of the house enough to do activities where you actually meet people.

Why would you want a relationshit?
Even pussy isn't worth it, it will fuck up your emotions, any kind of routine or mojo you have going on, and the rest of your world given time.

>weirdly common
No. There's nothing "weird" about it, certain types of people lend themselves to working with computers better, and those types of people are often mentally ill in one way or another.

>Being mentally stable is normie shit.
You think normies don't get mental illness? Hahaha. I guess at the point they get it they do being normies though.

Adhd is a myth. Of course you do better if you're on amphetamines. But look these meds are working. Of course they are you retarded drug addict.

I'm a junior webdev. If I could buy a gun here in the EU, I would blow my brains out instantly. I'm currently on SSRIs (I was diagnosed wih depression, not self medicating) and they help, but I'm definitely not normal and never will be.

I hate my life so much

No, I do not feel it. What I do feel is that you will never forget "that one guy" and how everybody likes to talk about him being weird. Which puts other 99 guys to shame for no reason.

>I'm a junior webdev. If I could buy a gun here in the EU, I would blow my brains out instantly. I'm currently on SSRIs (I was diagnosed wih depression, not self medicating) and they help, but I'm definitely not normal and never will be.
>I hate my life so much
Self medicating.
Faggot detected.

I can't say I completely agree, the people I work with are complete normies, type of people who have no interest in Tech other than in the office, though maybe the guy that's in Photography who buy expensive shit but other than that, no.

three dee is peeg deesgusting

who cares how nice her ass is, she is probably a cunt

and if she isn't, bless her heart, but she certainly isn't going to date anyone who isn't a 6'4 adonis child volunteering 8" dick god

I'm telling you bros, you gotta get over your hot chick fear by just hiring a super fucking escort and banging the shit out of her

suddenly you'll realize they are not the be all end all of existence

You sound like you have some sort of mental disorder by being so upset that some of your coworkers don't care about tech outside of work.

Okay Mr. Autismo, where exactly on my post, where I stated distate for my workers for having no interest of tech outside of work? Think before you post you jobless nigger.

>she is probably a cunt
I feel bad for you that you automatically assume this about any attractive girl.


>I feel bad for you that you automatically assume this about any attractive girl.

Not him, but hot chicks are usually stuck up since they got everything handed to them on a silver platter, until real-life hits them in the ass when they turn 30.

Not all are, of course, but I'd say it was 50%

Hence why the black population is usually not linked with these troubles.

Phone fucked up my post whatever. Average chicks are the best because they have personality.

What constitutes average? I do get what you're saying however. But I would like a formal or empirical definition.

It's not technology, you fucking tard

Everyone has a mental illness in 2017 and too many people can't shut up about it. It's just the fashion.

>honest question
>attention grabbing ass

pleb? pleeb? plee-bey? plee-bee? p'leeb? p'lee-bey? p'lee-bee?

this, mental defects and hating white people are in right now

>Why do they hate me so?
Oh look it's the eternal pigskin again

i think you have me confused with someone else

There's a study that links depression with logical thinking

Fucking dunning-kruger normies man

>ftw not dumb enough to be happy

To develop serious mental conditions, one must have something traumatic or something bad happen at an early age and must have a certain level of intelligence to be able to abstract these issues they've experienced into mental illness. This isn't a blanket statement but it can be true for a lot of people. So I feel like those who experienced something traumatic but did not abstract away the experience were kind of lucky to not suffer from mental disorders but are stuck with the worse fate of being a normalfag.

t. a software dev with multiple personality disorder.

I have depersonalization, I can interact normally with people but I feel like it isn't something important, so I don't have any relationship (which I consider important) while working. To me it was just a matter of accepting who you are and your problems, and try to live normally with them.
If you try to have healthy habits even having some mental illness, it helps to relieve some stress of your mind.
Of course this is just my personal experience.

>it is becoming a trope in movies and television

It always been, from Wargame (1983) to Pi (1998) going through tv shows like IT Crowd and shit, it's always the same depictation of socially awkward people, isolated, misunderstood genius, etc.

Who started first, the actual IT people or the memes ?

Steven Levy in his book "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" do mentions these early CS students clubs who went full maverick on technology and would rather bone a PDP-1 at night instead of doing what a "normally constituted being" would do at that age (that includes taking a shower on a daily basis). But hey, passion.

Now to say there's a tendency to mental issue in IT, I have to say that is chop logic.

there have been media with cool/socially/generally-pretty-normal depictions of hackers, like hackers (1995) and the matrix

multiple personality disorder isn't in the DSM anymore because it isn't a real disorder.

>tfw borderline and software engineer/systems engineer

autism is a superpower :)

junior network engineer with BPD reporting in
I don't cut, I just got some issues with controlling my emotions and not being controlled by them. Used to be worse though

>tfw you are actually autistic
Most people at my job are at that awkward spot between nerd and normalfag. I hoped people would be more like me before I started working.


I'm full nerd but I'm good at pretending to be normie. Being hispanic helps hide the Sup Forums too.

>they never expect the spanish inquisition.

It's very common in Music too, but we just drink and smoke the bad feelings away. Computer people seem to have a larger tendency to stay sober than fill their heads with medication instead.

For programming it literally is

Its hard to do computer/math/engineering without major failures when not-sober or hungover. So it weeds out people who do that. Except for fake adhd'er.

Perhaps. A psychiatrist said I was anxious and depressed, and maybe that's true, but he just seemed like a drug pusher, as most are, so I stopped taking medication. Literally no positive effects. I either couldn't cum or I had night terrors every couple nights.

Also, I would lick her asshole. Even if she didn't wipe.