
Google is looking to replace Linux with a microkernel and Java for the apps with Dart (but with support for C, C++, Go, Python and Rust) in a new mobile OS. They're saying the it's for IoT but signs point to it being the new Android/ChromeOS.

>For anyone unfamiliar, Andromeda seems to be the replacement for both Android and Chrome OS (cue endless debates over the semantics of that, and what it all entails). Fuchsia is the actual name of the operating system, while Magenta is the name of the kernel, or more correctly, the microkernel. Many of the architectural design decisions appear to have unsurprisingly been focused on creating a highly scalable platform.


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Where were you when the GPL was kill?

I was at work. My work is to sell lemonade. When suddenly phone was ring.
"GPL is kill"

Will this deprecate Java is what I wonder.

Good, Linux is legacy trash anyway.

I'm already colaborating with the Redox project, it's the future open source OS for all our desktops.

How much datamining and telemetry do you reckon this will contain?

Not long ago their target was Go against Dalvik.
They just started to fix their JIT compiler and suddenly flush everything down the toilet? Their stupid CEO must really scared of Oracle, but this way they will be cucked.

Google hates GPL?
Another reason added to use GPL/MPLv2.

Why not use linux or bsd?

I was sitting at home eating foot skin when stallman ring
'you're 4 essential freedoms are kill'

and you????

>Google hates GPL
Is that why they're always releasing so much shit under the GPL?

Oh, look, another project for Google to abandon as soon as people start using it.

Why stick to old OS design paradigms?

Maybe NIH bullshit. Bionic is an openbsd fork.

For example? I only know "MIT" and other "support denial" friendly licenses.

You are about 6 months late to the party and fuchsia is dead and finished. The lead developer went full SJW and gave up. We are waiting for an official announcement from google that they are ditching the OS like hundreds of pet projects they create each year.



wtf is go safe?

>The lead developer went full SJW and gave up

Really makes you think.

Rust fanboy myself, but Redox is guaranteed to be slower than Linux's perfornance, the drivers run in the userspace

go is safe ONLY when they officialy make android compatible go runtime

>The lead developer went full SJW and gave up
[citation needed]
>they are ditching the OS
Same. Looking at github.com/fuchsia-mirror they have a metric shitton of commits across dozens of repos just in the last 24 hours.

Why not hurd?

They use it internally and the lead devs would keep working on it even if Google ditched it, so yes.

>57 "developer"

At this point it's a hobby project compared to linux or freebsd.

>For example?
DeppMind Lab.

more like paid code monkeys

GTFO monolithicuck

Is that like Being John Malkovich?

Heh, such pre-Liedtke thinking.

This was fixed in L4 / 2nd generation µkernels.

We're in the third already.


They're on GNU Mach. That's a 1st generation µkernel. They failed to move past it.

>This was fixed in L4 / 2nd generation µkernels.


>Redox is guaranteed to be slower than Linux's perfornance
They should do destroyallsoftware.com/talks/the-birth-and-death-of-javascript

Liedtke's principle of minimality.

See this talk for further details.




Microkernels are slow and Elvis didn’t do no drugs


Stop advertising your blog.

>Disclaimer: This is not an official Google product.


>They're on GNU Mach
so is os x

Nope, OS X uses XNU. Mach is only a part of the kernel and it has nothing to do with GNU.

And so is IOS.

HURD/OSX/IOS are all garbage.

Why no swift support?

Is Redox the new Ubuntu?

You mean an artificial, forced fad hyped by a millionaire with no real passion for technology?

Yeah nah, Redox is made by simple real geeks.

install debian netinstall if you want geeks.

It looks like shit.

No, thanks!

What's so bad about systemd?

What's so bad about systemd?

Of course it does, it's literally in early embryonic stage.

install gentoo

Closed source is bad, but too much open source is even worse. Mostly a meme.

Red Hat's slowly taking Linux over. As systemd does more there are less non-systemd programs used, eventually there will be no gahnoo/Linux, it'll be systemd/Linux

>closed source is bad

The future of Linux probably looks more like Alpine than RHEL, with no GNU, no systemd and running in a container somewhere. The container host doesn't need systemd, either, and can even be FreeBSD.

>i hate GNU
Linux already used in containers and toybox/busybox are limited tools and can't be mainstream. It's not like their target was to replace coreutils, just be a lightweight alternative.

I did not say anything about my preferences or attitude towards GNU, only about what I expect to happen. It is evident that a lot of people running servers, i.e., the majority of Linux users, do not need more than BusyBox.

Nice reddit copy pasta

>new age vegetarian black cock sucking manlets dictating new paradigms
>this is how it ends

how about no.
We already have to put up with some random bitches that think that contribute by commenting stupid ass politically correct shit on peoples code and some non contributing attention whore sex changing faggots running amok.

Majority of servers use glibc and coreutils. Busybox is for embedded. Alpine is just an option for the containers, but not really the best if it comes to compatibility or features.

You're the one who let Leddit occupy her mind, user. This story was at the top of Hacker News a few hours ago.

If by "limited" you mean "not bloated", then yeah.

Dude, use it for awhile first and you will get it or at least check what is Alpine linux.

>replace Android
dead on arrival.

iOS and Android are well established brands with shitload of 3rd party support.
How on earth is google going to make up for it?
Many tried, all of them failed to carve even the slightest piece of the cake.

I use OpenBSD.

I don't care.

I expect servers to migrate pretty thoroughly to containers in the next 5-10 years. We will probably see a lot more static linking, too, so a distro's libc version won't matter as much.

they used apache for most of their projects.
What exactly have they released under gpl?

> Open source
> not free
I see why they're doing it.

Enjoy your bloat.

I bet it'll be more succesful than GNU/Turd

Thanks. :^)

Easy to accomplish.

I'd say they're farther along already, by glancing at their repository activity. HURD was at no point this active.


Google has always hated Linux

freetards wont support it, consumer will not care.
again its a nobody's OS made by google, like chrome os

Microkernels are superior. They don't have all the bloat and cruft that monolith kernels suffer from.

Of course, since it's GPLd so they cannot just take, they have to give something back.

More proof that communism is the superior way of life.

haha, no.
Use larger botnet than Windows?
I would use windows instead of this...

>tfw they got farther than GNU in months
top kek

They have the "bloat" elsewhere.

If GPL is gommunismo, therefore it's a common good, why can't i do whatever i want with it. If the relicensing under closed source or linking with GPL incompatible software isn't allowed, and the top of that there is a copyright on it, why is it communism? The only quasi-communist thing is the public domain.

Now compare it to lkml as some retard want to replace it everywhere.

Sounds great. Dart is an amazing language that could use the popularity and the fewer devices run Linux the better.

Unless it can run all Android apps, it's dead.
That said, even if it can, I don't see myself using it.

>why can't i do whatever i want with it
Because you might not contribute back to it and keep any improvements you made to yourself or even worse sell them like the dirty little capitalist you are.

Now kindly check yourself into the nearest gulag.

>Google is looking to replace Linux with a microkernel
OK, let's see how this go
>Java for the apps with Dart (but with support for C, C++, Go, Python and Rust)
Good, let's see if Java finally dies
>in a new mobile OS.
So Android becomes FuckCIA. We already knew that Android is full botnet. The question is whether forks can be made and installed on said devices without the botnet code.

Considering Google's recent track record it will probably be a huge failure and abandoned in a few years. I hope it succeeds though, it has a decent license and I would assume Google would make it somewhat POSIX compliant.

I will not contribute anyway.

they won't replace it though.

the chink hardware manufacturers barely manage to release code for linux. no one is going to waste time supporting some abomination that google will be able to close off within the next 3-4 years after like 4-7 companies publish their own nonfree, shitty ass fork of it.

>decent license
Enjoy your zero and unfixable support after 6 months. Didn't you learn from android?

What does that have to do with the license? It's open source, it would be worse if it was closed source, that's all I was trying to say.

>and Java


Came here to say that.

Also, I don't think we've really resolved the microkernel vs monolithic kernel issue, and I would like to see two dominant FOSS kernels -- one of each -- and let them battle it out over the next few years. I'd like to be able to choose either type and know it has a huge base of support.

Microkernels have had some performance weaknesses. But microkernels also tend to be more robust and secure. Time will tell which will be the more important goal in the long run.

the permissive licensing ensures that your shitty phone will ship with probably hundreds of nonfree blobs that will likely break on ABI changes to the "FOSS core" and manufacturers will basically tell you to fuck off.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Magenta, is in fact, Fuchsia/Magenta, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Fuchsia plus Magenta.

Check the toybox story and busybox license breaches. Google tries to destroy GPL from their system, to make the development cheaper rather fucking fixing the fragmentation. Don't be evil my ass!

And the alternative would be proprietary software, how would that be better?

Is it at least a free license/fsf approved?

>Various, including Revised BSD, MIT and Apache 2