Nokia set to re-release the 3310

>Nokia set to re-release the 3310

for what purpose?

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the only reason i don't use mine still is because its not 3g compatible

Cashing on memes

To make and receive calls.

>for what purpose?
One of the most popular dumbphones of all time.


"Feature" phones. Previously known as mobile phones before smartphones came to be.

>for what purpose?
Hurr-durr Nokia is back! See we love memes too!

cause remember it?
do you remember it?

Would be great if they were $20 otherwise fuck em

I remember making my own songs with this phone. Took a long time too and it would only play one note at a time.

Everyone made custom ringtones on their Nokia

what os
how long battery

no specs yet, could be a shitty in-name-only successor for all anyone knows at this point

59 yuros

To cash in on the burner phone market. It's an incredibly popular phone for that purpose and Nokia/Microsoft figures that they might as well get dat drug money/give info to the NSA.

>To cash in on the burner phone market
>just €59

Gen Z nostalgia

Millennials you mean. Z were too young.

If it supports :
-smashing people's temple
-Monochrome lcd screen
-1000mah batteries
-Dual core processors
-1gb ram and 4gb storage
-Super simple sms like chat that supports skype,whatsapp and facebook without picture functions
-newest bluetooth
-wifi n

I'm in.


Low quality B8


Legal blunt weapon, dude.

so what sort of backdoors will it have?

The 3210 sold more, bitches.

Had me until Skype whatsapp and Facebook. You're a dumb kike

Use a fucking browser for botnets like facebook faggots.The sold purpose of apps is to be botnets. A firefox with ublock is all that's needed.

>not a botnet



Cheap body armor

Cashing in on the nostalgia of retarded 30-somethings who'll use it for a couple of days and then go back to their iPhone.

feels better than being a retarded teenager though.

if you want proof of its supeiority, just ask an older person how typing on a prediction enabled nokia T9 keyboard felt like.

35 y/o here, I could type messages with the phone in my pocket, which was fucking great for school. pop it out for a quick read, pop it back in and type a reply while still looking ahead. T9 and proper tactile keys are elder god tier.

>if you want proof of its supeiority, just ask an older person how typing on a prediction enabled nokia T9 keyboard felt like.
you'd think typing on a number pad would be awkward and slow, but i find it much easier than trying to type on a flat touchscreen

I still use my 8210 amazingly I use it to make and receive calls. Its what phones are for you see

Drug dealers make a lot of money, user

trap phones

i member.




For people who only need a phone, do not want shitload of malware on it, and want higher than 2-3 day battery life.

A phone as simple as the 3310 could run for a damn near month if miniaturized to a current node.

>for what purpose?
to infiltrate the 3310 with backdoors

it's obvious

Whats with all this hype for the shitty 3310?

The 3210 was just as robust, if not more so, but looked much cooler.

>not the 1100

this t b h
t9 was the best thing to happen to texting
rest in peace, you glorious bastard. I never got caught texting until the shrewd bitch that is touch screens came out

I personally have hard time recognizing Nokia as a "Finnnish" company when the CEO of nokia is some Poo in the loo and there is not a single factory in Finland anymore. No more fingolian made phones, just superior mongolians making them nowadays as well as poo in the loo.

forgot the picture

It'd be a good backup phone. My current backup is a shitty Windows phone because it was cheap.

Just werks.

1110 was just simply a superior version, i used mine till 2012 and still have it as my backup phone.

this, and this is perfectly ok



3210 was epic

my first phone ... ;_;

I had a Siemens C35.
I envied the folks who had the superior 3210. And the S and M folks. Because the S-class and the M-class where superior to the mid level C-class.
>mfw millenials and american will never have owned a phone that was classified by Mercedes Benz cars


What's the best entry level phone in the USA market? Moto g4 play?

Wait for Moto G 5

If you're going ot get a dumbphone why not one with style?