Anyone on Sup Forums have any rideables? I just bought pic related for my 2 mile commute to work.
That's dumb.
I remember you. You actually bought it? Enjoy being a laughingstock and your buyer's remorse
you could have gotten a bicycle instead you fat fuck
Honestly, if you're too close to use a bike, just walk.
You're going to look like a sperg with any kind of moving device and that includes riding a skateboard over the age of 15.
The quickest thing about your commute will be how fast people label you a douche
I don't even want to imagine either how much you spent on that, nor how retarded you look on it.
>caring what others think
Where's the fun in that?
>Get bike.
>Enjoy physical exercise every day.
>Get /fit/.
>Go really fast.
>Get complemented by strangers
>Gain confidence
>Go on adventures not limited by battery life
>Enjoy life for the sake of living while on perpetual runner's high endorphin release
I don't know man, the fun is everywhere.
Bikes aren't fun, at least get a longboard or something. Besides, OP didn't say he was going to take it everyhwere, it's just for his commute to work
>Bikes aren't fun,
Your loss.
>Get a longboard or something.
But I'm not a faggot.
>it's just for his commute to work
That was my goal until I actually started riding and learned how fucking awesome it was.
>Your loss.
What loss? I've already got better modes of transportation.
>But I'm not a faggot.
Says the gaywad in tight yellow bike shorts
>That was my goal until I actually started riding and learned how fucking awesome it was
>What loss? I've already got better modes of transportation.
Can't argue that motor vehicles aren't 'better,' since despite their price and cuckoldry the vast majority of the first-world population prefers them. But OP doesn't sound like he's in the position either financially or logically to use one.
>Says the gaywad in tight yellow bike shorts
I'm sorry that your flabby overweight non-physical ass cheeks aren't attractive enough for tight shorts. (I'm a grill btw;))
At least use the picture.
>Can't argue that motor vehicles aren't 'better,'
I never tried
>I'm sorry that your flabby overweight non-physical ass cheeks aren't attractive enough for tight shorts. (I'm a grill btw;))
>At least use the picture.
Happy velontines day user.
Looks pretty fuckin gay. If I saw someone riding that fagmobile I'd throw a stick under it and laugh as you get a face full of sidewalk.
I'm 19. You don't look like Sup Forums administration to me, so you can take those rules and shove them deep inside your rectum.
Sure you are, kiddo.
Then fucking stop posting like you're 9
Eat bleach.
and wat is this
>implying I can eat a liquid
Confirmed underage. If you won't leave the site, at least go to a board where you'll fit in
I'd get a bike if I lived it a populated city. shit's way too spaced apart where I live
How do you keep from falling off of it?
I'd imagine the same way you maintain balance on a normal unicycle
There is help. Reach out to people who care.
That's pretty fucking cool!
epik meme
I understand that you're alone on Valentine's Day, but you need to find more productive ways to vent your anger and self-hatred. I hear that bicycling is a great outlet for emotional distress! You can get /fit/ and release your frustrations by mashing like a Freddie at the same time!
t. /n/ chick
I live just within bus range of the nearest big city, and fortunately all buses have bike racks here.
I Googled it and found the phrase "self-balancing" used a few times. I assume from this that it balances forwards and back and you balance side-to-side. I wonder how you turn, because I've never used a unicycle before.
>bought some 'thing' for a 2 (two) mile """""commute"""""
That's called a walk. I have seen one of these things before, the person riding it was a middle aged numale giving off that ' le nerdy guy xD' vibe.
Leaning to the left or right should be enough to turn
The problem with walking is that you need to get up earlier, leave earlier, and take longer to get there.
Or better yet a bike. Those still exist, you know.
Install Funtoo.
There are no girls on the internet. You're also here, so your argument is invalid.
>There are no girls on the internet.
You're right, my dick must be even bigger than yours.
>You're also here, so your argument is invalid.
No argument, just trying to give you some friendly advice!
>The problem with walking is that you need to get up earlier, leave earlier, and take longer to get there.
This is my exact reason for getting this right here. 30 min walk vs 8-10 mins on this thing. That's over 3 hours every work week I save by not walking.
>get a bike
Bikes are a pain in the ass. Too large to sit near my desk at work so I would have to find a bike rack and lock it up. Folding bikes are garbage and don't get as small as this unless you spend a fortune.
>get a skateboard
Roads around me suck and it would only work for my morning commute. Coming home is all up pretty steep hills.
fuck all these faggots
you do you OP, that looks fun as fuck
wish i could get heeleys or however you spell those.
that would be awesome for when a bus wait is longer than just walking to the destination.
Do you know how to learn to ride it? Basically you slowly move next to walls and railings at first, there's no real learning curve you just have to desensitize your reflexes, at first your brain thinks you will fall and will sabotage any attempts to ride it. After a week or two you will get on and can suddenly ride it with no explanation. On smooth surfaces you can pretty much stand however you want, for off road you have to bend your knees slightly and only tense your muscles the minimum needed to stand and use your legs to absorb bumps.
>Do you know how to learn to ride it? Basically you slowly move next to walls and railings at first, there's no real learning curve you just have to desensitize your reflexes, at first your brain thinks you will fall and will sabotage any attempts to ride it.
What the fuck? Just hunch over a bit at first or lower yourself and it'll register as riding a bicycle. You'll gradually get tired of the bicycle stance and stand up to conserve energy.
I've biked everywhere from when I was fucking 8 years old, biking is absolute dicks and boring as hell.
>What the fuck? Just hunch over a bit at first or lower yourself and it'll register as riding a bicycle. You'll gradually get tired of the bicycle stance and stand up to conserve energy.
I don't think so, riding mine around I constantly get asked by people if they can have a go, I have yet to see one manage succeed riding it the first go, most of them can't even handle moving while resting on a wall. I ride a motorbike and it still took me a week to get rid of the reflex preventing me riding it.
Inline skates are objectively the best gofast technology that fits in a backback.
t. fat american
Some of these unicycles are pretty fast, this crazy chinese rider overtakes buses and bikes on the road.
is this kirby air ride?
I just went from not wanting one to needing one
> 2 miles to work
> doesn't walk
Jesus fuck, OP. I lived just under 5 miles from my work and walked it every day, both ways, sun or rain or snow for 6 years.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
adds risk to my life where I dont need it
>lose balance just once due to a bump in the road or something
>hit the concrete at 40km/h, maybe fall under the bus wheels or something
Looks dangerous as fuck desu
10 miles every day? Cool. You probably look good.
>That's over 3 hours every work week I save by not walking.
You sure gonna get more productive with those 3 hours.
Why you don't like walking? It takes me an hour to get from work by foot but around 25-35 minutes by bus, I'm not doing it just because getting up at 5 A.M. is not fun, as well as going home in the black of night (summer, plz, come).
Electric unicycle is certainly more fun than walking, it feels sort of like skiing but if you had a never ending downwards slope and you don't need snow. Roller blading down hill is sort of similar as well but the unicycle will plow over grass and dirt and has better ability to brake, offroad they're closer to mountain bikes.
I'll be honest at 5 miles I'd get a bicycle just for the time it saves. That and being able to carry more.
when I ride a bike my ass gets sweaty what do I do
>I enjoy being stuck in traffic jams for hours
300 pounds.
Building 2500 watt brushless electric chink brand moped. 15-50 stock car tires. World class custom painter is childhood bro.
Lays lines on chinkbike.
Shows up to biker rally beard blowing in the wind.
Laugh at harley bros for driving junk shit that leaks.
Win burnout competition.
Change tire.
Win slow contest because fly up to finish line and stop cause widest of wide tire.
Everyone laughing at me and me laughing even louder.
Liquid nitrogen.
Freeze bleach.
Eat bleach?
Or have a metal plate holding your cankle together. Kill me.
>being such a lazy fuck thay you can't even ride a bike or walk
Read the thread.
needs sanic soundtrack during acceleration
seriously though, looks dangerous and fun as fuck. probably feels like flying.
Slavs discovered electric unicycles as well, they seem to be quite popular there.
>getting sweaty while riding a bike through traffic in the summer while on your way to work
That really sounds like a good idea, you dumb shit.
>yfw Usian Bolt can run at that speed
most bike commuters without a mcjob, usually bring a change of clothes. if your job has showers, even better.
Have fun dying horribly.
Have fun living in fear in mommy's basement
You'll sweat a lot less once you shed all your basement chub. The more folds, the more you'll sweat. Just bring a change of clothes until then.
So instead of just riding this electric unicycle to work you're suggesting he bike to work, shower at work, and bring a change of clothes?
Ever hear of soup?
Soup has solids in it. You eat the solids and drink the liquid.
>riding your swagway in public wear other people can see you.
not him, just what i've heard from people who do it.
heaven forbid someone change their habits though, can't have that.
I call it the cuckwheel
That's unnecessary if you eat right and don't make your skin gross with excessive washing.
>The problem with walking is that you need to get up earlier, leave earlier, and take longer to get there.
>get up earlier, leave earlier, and take longer to get there.
Those three are the same thing, could have just said 'get up earlier' but you really wanted to extrude the fake problem as much as you could.
in city, you don't even get a chance to get sweaty, traffic lights everywhere, plus wind chills you nicely. I was doing 20km daily from home in village near city to uni, then back, after getting kinda fit all i had to do was washing my face.
Then i've installed bicycle engine to it. Good alternative for a car in sunny days, cheap and really fun to ride.
Let me guess, you're in swamp Germany.
Seen guy with one of those earlier today. The wow effect is real.
Nope, Poland. I was in the Netherlands for some time, i doubt it's more than 10km wide.
they sure do have weird bikes there though, so it was pretty good guess
Fellow slav here (Czech), riding one of those around here would be suicide. They are "motorized vehicle", so they need to go on road. And road is a dangerous place even when you're in a metal box, let alone for bare squishy human.
>They are "motorized vehicle", so they need to go on road
Just like a bicycle. What's the problem?
>paying $1000 to be a fat awkward fuck
lmao dude just get a bike. your fat-sweat will disappear after a few weeks.
I'm using roads on my little bike a lot, it's not as scary as it sounds. Although if i couldn't use bike lanes on it, it would be pretty much worthless - that's what makes it beautiful, i can ride on street (it does 50kmph, so it's okay in city) and then just jump on bike lane when traffic gets heavy.
Are e-bikes "motorized vehicles" too? In my country, law differentiates between "motorized vehicles" and "vehicles with support engine", so bike with engine that works only when you're pedaling is fine and fully legal in every interpretation of law possible.
You shill just got a sale
>I think I could achieve this under 1.5k
forgot the image
No you wouldn't.
He looks fine to me.
Would anyone here be interested in helping with an open source controller for these vehicles? Some of the costs on them are fixed, high end ones have $500 worth of batteries, but the chinese companies have pretty large profit margins on them still.
So far I have done
Hardware is 90% complete, just testing hardware revisions on 3kw 2 wheeled vehicles at the moment.
FOC motor control and motor detection 100% adapted from other FOSS project
gyro drivers and software filters 100%
The only thing remaining is to write a control loop to balance the vehicle and the c code to interface the loop with the controller. I can't code much at all and haven't had any luck finding anyone I can pay to do it.
2 miles? That's like a 20 minute jog.
> I understand that you're alone on Valentine's Day
That was yesterday
That was posted on Valentine's Day.