Okay Linuxfags let's get this shit going
>what is your favorite Linux DE
>why do you love it
>what DE do you hate
Okay Linuxfags let's get this shit going
>what is your favorite Linux DE
>why do you love it
>what DE do you hate
just werks
>what is your favorite Linux DE
>why do you love it
HUD, vertical space (global menu)
>what DE do you hate
If you hate a tool (DE), seek mental help
>i do not
windows 10 with some features that make it look like macOS
Cinnamon, if it were stable, but I generally prefer MATE and Xfce.
>what is your favourite Linux DE
>why do you love it
it's aesthetically appealing and offers a lot of access to functions through the keyboard that most other DEs do not offer by default. i was a big xfce and kde guy up until a few months ago. i'd spend a considerable amount of time on fresh LiGNUx installs setting up keyboard shortcuts and mapping function keys under those desktop environments. on unity it just seems to work OOTB.
>what DE do you hate
cinnamon. don't know why, i just hate it. i'm more comfy with xfce, kde, mate, lxqt etc... than i will ever be with cinnamon. i know all DEs have their quirks, but something just feels off about it. it looks complete, but it doesn't *feel* complete.
>favorite DE
looks nice by default and just werks, and can be customized even more on top of that.
>most hated DE
LXDE. It just looks ugly in my opinion, and XFCE isn't that much worse in terms of performance and looks much better.
not sure what DE I like. I hate them all, especially GNOME and any with a dock.
I am just going to bump because that pic.
XFCE and GNOME 3 (muh extensions)
XFCE: Easy to customize, similar to windows in the start menu aspect of everything. Lighter than most and can do literally anything you want it to
GNOME 3: easy to make it look nice, use it while I download and configure compton
>Which do you hate?
Absolutely detest KDE, the theming feels unpolished. Maybe in a universe I'm not an autistic faggot I enjoy KDE. It runs like shit too
>Absolutely detest KDE
Let me tell you why you're wrong, then:
>krunner and dolphin have literally no competition
>QT is superior to GTK in every imaginable way
>Just Werks OOTB but you can still customize pretty much every tiny detail
>I actually find the default themes more aesthetically pleasing than other DE's but YMMV
>scales nicely on hidpi (partially thanks to QT not being total shit like GTK, but also thanks to SVG icons)
>"Present Windows" and "Activities" features are quite neat
>desktop environments
openbox, awesome, and i3 are all pretty good and you shouldn't even be considering anything else unless you are setting up a compute for someone else.
I never said KDE wasn't good. I just had a bad experience the first few times and stopped there.
>krunner and dophin have literally no competition
you are using literally loosely here, thunar is miles beyond dolphin and krunner exists in every modern DE
>qt is superior to GTK in every imaginable way
except for ricing
>Just werks OOTB but you can still customize pretty much every tiny detail
Not in my particular experience but ok
>I actually find the default themes more aesthetically pleasing than other DEs but YMMV
agreed, breeze looks pretty cool.
>Scales nicely on hidpi thanks to QT
Qt has nothing to do with afaik, I haven't owned a hidpi display though. No input here
>Present Windows and Activities features are quite neat
never used them on purpose, try GNOME 3
>Best combination of looks, workflow, and customizability of any DE out there
>Unity if I had to pick
>Dolphin + Ark + GOAT launcher (mapped to alt-space by default even - my preferred launcher shortcut) + absurd customization + actually stable if you're using openSUSE
>Why waste an emotion as intense as hatred on a desktop environment?
>simple, fast, responsive, not ugly. reminds me of XP
>kde, bloated ricer shit
pretty and functional
GNOME 3 feels bloated and too much emphasis on a tablet layout
because I love the way it looks without requiring me to spend 2 years ricing it up to perfection.
none really
>what is your favorite Linux DE
>why do you love it
Versatile, easy to customize, lightweight, well designed.
>what DE do you hate
All others.
jus werks
GNOME because it is too heavy on memory AND processor, and everything else (except enlightenment) for being such a pain in the ass to set up.
While I appreciate the image, I can't imagine that anyone who uses arch Linux has a gap between their thighs
It just works
Anything with a command line install
DE =/= flavour
Are you fucking retarded? I'm an Xfce fan boy and the first thing I do on any install is replace Thunar because it sucks dick. It has almost no options and crashes if you breath on it wrong.
Gnome shell
It's clean, modern, and polished. It's also extremely customizable if you know JavaScript, CSS, and fiddle around in dconf-editor.
Hating a DE is fucking retarded. With that said, I can't see myself using kde or any qt de cause baby duck syndrome.
I love just being able to right click and have all the shit I use the most pop up right there.
I used to hate it with it's stock menu but I eventually actually used obmenu and customized it and fell in love.
I hate all the other DE's now. Not becuase they don;t work good but just because cumbersome drop-down and start menus and all that off in this corner and off in that corner is just ass too me now and I wind up right clicking constantly when I use them expecting my neat little list of programs to pop up.
+ fast, comfy, customisable
- screen tearing, not very modern
+ runs incredibly well on any hardware
- fuck ugly, not very riceable
+ looks great, krunner, dolphin
- bloated,resource hungry, buggy as fuck
+ looks/feels like Gnome 2, fast
- looks/feels like Gnome 2
+ comfy, intuitive
- buggy
+ comfy as fuck, extensions, modern and elegant
- does feel a bit unresponsive, not very snappy
>be me
>compile Zen kernel without nouveau because I'll install proprietary driver anyway
>GDM loads with 20 second delay on 4.4ghz i5 16GiB RAM SSD
>enter credentials
>stare at black screen for another 20 seconds before gnome-shell appears
>open term, do ps -e | grep gnome
>it runs on tty2 and tty7
>try into tty2
>yup, it's there too
>install KDE and change display manager to SDDM
>no delay
>enter credentials
>KDE takes it time loading, but it loads without stalling like a cripple in a whorehouse
>remove Gnome
Because it's not shit all to hell and doesn't have useless eye candy.
Despite that, I hate no other DEs. People can use whatever the fuck they want, I won't shit on them for it.
> Unity
Because of all the keyboard bindings, sane defaults, and ease of use. Hit Super and type to start program (searches both English and system language, as opposed to Windows who fucks over non-English users), the HUD, and the sane defaults.
> Which DE do you hate?
I don't hate KDE, but I can't manage to like it. It just seems wrong in some sense everytime I try it. Luckily we're on Linux so we have choice. So KDE fans can happily use KDE and I can stick with Unity.
As Paul McCartney put it:
> KDE and Unity live together in perfect harmony
> Side by side on my distro login, oh Lord, why don't we?
> We all know that desktops are the same where ever you go
> There is good and bad in ev'ryone
> We learn to live, we learn to give
> Each other what we need to survive together alive
> KDE and Unity live together in perfect harmony
> Side by side on my distro login, oh Lord why don't we?
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
> KDE, Unity, ooh
> We all know that desktops are the same where ever you go
> There is good and bad in ev'ryone
> We learn to live, when we learn to give
> Each other what we need to survive together alive
> KDE and Unity live together in perfect harmony
> Side by side on my distro login, oh Lord why don't we?
> Side by side on my distro login, oh Lord, why don't we
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
> KDE, Unity living in perfect harmony
>Okay Linuxfags let's get this shit going
>>what is your favorite Linux DE
>>why do you love it
Its customizable and tightly integrated
>>what DE do you hate
Used to dislike cinnamon, it's fine now though. LXQt in its current state is a bit rubbish but it's development and it's got lots of potential so it's cool
>Gentoo DE
Lurk moar
None, but I like Unity, KDE, XFCE and GNOME.
They don't look like shit.
Anything else, other than cinnamon as I feel indifferent towards it.
Looks pretty and modern system should have plenty of ram to run it.
XFCE, Ugliest thing I've ever seen, belongs in trash.
>tfw too intelligent to use DEs
Openbox mustard race reporting in
It is not bloated and superior to anything especially when using a laptop.
I dont really care.
Plasma Wayland is broken in openSUSE tumbleweed, though.
Only been using Linux for 2 months so
Cinnamon because it werks and doesn't look like unity
>Are you fucking retarded
idk mate, Thunar floats my boat pretty well compared to Dolphin or Nautilus. It has pretty nice things for such a lightweight program.
Void. Rolling release, no systemd. Runit is simple to use even for a idiot like me. xbps works well.
isnt this more appropriate for Sup Forums?
>not using !=
Fucking disgusting creature.
>what is your favorite Linux DE
Gnome 3
>why do you love it
Easy and clean.
>what DE do you hate
Everything else except Cinnamon.
I3 (I know it's a wm and not a dm)
It works better than most des
I hate unity.
>thunar is miles beyond dolphin
Stopped reading right there
>Favorite DE
Honestly, Cinnamon with Win10 theme.
I like the feel of it, because I dual-boot Win10.
>What DE do you hate
None, really. I take a "Live and let live" approach to other folks' DEs.
looks like good old Windows 98(TM)
KDE, unusable.
>mathematical notation
Csfag codemonkey found
Did you learn how to check if a number is prime in python yet? :^)
If you're so triggered by using =/= in lieu of !=, just write a program that searches web pages for =/= and replaces them with !=
It's not that hard. Probably.
Pic related.
Fluxbox. It's literally the ugliest, barely functional piece of shit out of the box, but that's ok, it's not meant to be anything but the most minimal foundation of a desktop. It's meant to give you a starting place to build the exact desktop you want. It's also meant to allow you to do this easily, with minimal effort. You can alter nearly any aspect of it by editing simple text files.
I hate Unity. I also hate Gnome 3, which is technically the shittiest of the two. The reason I hate Unity more is because I like to imagine that Canonical's brightest developers once upon a time set out to make the bestest DE ever. Then someone with a brain said, 'naw, this is Canonical we're working for, so that's out of the fucking question.' Then after some heavy brainstorming someone suggested that they could still make their mark on the DE scene by making the shittiest DE possible instead, but again this is Canonical we're talking about, and the Gnome team made the shittiest DE instead. What this means is that Canonical even fails at complete failure, so fuck them and their shitty DE.
Xfce wad the first DE I stuck with long term when I moved to *Nix exclusively. I liked it, and still do. I'd probably still use it if I hadn't discovered Fluxbox, and WMs in general. As light as it is though, it's still bloated compared to what you can build for yourself with the right WM.
It's not. This ≠ is a mathematical symbol. != is a logical/programming symbol. =/= means nothing. This is a technology board, even though it appears to be a consumerism board, so != is the preferred symbol.
Actually, "!" means "not" in math too. So isn't a mathematician as he claims to be.
Lrn2nemo tripfag.
Thanks for this.
Is there something in between the minimal shit and the bloated shit? I don't think I'll rice to oblivion, but at the same time, I want shit to look nice.
Xfce, MATE or cinnamon. Everyone has preferences so you'll have to decide between those yourself.
Xfce because it's easier on last millenium hardware
I hate KDE it really sucks
just werk, customizable, light
unity because it's unstable as fuck, gnome being I don't like the UI, cinnamon because devs are retards and can't make it stable
Yes, saved.
Is like you are trying to get insults
any chance you dorks could record a quick webm to highlight some key point in your Fluxbox usage? Just kinda curious.
Thunar is shit. It's sluggish, hangs/crashes far too much, uses way too much of your CPU, and if you want to view video thumbnails from mountable devices, too bad. Sure you can dl ffmpegthumbmailer that will make it display them, but it will be painfully slow trying to browse them. This has been an issue for years now, and the developers are aware of it, but refuse to address it. Even a courteous, 'lol no fuck you.' would be preferable to their silence, or brushing it off as a 'common issue with file managers'.
Yea, I guess it is, or at least has been in my experience. It seems like I needed ffmpegthumbnailer with PCManFM too. Unlike Thunar it doesn't slow the browsing down to use thumbnail view on mounted devices.
I've never used Dolphin so I can't say how it compares, but I don't see how it could be worse. PCManFM just blows it away.
I'm on my phone and at work right now, otherwise I would.
I really really like Enlightenment
I also really really like KDE.
good high dpi scaling
kde, bloated with features, yet lacks proper high dpi scaling
Dolphin is feature-wise by far the best file manager. Of course it's not a lightweight though as it is a KDE program.
idk i like mate.
I like it*