how do you make this usable without all the rice bullshit?
How do you make this usable without all the rice bullshit?
you install a DE instead
It's usable for normans such as yourself out of the box.
If you claim that you're not just an average userfaggot, then you should be able to RTFM instead of asking on Sup Forums.
Intellectual checkmate and /thread.
install gentoo
>jordan discovered the phrase RTFM and is saying it in every thread he can
Use a window manager made for productivity and not autistic ricing
such as?
Nothing, it works fine ootb. Just need to know a few keyboard shortcuts like mod+enter, mod+d, and a few others that youll find in the default config file.
awesomewm has same defaults, this makes it superior to i3.
remove i3 bar
remove window decorations
now you've achieved perfection
Use any random DE that lets you undecorate windows and have tmux autostart in your terminal emulator of choice and you're 90% of the way to what you'd hypothetically use a tiling WM for. You can have a minimalist environment without having to dick around with shell scripts and idiosyncratic config syntax/DSLs to configure petty cosmetic shit or basic desktop widgets.
Pic is one of my workspaces in LXDE.
>muh mouse click interface
It's already usable. Learn how to use a keyboard to navigate the UI
>an actual person with a job on Sup Forums
or just copy paste a config from the interwebz!
install openbox and dmenu and configure the keyboard shortcuts of dwm
so, should I use openbox, i3, dwm or awesomewm? I don't have time to try every single one and config it
How is i3 unproductive
lol you think you're gonna get a single straight answer from neckbeards?
i3 has the easiest configuration and sane defaults, win+enter is terminal win+d is dmenu to type the name of the app you wanna launch etc
Use Spectrwm instead
>without all the rice bullshit
I don't think you understand what this means. Ricing is just customizing it to your preferences.
If you want to 'make it usable,' customize it. If you can't, you probably should go learn to use a computer. Come back to Sup Forums once you're done.
bspwm + polybar
Use it with XFCE:
In xfce4-settings-manager > sessions and startup > sessions
* xfce to "never"
* xfdesktop to "never"
then save session.
Then put i3 in application autostart.
Disable keyboard shortcuts and use i3's config for that, though.
awesome takes a decent amount of time to setup. i3 just werks™ but is also easily customized and can look pretty sexy
is awesomewm still configured with a parsec-long lua config?
why do I have to write half of the window manager myself to get some basic features?
Press enter.
Then you're pretty much done. Learn that
mod+d = dmenu (small bar at the top)
mod+shift+space toggles floating windows. Which can be nice.
mod+numbers let you choose workspaces mod+shift+number moves the focused window to the selected workspace.
Read the user guide on the website.
Edit ~/.i3/config to set up your environment. I suggest you copy over the default and just modify it.
Some of the stuff I added to mine was to set it so the mouse doesn't carry focus to the window it hovers over. That shit is annoying and I don't get why they had to make it the default. It's at odds with floating window wms and the tiled system imo.
mod+tab to go to the previously visited workspaces.
Rebound my navigation buttons quite a bit.
mod+x toggles all the different tiling modes (not sure if default or not)
Just a few things to consider.
Most don't really 'rice' i3. The most ricing you so is the i3bar
i3 is literally poo
i don't get why it got so popular over all the other tiling WMs
But if you get it working it can be pretty nice
I went with i3 because out of the 3 I tried it was the only one that didn't require me learning a new language.
What is that nasty document in your picture?
Why do novice programmers voice their opinions on things?
That guy literally wrote the Sun C Compiler that came preinstalled on Solaris 4......
Not a particularly great accomplishment. Being old is not a merit. Writing a C compiler (wasn't) particularly hard.
But it's something. And I'd guess this was some poorly written assignment from a first year university student or something. Really. To suggest multidimensional arrays over pointer arithmetic in this manner is utterly misguided and is at odds with most programmers I respect.
Really if you fuck up this case you're not fit for a programming language at all.
Just because you can do pointer arithmetic doesn't mean you should. You should write readable code.
And it is relatively easier to screw up than array[i][j] notation. What if you have to change the underlying datatype from an int to a long? You'll have to update every place you did pointer arithmetic, and if you miss it just once, the code will still compile and run but your array will become corrupted at seemingly random points.
The guy literally wrote the book on C and was around for its inception. Just because you take pride in writing indecipherable code doesn't make you a good programmer.
What is the best bar to use with i3?
>just because you can..
Wow. That stated off in such a bad place I don't even think it's fair to reply with that sentence in mind.
>you should write readable code
And a his example is perfectly readable.
>array[n][N] notation is easier
I consider them next to the same. There's a very slight edge to array notation.
>you change your data
You reconsider your code. Yes, sure. If you're gonna interpret his row_size as a symbol and not a way of generalising what's normally sourced in a sizeof expression that'd be a tricky bug to find. But I'd say it's not a symptom of not using the array notation but rather a symptom of a bad way of structuring your information. Regardless it's not necessarily an issue if we are allowed to make assumptions about the preceding code.
>appeal to authority
Well its this which makes me think people with these opinions are bad or novice programmers. It's an incredibly easy read. And if you only use pointer arithmetic you will have more freedom to be clear. As soon as you have a non-trivial expression for your array accessing it gets way harder to track. Pointer arithmetic has a far clearer picture in those cases as it's extremely explicit.
And I oppose mixing the two different ways when really the case were looking at here is the only where array notation is slightly more appropriate.
Just like you wouldn't appreciate a code base which did C++ operator overloading and static function calls for similar operations. I'm sure I don't have to motivate this really.
This, I'm using xmonad at the moment and wish I had just stuck with i3. They both function almost exactly the same, but i3 is soooo much easier to configure.
Please stop using this fucking MEME of a window manager and use a real DE.
I3blocks is pretty good
this post is the anti-pussy
why not just tmux without X then? Most mainstream video cards support high resolution plain text mode. you have to configure some shit at the bootloader stage. I never did it but the next thinclient/chinkpad i fool with I'm going to try it.
Load up X with a barebones WM to get a graphical browser should you need it.
well not knowing a damn thing about the guy allow me to spout bullshit; he's probably
>tfw to smart
Complicated bullshit is usually either stupidity or people just smart enough to be incapable of simplification.
D-don't be mean to Jordan!
Press Enter.