On chip DRM for 4K streaming

>on chip DRM for 4K streaming
>intel management engine which can intercept whole pc on a whim

what did Intel mean by this?

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AMD has a thing called Trust Zone which is basically the same thing.

It's not DRM

does arm descended products have a version of these things?

>on chip DRM for 4K streaming
That's just a deal with netflix to vendor lock snowflakes that """need''''' 4K resolution on a shitty compressed stream.

>intel management engine which can intercept whole pc on a whim
This is just an obligation to the US government because Intel sells mainstream network connected hardware to US enemies. Note that the US government sees its own citizen as enemies.

AYYMD HOUSEFIRES also have their own ME on CPU itself, ARM TRUSTZONE while Intel ME is only on the chipset


ARM is proprietary af.

Year if ARM PC when?

>intel management engine which can intercept whole pc on a whim

Do you not run an ARM firewall to specifically block these types of connections on your home network?

The same ARM processors that need proprietary firmware blobs to function?

If you honesly believe an ARM CPU running PFsense has the built in ability to specifically allow intel managment engine connections through without reporting anything to the user, you're literally retarded.

Look, I get it would be technically possible, but to actually believe it's been implemented and simply no one has found out about it? Get real kid.

So what you're saying is I shouldn't update my CPU if I value my privacy?

>AMD SME support in Zen lets you encrypt your RAM, preventing Trust Zone from touching or reading anything. Works in conjunction with your hypervisor of choice: Encrypt VMs separately.

>Intel introduces memory encryption to run completely encrypted blobs of code, making it neigh impossible to tell what they're doing.

>That's just a deal with netflix to vendor lock snowflakes that """need''''' 4K resolution on a shitty compressed stream.
its the only way to playback the actual 4k UHD blurays too.

UHD bluray players will ONLY work with a kabylake CPU because it keeps the encrypted key for AACS 2.0 using the SGX instructions which allow them to run encrypted bits of code without you being able to examine the contents.

you don't have true privacy unless the only computing device you use is an airgapped leemote yeeloong

>UHD bluray players will ONLY work with a kabylake CPU because it keeps the encrypted key for AACS 2.0 using the SGX instructions which allow them to run encrypted bits of code without you being able to examine the contents.

Are you shitting me?

I still haven't gone UHD yet, my bluray colleciton is massive and can be played back on my PC just fine even with a decently old CPU.

That's scummy as fuck if I need Kabylake just to play a fucking 4K movie.

>That's scummy as fuck if I need Kabylake just to play a fucking 4K movie.

They want you to own Kaby so they can prevent you from ripping 4k.
No new improvements and Intel is locking down shit.
Anything past the 5820k is not a sensible upgrade.

yuuup, it's bullshit. I have a 5820k which would destroy a 7700k for encoding, but because UHD playback can only occur on a CPU with SGX instruction set, I would need to upgrade to X299 later this year, or downgrade to Z270 and get a kabylake CPU.

Their defense is AACS 1.0 was leaked because when your computer was decrypting the encrypted code it was visible if using a program that allowed you to view what was in stored in your RAM since it had to be decrypted before going into the RAM.

SGX allows intel to run fully encrypted code blobs and it keeps it encrypted even in the RAM so you can't snoop in there and find out the encrypted key (and thus letting you rip the bluray)

>buyfag problems
just pirate it, you'll also save a hundred or two on buying the bluray player

Oh look, NSA shill.

>you'll also save a hundred or two on buying the bluray player

And spend a thousand or two on hard drives for storing 100GB movies. The video stream on the UHD Hateful 8 is like 89GB.

>just pirate it
are you retarded?

The only pirate version available are screen caps, not full bitrate remuxes or encodes FROM a remux.

They're encoded screencaps which are terrible quality when compared to a remux.

Nothing you save on a player will account for the massive storage requirements of keeping UHD bluray rips, they're fuck huge. The disk standard allows for 128GB storage.

And no, we're not going to compress the fucking thing because that destroys the entire point.

Or you know, just don't watch 4k stuff. Keeping your privacy means some sacrifice.

except it starts with 4k, if you think 4k is the ONLY thing that will requires these new CPUs with SGX and similar tech, you're retarded.

You might be able to hold off for 5-10 years, but eventually your only options will be CPUs with SGX, or a similar successor.

DvD and 480p are still available. I'm perfectly fine with SD/480/DvD. In fact I still have hundreds of Daavaadees in storage. Tens of thousands of TV/Movies already stored on hard disks. Networks still broadcast in 720p and 480. 4K is a meme. It will be another ten years before you see any movement.

Well you're not going to get the disk for free either, if you pirate them (when they're avaliable) then you'll get to choose to save them on a HDD or burn them yourself on blurays

Are you actually mentally ill or just not reading what i'm typing?

4k is NOT the only thing that will require SGX, at some point you WILL have to buy a new computer.

You might make it 5-10 years, but EVENTUALLY you'll need new hardware.

You can still watch 4k video, just not DRM'd 4k video.

The hardware aspect is a DRM aspect, not something for hardware decoding or whatever

Although it might be a combined DRM module and hardware decoder so I didn't think of that but there's always non accelerated decoding or GPU decoding.

you should stop using internet then, ISP can decipher all of your traffic if they want to before it goes out of your building

Son I still have 2500/2600/C2D/QX cpu's still running. Phenom II's even despite how anemic. It's fine. Everything is fine. DRM comes and goes. 4K won't likely be a thing in five to ten years. The hardware afterwards might not have DRM due to licensing or QC issues. Show your displeasure by using your feet and wallet. That's all they understand.

>all this DRM
>still won't stop a capture card or a VM

IME is for enterprises, just remove your tinfoil hat.

Stops VMs just fine, and capture cards aren't going to cap at full bitrate, they use an ASIC to encode on the fly.

VMWare supports SGX now.

> or a VM
>Running VM
>Of course I'm a Kaby CPU, here, look; my SGX instructions!
>Emulated hardware cracks 4k video and copies directly from memory.

I was more thinking Intel might try some trusted platform jewry to prevent software capture while 4K protected footage is playing, the answer being a full screen VM with capture software running on the host

Lol no, you still need a hardware CPU capable of running the SGX instructions.

Even intel support specifically say the only Xeon CPUs that can currently run SGX in a VM are the E3-V5 Xeons which are for all intents and purposes the same silicon as consumer Kabylake chips.

I don't know but it's pretty bad.
especially since intel CPUs are low quality shit and are bound to have some really spooky hardware flaws that may result in some super cool security bugs.

Why the fuck is there no laptop with AMD CPU/APU? I can't find any decent laptop in the stores here, every fucking category from low end to high end is Intel.

I would pay extra just to have a Zen/Vega laptop, I just want Intel's dick out of my ass.

SGX requires your code be signed by Shittel, even though your hypervisor may support passthrough, does not mean it's able to "emulate" the functionality

>4K won't likely be a thing in five to ten years
You literally can't read.

(((Intel))). How convenient their HQ is located the land of our greatest ally.

Zen laptop would be a godsend.
Memory encryption on a laptop for supreme privacy.
You could trust ACL permissions to do their job if the laptop is actually left turned on and at a non root terminal and would entirely nullify cold boot attacks.
It shuts down hardware assisted remote access and allows truly private VMs to operate with yet another layer of separation when both encrypted separately.
Plus AMD isn't a jew about features like ECC so we're pretty much guaranteed ECC that you can tick to "on" as a kernel module. Perhaps even in the mobile chips.

>their HQ is located the land of our greatest ally.
lol fucking moron.

Intel HQ is in Santa Clara, CA.

Further, while they do have some research teams in Israel, the majority of their fabrication is done in the US anyway.

having proper IOMMU is pretty much all you need nowadays to stop memory sniffing attacks.

I'd love to see some FBI cuck try and cold boot these modern, soldered on pieces of shit memory cells.

>Retro Thinkpad with Zen APU
The dick intensifies

They do
In fact AMD's Trust Zone is an ARM product they license

Well, at least now Intel has a way to sell that shitty CPU.

kill yourself pajeet shitstain
>The advanced encryption features are offered via a dedicated “AMD Secure Processor” integrated within the Zen chip. This Secure Co-Processor is based on ARM TrustZone
basically their botnet cpu now support encryption


top wew, shill

The management engine is basically a shittier form of BMC/IPMI


This is fucking bullshit. Paying customers get dicked once again, and pirates have been able to get a better service the whole time. Stallman is right once again.

This is how the industry will fight piracy in the future.

Enjoy it while you can. This mass of illegal content made available for everyone started with Napster, and will die with private trackers.

The industry could have easily combated pirating by making their content available to everyone cheaply, instead they charger you for every single version of the movie released, and then location lock the content. That's why people pirate, because the content is expensive, and not available in their area.
So instead of just saying fuck it, we are selling our movies for $5 each nor mater what, and anyone can have it nor matter where you live, they decide to hardware encode anti piracy features.

But, life will find a way.
Still though, piracy like this will soon be declining.

>intel management engine

I never installed this. You do not need to install this.

It's not something you install kid. It's literally an ARM CPU embedded on die in your CPU that can run whatever code it wants at an elevated permissions state so nothing you do can stop what it wants to do.

In marketing intel sells this as a way for large corporations to keep track of and update remote laptops, embedded devices, etc from the IT depts. main server. So they can access and manage all of their devices remotely and control almost every aspect of the devices without the end users being able to do anything about it (say your employee left his laptop with trade secrets in a bar in Bejing?, you can remotely secure erase everything without the computer even needing to be turned on)

However the prevailing theory is since the Intel management engine code has never been independently audited (we have to trust intel says it only does what they say it can do) is the NSA has backdoors directly into any computer that has the Intel management engine.

tldr, NSA can do anything

To emulate SGX you need a private key that's normally stored inside the CPU, which I assume needs to be a trusted key so even if you make one up it might not work.

It's not wonder why the greatest hackers in the world either want to work for the NSA or get into their systems, depending on their preference.

NSA is goat, but only if you're NSA.

correct, though this has me wondering if a 6600k or 6700k from the 2nd revision with SGX (the first revision didn't have SGX) and a Z270 motherboard which has SGX support in the BIOS, if you could playback UHD blurays, Pioneer's specs claim not only do you need SGX, but you need a kabylake CPU, since only a few skylake CPUs have SGX support, I wonder if they're being locked out simply because they're skylake, or if the software can recognize it has SGX support and work despite the fact the specs claim kabylake only?

Bet someone will have to drop the $$ before figuring out the answer though, companies never test shit like this.

>pirates have been able to get a better service the whole time

Actually the paying customers are gaining advantage, see how most online streaming rips are captures (no public tools for ripping Amazon and Netflix) which mean loss of quality and how late Denuvo games get cracked

>how late Denuvo games get cracked
this has shifted drastically in the past few months, it used to take 6+ months, now it's taking ~3-5 weeks.

It is said that we live in a free society because we have a certain number of constitutionally guaranteed rights. But these are not as important as they seem. The degree of personal freedom that exists in a society is determined more by the economic and technological structure of the society than by its laws or its form of government. Most of the Indian nations of New England were monarchies, and many of the cities of the Italian Renaissance were controlled by dictators. But in reading about these societies one gets the impression that they allowed far more personal freedom than out society does. In part this was because they lacked efficient mechanisms for enforcing the ruler's will: There were no modern, well-organized police forces, no rapid long-distance communications, no surveillance cameras, no dossiers of information about the lives of average citizens. Hence it was relatively easy to evade control.

There is a single fucking group doing one game at a time, compared to the time when Fairlight and Razor1911, Vitality, Hoodlum and so on were active and pushing AAA games less than a week after release it's a fucking disaster

People say Denuvo is dying but they're fucking retarded - Denuvo has been on the market for almost two decades because it's from the same people who brought you Securom and they're doing better than Securom ever was, they are not going fucking away, it's like nobody remembers how warez scene was back then

>ISP can haxxor my RSA-encrypted SSH sessions

>Retro thinkpad

> (60%) the project has been cancelled because it is going against current Lenovo vision to produce low components cost generic laptops with ThinkPad sticker
>(30%) the project continues but a lot of quality and feature compromises has been applied so it is far from the original idea
> (10%) the project will have expected outcome later in 2017

I don't get something, why not just capture the stream after processing? The cpu isn't directly connected to a panel, something in between has to give a readable output.

Still prevents lossless remuxes, but the issue here on Sup Forums is that you can't play the uhd, you'd have to copy it from the internet from someone who dumped it or get a specific cpu that has the capability to decode them. Obviously this doesn't stop distribution of uhd blu ray reencodes online.

I don't know what a remux is, and I'm just focusing on the capture, not the distribution. This prevents you from getting the unencrypted file corresponding to the encrypted one on the uhd bluray, but beyond that it's doable to get some corresponding lossless file right?

Yes, but it's massive, essentially it's like dumping an mp4 aac audio file to a wav pcm. Your audio file is now 300 megabytes instead of the previous 10 megabytes despite still having the lossy artifacts.
With video the size is even more massive.
60gigabytes could easily be a few terrabytes. This is not an issue if you where planning to reencode it to a lower bitrate anyway and you don't mind the extra steps. 60 gigs to several terrabytes to 10 gigs.

I don't understand why it would be lossy after this. I'm taking a lossless video and processing each frame into a map of pixels, right?

I never said the raw output would not be lossless, although technically if your relying on live playback their could be minor frame drops and presentation errors. Frame by frame though, it's essentially lossless. However it's massive.
I assume you don't understand why the output would not be the source size? It's because the source is encoded probably with hevc. It's a lossy source and what you are presenting to your monitor is something more similar to raw images.

480p is only viable if you have a crt. Or a small handheld device like a phone.

Daily reminder after Intel was forbidden to sell CPUs to China supercomputer producers, the chinks started making their own chips that are already miles ahead Intel just because Intel is cuckolding the market.

what a load of shit, they just get bought by random shell companies in countries that can legally buy them, then packed into trucks or boats and sent to china.

That can block IME connections coming from the WAN, which should really be blocked anyway.

What happens when retarded family member downloads nsa.exe to their computer and it starts infecting IMEs over the LAN?

Short of putting an external firewall on every computer, I'm not sure how to deal with this.

>lets you encrypt your RAM, preventing Trust Zone from touching or reading anything.



Works great on a T420 with Coreboot as the BIOS. The ME has vanished because the software linked above can be used to render the management engine powerless. Enjoy.

So why is it in all CPUs made by Intel in the last decade or so? They could be making more money by charging extra for a feature like that. Are you saying that Intel has gifted us all a small micro controller out of the kindness of their hearts? How thoughtful.

I got this for $100 off.

Did I still fuck up?

>not just tearing apart a 4K TV and intercepting the signal just before the LCD controller.

He's just an amdtard who lacks basic understandig of stuff like ring 0.

So will Zen support 4K streaming and 4K blurays then?

These past view days I've become increasingly paranoid over Intel (rightly so). Is AMD the same, or are they /ourguys/?

I'm planning to do a gaymen build sometime soon, but all the things I'm hearing about the new Kabylake processors are really discouraging me. I mean, I'm not planning to use my desktop as anything other than a gaming machine, but still, that could change in the future.

Wat do?

no, the new amd cpus aren't actually any faster

fags are just hyped that amd managed to make a half-decent product for the first time in a decade and are going to undercut the market

That's $250 right? You'll soon be able to get a 6 core 12 thread for $220.
You got jewed, goy.

Currently the specs for PC UHD bluray players state Intel SGX and Kabylake as requirements.

Newer AMD (ryzen) is the same as intel, and anything older than ryzen has performance you wouldn't want to deal with.

If you want to game on the PC, you're getting a computer with a hardware backdoor.

Fucking hell, Won't somebody save us from this madness?

Surely Haswell, Broadwell, and Skylake are comparatively better in this regard than Kabylake, right?

If I go back as far as Haswell, will I notice significant performance decrease? The main games I'm going to be playing are Skyrim, DX:HR/MD, maybe Fallout, RE games and a few others.

I've been there, it's quite the facility. They have a museum with a gift shop on-site, too. One of hte few places you can see an Altair.

I'm Australian and I highly doubt the margin will be that tiny.

I'm confused. Is this a new thing? Can someone just tell me which processors to stay away from if I don't want to be Intel's bitch?

It's been around for over a decade in Intel CPUs

Here are the publicly listed abilities


again, intel sells it as an easy way to manage remote devices by IT staff, but the fact it's included in almost all CPUs at this point seems a bit sketch, and of course, for security reasons no one can audit the code, but we should trust intel, surely there are no back doors right?

Ryzen. Not worth it

Ryzen has it too dumbass.

>Zen added the support for AMD's Secure Memory Encryption (SME) and AMD's Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV). Secure Memory Encryption is real time memory encryption done per page table entry. This is done utilizing the onboard "Security" Processor (ARM Cortex-A5) at boot time to encrypt each page, allowing any DDR-4 memory (including nonvolatile varieties) to be encrypted.

Literally the same concept as intel's management engine.

I'm not particularly worried about the management engine thing, I know that's been around for a while. I'm worried about the newer CPU's locking everything down forcing me to use only exclusively tailored content by (((them))).

I just know if this trend continues, I'll only be able to play select games that are preapproved for use with the CPU microcode or whatever. No more pirate games for me + 1 billion + 1 micro DLC's. Fuck that.

People like you are what's wrong with this world and thid board. U just can't accept anything. If you are buying a cpu like Ryzen you are probably gonna buy a seperate gpu so no need for igpu, are u literally retarded, igpus are just a waste of space on the cpu nowadays. You are so fucking stupid, if I saw u in front of me I would fucking rage so hard. U are fucking mentally retarded to be asking shit like that fucking Intel jew, go suck off that 6700 igpu or whatever it is you'll never use it anyway go pay that 400$ for it u fucking retard. I am so pissed rn at how dumb u are, u are ruining this board and just making an idiot out of yourself. Please just stay off the internet in general if u are gonna ask questions like these u fucking attention seeking intel bastard. All u guys want is attention now because amd is the only one doing stuff. I bet you still live in your mum's house and suck ur dad off for that nice 6700 igpu. ITS SO NICE HAVING AN IGPU LOOK AT ME AMDFAGS HAHAHA AMD IS FINISHED NO IGPU, AMD BTFO. SHUT THE FUCK UP I WILL KILL YOU YOU STUPID FAG, STOP POSTING USELESS THREADS LIKE THESE U FUCKING RETARD. U made me so mad I wanna punch the wall and hope there's you on the other side so it would shatter your dumb skull you stupid fuck. I bet you are gonna make another shit thread after this one gets removed because it is SHIT just like your igpu and your shit intel cuck cpu. So fuck off to another board or off Sup Forums, because u can't handle us or even basic logic like why there isn't an igpu in ryzen cpu's. Can't wait for the release to see you cry and be mad at yourself for spending so much of your dad's money on a shit intel cpu with an igpu u won't ever need. JUST FUCK OFF!! AND IF U EVER MAKE A THREAD LIKE THIS AGAIN, I WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL NEVER VISIT THIS SITE AGAIN. So bye intelfaggot and I hope I'll never get to see you or one of your threads ever again!!

You know, it's a funny thing.

I consider myself Kinsey 6 homosexual. I have literally never felt physical attraction to a woman. When I was a baby, I nearly starved before my parents figured out they'd have to use a bottle because I wouldn't touch a breast.

When I went to school, I literally was unable to see girls. Every day, I would go to class and look around and wonder who all the empty seats were for. I thought the other guys were crazy because they sometimes had arguments with thin air.

When I went to high school, I joined the football AND swim teams so I could spend more time in the locker rooms. It wasn't really the nudity-- I had porn-- but the *smell* of the dicks that I was going for.

That's why, in the Navy, I took laundry duty every chance I got. I fantasized about our instructor taking me in, adopting me, and having me as a live-in maid.

Naturally, I picked up AIDS somewhere along the line. Some seedy bath house, I guess.

Right now, I'm teaching a men's rights class.

Yet this post and its poster is somehow gayer than me.

where did you get this for $100 off if you don't mind me asking, I am in Australia too

Thats what im saying headass. He clearly said
>which processors to saty away from

Lenovo is dead man, a new computer company will have to make it.

There needs to be a breakthrough in the chip fab industry. There must one day exist a machine small enough to sit on your desk, that can fabricate a nanoscale CPU really fast. People would be able to download chip diagrams from the internet and fabricate them on their desk.

Only then will this trend of locking down hardware be reversed. Until such technologies exist, the situation will only get worse.