When will linux autismos ever compete?
When will linux autismos ever compete?
were you actually trying to convince me with that trash?
Hello Pajeet, thanks for Correcting The Record™. 50 Bing points have been deposited into your account
> dad is norwegian
> mom is dutch
Shut the fuck up nigger
hey vriend krijg kanker
Stoer hoor met kanker schelden tyfus vluchteling
your mum is a dutch but you are a curry nigger
say hi to "your" dad, parjeet KEK
>i found a """""pretty""""" wallpaper
>how can users of a specific kernel compete
Wow, you changed your wallpaper, and have a bunch of trash at the bottom of the screen.
You sure convinced me.
Nice pape.
Sick burn senpai!!
Competing with microcuck autismos isn't hard. At least use OSX and i will be triggered a little bit.
never ever
Hi, Microsoft here.
We were watching you masturbate to trap porn earlier, and would like to know if you would be interested in this transgendered silicone love doll, now available for $399.95, with realistic breasts and penis?
Simple click. the pop up add at the bottom right of your screen to purchase. Have a nice day, and don't forget, we are always here watching if you need us!
PS. Your mother just emailed you - sounds urgent!
looks like macOS, cool, congrats
in having a better platform than windows for development? a serious platform?
does this not look like shit?
perform like shit?
I'm here to bet that you can't tell the mountains name. Stupid faggot.
Fuck off mutt
How did you make you taskbar blurred like that?
He didnt, he edited the image.
>When will linux autismos ever compete?
Can you even compete with your winshit that need 2 gigas of ram to start
Never doing updates when you fucking want
You got a
Calcified pineal gland from fluoride and aluminium that you eated from your Bad nutrition