Mean while in windows,
Mean while in windows
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Delete this.
Your display driver shit the bed, its not rocket science. If you couldn't fix that in the time it took to make that video you are seriously brain dead.
how about no?
>his OS can't do this 1 weird trick
>AMD drivers
post left wallpaper
Ok ok, how the fuck do you do that? I'm curious.
werks on my machine
Happened multiple times to me and I have a Nvidia card.
wincucks BTFO
Never happened to me, HD7870
wtf I hate microsoft now!
Had the same issue.
Eventually the background just disappears(goes black).
Happened on multiple cards(6870, 660ti, 1050ti).
It's likely something with your install of windows.
>it's another "I don't know how to install an OS" episode
mmk 12 years in IT I've never seen this happen to a Nvidia card. Not saying it can't happen, but this is something obviously that plagues lower tier chips such as AMD
Works on my machine(tm), fuckface.
>can't install display drivers
>start menu/bar on both screens
you need to leave. Now.
Happens to me all the time. Intel graphics here. Anyone know a fix?
Never had that happen to me, in fact in terms of graphics and compositing 10 has been extremely good.
You can enable/disable displays without having the rest turn off in the process, compositing is faster, some programs used to lag when resized but do so smoothly in 10.
I've been very impressed with the graphics side of things, audio on the other hand was plagued, drivers have crashed, somehow the entire audio device has disappeared from the Device Manager at one time.
>still listens to electro swing
create new .bat file with the following code:
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
put it in your startup folder so it refreshes your desktop when booting and also put a shortcut on your desktop so you can double click it whenever it happens and fix the issue.
>audio on the other hand was plagued
Never had an issue across 10 different Windows 10 devices. What hardware are you running?
This months security patches postboned to NEXT MONTH.
For fucks sake.
Thanks works.
Intel's drivers for Windows 10 are pretty garbage DESU. Some of the older chipsets just barely have any support at all (Looking at you, Bay Trail)
Would you rather they shove them out the door with all sorts of problems instead? MS needs to get some QC back on their patches because they've been fucking garbage for half a year now.
>too dumb for Windows
Im sorry for your loss
Never happens to me. Intel graphics.
How do I become an elite g-tier shithead like you guys???
Works on my machineā¢
Windows is a broken software
I'd prefer they go back to releasing them as separate packages instead of one huge so shit like this doesn't happen. There might be actual good shit in there and we can't have than now.
meanwhile in linux