
>still using mp3
Opus is here faggot...

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm surprised (((they))) would let a big software patent expire and not do their usual jew shit

>doesn't support 44.1khz

Not a true Vorbis successor.

not lossless

poor quality resampling output,
better to do software one

> no lossless
same as mp3 faggot...

Opus uses 48Khz by default for all audio, but can be changed on compile time to a custom sampling rate.
Opus is currently the best audio format available, in terms of freedom, quality and size.

They're probably planning for some super duper DRM format eventually

>new supa-drm mpeg audio format
>decoding required proprietary, patented binary drivers that only run with those new shilltel processors with that """"""trusted"""""""" run mode extensions or whatever

that's why i don't use mp3 or opus faggot....

There seems to be a lot of misconceptions in the music community regarding the differences between 320kbps mp3 and FLAC format. It is true that 320kbps is technically as good as FLAC, but there are other reasons to get music in a lossless format. Hearing the difference now isn't the reason to encode to FLAC. FLAC uses lossless compression, while MP3 is 'lossy'. What this means is that for each year the MP3 sits on your hard drive, it will lose roughly 12kbps, assuming you have SATA - it's about 15kbps on IDE, but only 7kbps on SCSI, due to rotational velocidensity. You don't want to know how much worse it is on CD-ROM or other optical media.
I started collecting MP3s in about 2001, and if I try to play any of the tracks I downloaded back then, even the stuff I grabbed at 320kbps, they just sound like crap. The bass is terrible, the midrange…well don’t get me started. Some of those albums have degraded down to 32 or even 16kbps. FLAC rips from the same period still sound great, even if they weren’t stored correctly, in a cool, dry place. Seriously, stick to FLAC, you may not be able to hear the difference now, but in a year or two, you’ll be glad you did.

>implying this makes any audible difference

MP3 V0 is transparent enough for most people. FLAC is practically an archival format.

>muh lossless
>muh gigantic file sizes
Enjoy using a terabyte to store each album.

Loving every laugh at all the google drone faggots in here sputing "MUH OPUS!!!!!!!!!!" becuase it's on youtube now and they think it's the greatest thing they've ever witnessed


> using lossless not for archiving
enjoy bloating your drive space faggot...

t. poorfags

i take dick in my ass faggot.......

>being so poor


so get your ass ready, faggot...

i bet you resample mp3 to flac...


They haven't improved audio at all since AAC

OPUS has totally destroyed cumbersome licensing codecs and soon AV1 will destroy proprietary video codecs with cumbersome licensing like HEVC

The human ear can't detect anything better than 128kbps MP3s anyway so who cares.

nope rip all my cds to flac (halfway done)

Of all the hills to die on, you choose hard drive space?

shut the fuck up dumb cunt

Go back to Taringa nigger.

Is there a service which lets you upload and store lossless FLAC music and stream to your phone when you're away from home?

go fuck yourself troll

who the hell uses mp3 in 2017 anyway

your mom does on her cheap shit phone

>Listening music on a phone instead of a dedicated device

Mah nigga

I have a terabyte of just your mom faggot



i don't have a mother but

>listening to music on a phone
>listening to mp3
fucking normies i bet you use EQ too and isn't even a parametric one

>go to download album
>public tracker pleb
>no FLAC only MP3

end me

I don't understand the problem, it will not stop working.

Will be blocked in Sweden

I use Spotify Premium on my desktop, smartphone and TV. Vorbis 320 kbps and it sounds darn good. I even have Spotify linked to my Uber account so I can play it through my driver's car's sound system.


Feels good, mate.

>Spotify Premium

Enjoy being a normalfag

I'd use Spotify but one as in 0 of my music is on there.

>I even have Spotify linked to my Uber account so I can play it through my driver's car's sound system
Use it to blast Eurobeat and go fast.

But muh quality and muh archiving. How can I brag on Sup Forums about my FLAC then?

I'm in the US.

That's pretty gay bro

Except Opus fucked up ReplayGain.

"Gay" isn't even really an insult anymore. Get with the times, gramps.

I don't visit Sup Forums

I use mp3

If I ever want to pay for music, I buy the CD (then for practical reasons I rip it)

Worst case scenario I use Youtube if I have nothing else.

fucking kill yourself

MP3 will stand the test of time because of three major reasons.

It works good enough. It's indistinguishable from lossless at high enough bitrates.

The race for smaller sizes in lossy formats is dead. We have a shitton of storage space nowadays.

It's "almost" universally used.

I've been using opus for a couple years now and I didn't even know Google was using it. Opus is fantastic for music on mobile devices (and other things with little storage) because it is essentially transparent at 192kbps unlike Mp3 where you want 320kbps. I keep all my music in flac on my desktop with a 5tb drive but I reencode to opus for my phone and laptop. Also opus is free as in freedom which is nice.

So you have one image off his mom big deal

It's slowly happening. They wanted to do similar shit with Sandy vagina but they failed. Now they're pushing Windows 10 and their supposed no drivers for others plus normalfag Netflix on 4k with Kaby.

>it is essentially transparent at 192kbps
mate 128kbps vbr is V0-transparent already and you can go up to 512kbps or something like that