Current state of the Linux desktop!


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I don't see anything wrong, if you're so worried just switch to another window.

LOL, Wintards trying to use Linux

Current state of the Windows desktop

So sad that windows does not have it's own emoji, m8!

Dumbfuck windows nigger pajeet shill trying attack linux!

Would you have any tutorial on having that kind of terminal, i've seen it lots already but never knew what it was

You got the right idea OP. Just keep downloading Solaris. Commercial UNIX > freetards trying to code >>for free

Is that something that only shows up on camera?

You do realize that in most cases the screen only refreshes when it needs to, right?

but most linux developers are hired to develop linux

linux doesn't have a graphical interface, computer illiterate retard

Gnome is shit and so are you

That's Ubuntu moron, geez. and you call your self a freetard.



>Anonymous 02/15/17(Wed)21:46:16 No.589615

>being this new

>current state of GNU/linux
>posts the worst fucking distro there is.
You belong to the green winfag fields

no matter what distro we talk about, shitty drivers belong to linux itself

no bad drivers only bad hardware
buy a fucking thinkpad

You can't use Solaris for production though, that means even your office files and school presentations.

if you have problems with drivers then

leave GNU/Linux alone.

>compiz is buggy

What a find.

>I melted my GPU playing cawadooby in Vista but Vista broke so I installed leenocks
>Lol look how bad it is!

No it's a known compiz bug. Canonical is dickbutt to can't/won't fix it, but you can replace it whatever though.

When exactly did they start talking to you like you're a 10 year old faggot kid that can't understand a coherent sentence that contains actual information?

You both are idiots, that's Unity.

why is compiz even still used when wayland exists now?

Jesus you freetard shills will engage in serious mental gymnastics to defend GNU/linux

Its OK to admit something is flawed, it's not like you faggots actually contributed anything to FOSS, you are not personally responsible for these bugs


Thank you for your (((opinion))).

It's not Solaris, you retard. It's Solaris.


c'mon, that has to be a joke.

one of the guys you quoted here
linux is shit lol

what were you expecting, indians can't read english very well

>cool, what can it do?
>uhh, you can run chrome and browse the web

wow, thanks

back to being productive on winblows

the comment was basically
>hurr durr its your own fault for using Gnome

Dai gigi lascia stare


Meanwhile, back at Microsoft HQ in Mumbai.

Stupid cuck


Hard to say. I think this started in the late 80's.

because Xorg is king

That's the problem. Install a less babbie distro, like Gentoo.

it just doesn't werk


solaris is dead

>Install Windows and drivers
>No tearing

>Install macOS
>No tearing

>Install a random linux distro
>You better work your way out of this one or else, tearing

Unity 8 is still in developer stage, but you are not fooling anyone with your passive microsoft shilling, pajeet.

change DE? it's not that hard

Seriously, why cant linux devs get something as basic as this right? I thought all this OS/FS stuff was meant to make software better, not worse!

do any of them work? if I was in charge of ubuntu I'd choose the best one already, and that's probably what they did. so the best one still sucks dick

That was fixed ages ago

>Have this decent, however dated PC
>Decide to try loonix for a while assuming that I could handle the "heaviest" DEs

>Use jewnity
>Have to use ccsm to change a setting because defaults point to "Chromium-browser" and not just "chromium" which is the right value
>If I keep moving a window in a specific way I get similar behavior to OP

>Try Gnome 3.20
>Can't get rid of tearing on Chromium
>No, really
>Switch desktops with the mission control thingie
>Simple 2D animations skip frames

>Try KDE Plasma
>Mostly working alright
>Oh nevermind it's my old friend, tearing
>If I force it everything is ultra slow

I guess I'll be stuck using an interface on the level of Windows 95, like XFCE

this is the state of loonix desktop

>not using TempleOS

I guess I'll be stuck using an interface on the level of Windows 95, like XFCE
i wouldn't mind that, however the lack of vsync generates incredible slowdowns on when moving windows over each other ,especially if its a video, animation or something.
I can live with shitty tearing , i can live with ugly ui ,but lags just make me mad.
>the story of an nvidia user

I see this EVERY FUCKING DAY. This is due to Nvidia binary driver. What driver are you using, OP?

that looks autistic as fuck

repent filthy sinner


Just use windows. it works well

CIA detected

Drivers for the first two are written by the manufacturer (who has full access to their hardware specs).
Without the specs, Linux devs have to poke around like blind mice.