What does Sup Forums think of GNOME 3?
What does Sup Forums think of GNOME 3?
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UNIX/Linux filesystem structure is outdated as fuck
I like its design but I left it when I accepted that I could do the whole workspace-centric DE thing with basically any other environment, using less resources.
Bloated, no options, wasting space with thicc top bar, inane depediences (systemd).
The idea was good, the implementation as usual for gnome devs sucks a fat jew cock.
It offers the best workflow out of all DEs and OSes for sure.
GTK3 good tools for real DE's. Doom 3 of DE's
Its good now that there is some customization. I just make mine look and function like a pretty gnome 2 so. Meh.
kill yourself
I am not gnome 3 developer, please send your opinion about top bar here: gnome.org
I use it and like it more than the other options. Yeah, it still needs some work here and there, but they're trying to get things sorted and focused. Systemd kind of threw everything for a loop for everyone, so we just need to be patient.
>change them to arc-dark
>make top bar smaller
I like it, doesn't take a lot to get it looking nice(to my standards). I can see why others wouldn't like it though.
>A fucking App drawer.
Who thought this was a good idea? Worst DE ever.
its for kikes
How do you make the top bar smaller?
Put this in gtk.css in your .config/gtk-3.0 folder.
headerbar {
min-height: 0px;
padding-top: 2px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
padding-left: 2px;
headerbar entry,
headerbar spinbutton,
headerbar button,
headerbar separator {
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
.titlebar {
min-height: 0px;
What year is this? I'm about 20 years beyond managing dotfiles. GNOME sucks.
Don't you know? Removing features from the GUI to make it look clean and minimal and in turn force users to go back to dotfiles or dconf is all the rage now.
Removing features to make them into extensions is the worst idea andere that is literally GNOME
The worst part is, GNOME sucks the least out of all Linux desktop options :-(
UNIX/Linux filesystem structure is a shit!
Most people at work use Macbooks with OS X. I don't say anything about their desktop.
But I'm one of the few actually using Linux, and boy do they ever make fun any chance they get. It's ridiculous considering I've been using Linux longer than some of them have been alive.
However, the state of desktop Linux is still pretty shitty. And it feels bad man.
Too little functionality for too high of a resource load.
KDE manages to do far, far more, and it's only heavy if you're too stupid to turn off desktop effects.
>this image
Why isn't this stuff explained as you are setting up Ubuntu and other "beginner friendly" distros? It took me a while to figure out what each directory was supposed to be responsible for.
what exactly is outdated about it?
The comfiest and most polished DE next to Budgie desu. The online accounts and calendar integration alone make me stick with it. It's simple, but extensible enough to allow you to make your own workflow if vanilla GNOME's isn't up to standard for you.
My only problem with GNOME is the waste of space. Everything is a bit too oversized and padded. Anything outside of GNOME's stock apps also standout a lot, taking up even more space with a pointless titlebar.
The sad thing is this can be easily fixed if they were more aggressive with their implementation of the global menu and took some cues from Unity.
Stop using Gnome.
I personally don't like it at all. Use it if you can use it productively. End of discussion.
>What does Sup Forums think of GNOME 3?
Used it for a week. Upgraded to Cinnamon.
GNOME3 is fucking garbage. Can't stand that huge-ass bar and not having menus. Can't even easily adjust options (gotta use dconf or some other shit).
Seriously, if you are a GNOME3 dev, fuck you man!
>making fun of a coworker
No wonder they use Macbooks. Small children are attracted to shiny things.
Seriously though what the fuck do you do for a living.
I've used FVWM, WindowMaker, BlackBox, GNOME 1, GNOME 2, ratpoison, stumpwm, i3, spectrwm, herbstluftwm, KDE 2, KDE 3, GNOME 3. I can't find one I'm happy with anymore. I used WindowMaker for years but that was before GNOME existed.
Good aesthetics but heavy and bloated af
>not uisng KDE 5
Well I use it for work, it does the job. I mean, I have Emacs for almost everything anyway soI don't have to interact with the computer much except the occasional S- to switch desktops and the like.
Can someone explain to me why Guile has been scrapped for GNOME? I am getting so used to just mess with elisp (which, imho, is by far more enjoyable to work with that shit like CSS and all the usual garbage used for configuration/extension) that I would have liked to see a Lisp for DE customisation
I like it, but only because gnome shell is very good. I don't like the DE bundle. A few extensions and gnome shell looks nice and very usable.
Comfy as hell
What theme, icons?
Thank you
it's biggest problem is that it's never enforced
only the BSDs seem to make an attempt
It isn't enforced because it doesn't make any sense in this years.
It just doesn't make to noobs
makes complete sense to me
all the binaries that comes with the os go in /bin and /usr/bin, while the third party stuff goes in /usr/local/bin for example
this makes it really easy to just wipe /usr/local if you want to start from scratch
What's the point of having /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin?
>third party stuff
>not in /opt
What's the point of not installing everything into C:\Windows?
/bin is for binaries that are required for a functional system
/sbin is the same but for scripts
everything under /usr is kind of optional
enjoy symlinking everything or having a PATH with 20000 characters
What is the point?
Plasma is now not only stable, but it can look like any DE you want, including GNOME.
How does it feel to know this project was initially developed by 2 mexicans
Truly the best desktop.
but apt should keep track of that
terrible idea
hopefully you never design an OS
so what if apt somehow fucks up and trashes your system then?
I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you haven't used Budgie.
>but apt should keep track of that
>Not wanting to routinely remove half your system