How's it feel knowing you won't ever make anything useful

What double digit count of servers do you need to answer 1000 non-trivial requests per second?

I already have 3 applications that work pretty well.

With a total userbase of 4 people
Very impressive


Do you really think the import system is acceptable? The service container, and tons of magic imports and implicit imports that are all impossible to track. Why is all this there when a basic standard library + 1 line = 1 import scheme works EVERYWHERE else?

Actually I pack up the application in linux mintbox and and sell them with my programs pre-installed. They are not used on the internet.

Because it helps keep the application tidy.

So what your saying is nobody else has used your software

yes, that's what i'm saying

I have a very decent income. I am here to talk about technic aspects not your autism tho.

>Talking alone


No it doesn't, it makes it a disgusting mess. Imports are a non-issue in other systems, in laravel they take 30% of the documentation and are the thing that makes working with laravel code hell for me. Even java's imports are better.

This issue of doing way too much and way too specific stuff and not offering good alternatives for full control extends to the entirety of laravel's design though. And even though the alternatives exist, the docs only cover the simple cases, very shallowly. I don't like it. Why do we have to keep PHP on life support? It's still a shitty language even with 7.

how to solve implement a database with tables, much to much?

Sorry bud

How does it feel to do the programming equivalent of making huts out of dried shit?

End your poor existence PHP fagman

That email at the top is my weekly direct deposit, it's more money than you make in a month

Nope you don't. Enjoy shitposting on Sup Forums

What compels you to post borderline NSFW images on a SFW blue board?

should i use HACKlang instead of PHP?

What have you worked on laravel?

>SFW blue board?
there is no such thing on Sup Forums

I 100% do, and I'm being paid to make fun of you right now


i'm on Sup Forums most of the time at work. I already built the applications they need. Now i just update and maintain it every once in awhile. Honestly im kinda bored.

Nope you have not stop pretending and go to bed junior

better that than writing php

Idk why you think I'm a web dev, I do vuln research for a living lmao

how many coffees do you finish before your apps load?

>not writing cloud services in PHP

jokes on you, faggot.

>posting all these girls to get people into your weak ass thread

But there clearly is. If you're not aware of it, post a pornographic image in this thread to make sure.

i don't know what is that at all
but thanks for the bait tiddies

maybe cuz it says "LARAVEL developer" in the OP? Have fun playing in the shit

Can you please pass the sauce?

i'm jealous


I would suck it up like if it was a bong and hold it up until I die.

??? I've been making fun of him the entire thread you fuckin idiot

>le epic Sup Forums troll ftw

This is a SFW board not nudes

Stop posting this erotica garbage here. GO back to b.

Faggot detected.

Go back to Sup Forums


Fuck off newfag


why does g hate php so much?

they think its the same shitty sub 5.0 code when really 7.0+ is top tier and cloud engineers write their cloud services in PHP