/wbg/ - Web Browser General

This thread is for the discussion of anything regarding web browsers.

Creating this in hope that it will stop new threads about web browsers every 10 minutes

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Firefox 52 comes out in 3 weeks, death of plugins begins.

There's still time to switch to pale moon.

Good idea OP

What's better, Firefox Nightly or Icecat?

haven't had any problems with chromium on arch, but firefox has been slow and laggy, especially with scrolling. Anything I can do? Hardware accel. is disabled

>death of plugins
what about addons?


Personally I'd go with Nightly because of the fast updates. Although I'd say you should keep a secondary browser around just in case if nightly breaks.

That will happen at the end of this year.

I'm firefox fanboy for 13 years now and considering one of the alternatives. What are the benefits and differences with nightly / waterfox / pale moon / whatever the fuck, and will they fuck up my extensions?

Is "better security" a meme?

That's what I thought. That image of browser tiers that's always floating aroung has Icecat on the same level as Nightly though, which is weird cause I thought Icecat was just Firefox with all free images

Also this general should be a place to talk about search engines too imo

Yes. Unless you're going to off brand tube-porn sites without blocking ads and scripts there isn't much that's going to happen to you.

Just install Gentoo (or another distribution of GNU+Linux) and you can browse whatever the fuck kind of shady chink websites you want without having to worry about anything worse than a segfault.

Nightly is firefox but with faster updates. Better security and more features but a bit unstable at times.
There's no real reason to use waterfox over firefox.
Pale moon is basically firefox but with the older UI. It will also still support current extensions even when firefox switches to web extensions.

The choice is yours.

>I thought Icecat was just Firefox with all free images.
That's exactly what it is. All those images of browser tiers are made of random shills wanting to make their browser look the best.

>Also this general should be a place to talk about search engines too imo
I'll keep that in mind for the next /wbg/

Looks like I'm sticking with firefox

Can someone recommend a good low RAM usage browser?

I'm using Chrome which I know eats RAM like crazy, but all I'm currently doing on my PC right now is editing a couple of word documents and watching a stream, and yet my PC is almost unusable.


Thanks. I'll check it out.

can be annoying asf because of vim keybindings but it's the lightest I know of that isn't terminal based.

Qupzilla is also good.

I've been a longtime Firefox/Nightly user. I'd like to use extensions such as Netflix Party or Showgoers to sync Netflix streams with friends, but it seems like those are only available on Chrome. Does anyone know a Firefox alternative? I'd rather not switch to Chrome because of Google spying

The latest update is ass and makes everything slower so, to get that boost back In firefox use this:

1.Type about:config in the browser's address bar.
2.Confirm that you will be careful.
3.Search for browser.tabs.remote.autostart.
4.Double-click on the preference.

Worked for me

Good Firefox fork without all the modern social shit like Pocket and SJW nonsense but having extension compatibility?

Opera is comfy.

Pale moon is exactly what you described.

I think one thing we can start this general off with is some sort of copypasta about browsers to consider
something like






Good idea.


this family

Is this a meme or do people not know why this is.

Why do chromium use so much memory ?

It's fast but when I got too much tabs it almost crash with my pc.


Stupid noob question
Some of these "god tier" browsers are not on the app store.
I assume I would have to download it?

>No reason to use Waterfox over Firefox
It removes Mozilla's optional botnet completely and removes some bloat. It's also a bit faster. It's way better than nightly and regular Firefox.

All I have is this and a few similar images. For users that aren't concerned about botnet, opera goes to God tier, chrome to excellent and brave to placebo I guess.

I'd suggest the following
>Nightly Firefox
>Comodo Dragon
>Comodo IceDragon
>Vivaldi (?)
>K-Meleon (?)
Anyone feel free to add your own opinions.

I never had any problems with firefox while I see many anons saying it's slow on their computers. It's just as fast as chrome on mine so I'm not sure if they're spreading the hate since their only other arguments are "Firefox has sjw devs".
I also hear pale moon is light but I haven't tried it yet.

Also, the question marks are there simply because I have used the browsers myself but never really customised them much. People claim vivaldi and k-meleon are very customizable.

You can disable anything you dislike in about:config. Including telemetry.

>I never had any problems with firefox while I see many anons saying it's slow on their computers. It's just as fast as chrome on mine

How many tabs do you usually keep open, do you open & close tabs a lot or do you tend to stick to the same ones, and do you often visit intensive websites like youtube or twitter?

>>Comodo Dragon
>>Comodo IceDragon
Why are these even allowed.

I frequently use YouTube (2-6 tabs, one of them playing a video) + Facebook tab + Facebook's web messenger tab, so my minimum is 4 tabs. I can't stand having a bunch of tabs open so I almost never have over 10 tabs open at once and if I do they're usually split into 2 windows, one for browsing, reading and messaging and the other for YouTube. This way I get to 12 tabs max.
The only other scenario is when I have over 20 tabs open while searching for things to download, torrents, or if I'm trying to find a specific page. But this doesn't count as "intensive".
I'm not the kind of person to open 50+ tabs.

You forgot the "Basement Dwelling Social Reject" tier.

> app store
which fucking app store? if you want your questions answered you need to say?

Im using currently Nightly 54. Its good so far. Very fast.

People are probably not talking about the mobile platform primarily.

Then you're less likely to deal with slowdown and bad memory leaks. The current version of firefox has a problem where closed tabs will still take up memory, and it trips up if you have a lot of shit going in multiple tabs because of the way it handles temporary files now.

mfw i have over 40 tabs open right now

I personally don't like them, but they're developed by a security company and shilled by Sup Forums's browser charts. Which is why I posted the only chart that doesn't have them in God/excellent tier.
user requested "secure browsers", but I think that all modern browsers as secure enough by default and you always have µBlock origin and similar addons. Also Common Sense 2017 extension is pretty good.

They don't deserve the attention desu.

>I'd have to download it
You also download things through app store, apps don't magically appear on your device. But yes, if a browser is not available in your app store then the best places to look are offical websites, or github for FOSS, and F-Droid for android devices.

Sometimes I wonder what the devs are doing. They had multi-process support for some time now but haven't enabled it by default. This is the main reason I switched from Firefox to nightly a couple of weeks back as all new features seem to be enabled in nightly by default.
But yes, I'm very unlikely to encounter such a problem. Especially when nightly gets updated twice a day so the browser's process gets killed anyway.

Android senpai

it eats a lot of ram quickly, any tips on how to avoid this, using it with webengine though

how to disable the botnet in about:config

>b..but Uzbl is kinda cool

What ya think about Yandex browser user?
I don't really mind the botnet meme.

Yandex is russian Google. So go figure.

I'm interested in Pale Moon but some people in different forums have complained about how antivirus software recognizes it as a Trojan or some shit.

Why do the people who use it trust it?
Not saying they shouldn't, just curious about why.

Thoughts on Opera?
FF is getting too shitty and the new update coming just kills it entirely
Chrome is too minimal and I don't need more google in my life.

Vivaldi definitely belongs on the customizable list. Not sure about K-Meleon.

Also, where would Seamonkey go on your list? Maybe lightweight since it's basically Firefox+Thunderbird+more for the memory usage of just Firefox?

I was thinking of writing a Gentoo-concept browser.

It was only a thought, though, a crappy little off-hand idea. Users would download a compiler, and they'd go through a few screens of setting off and on flags for things they need/don't need, enabling support for other such things etc etc, enabling experimental features at compilation level and all that jazz, like building the Gentoo kernel. (and portage flags)

The goal would be to give users the chance to have something that caters to their needs, if they want to take the time to fill out a heck ton of options. Certainly, there'd be support to generate options automatically (like genkernel) but it'd be recommended to go through it.

Just like Gentoo.

And I'd only really care to do it for myself, so I don't have a browser that includes a shit ton of things I don't need, hogging up the memory with crappy miscellaneous tasks in the background, or too many... just, things, in general.

But that was just a dumb little thought I had one day on the bus. Not like an assembly programmer can make that happen, I go too deep for anything to ever get completed

Let's crowdsource it, that can be this general's first project

I can't contribute shit to it but I'm a great ideaguy

>Iridium is god-tier in this list
>Sup Forums wiki says it's possibly a German botnet

I no longer know which memes I should listen to and which ones I should ignore.

since Sup Forums doesn't seem to like duckduckgo, is startpage or ixquick the preferred search engine?

I must not have been here for a while then. Just switched to duckduckgo and only heard about startpage earlier today.

I've seen some people claim that duckduckgo is datamining but I'm not sure if it's true or just a meme

I'm not super up to date but I'm sure it's better than what I've used in the past

Guys, get past the meme and try dwb. Is a fucking amazing web browser, comes with an adblocker ootb and dwbem is an awesome extension manager. It even support greasemonkey scripts and people made ways to import you firefox bookmarks.

Everything is a botnet
The key is not putting yourself all into one single botnet

Icecat has a ton of security and privacy enhancements, don't fall for the memes, chose Icecat.

What about addons? I use Ublock origin, https everywhere, greasemonkey, cookie destroyer (forgot exact name)?

Include Icecat in privacy oriented browsers and move it to god tier. When you go to their website all you see is they are autismos for privacy and security.

I like where this is going.

is "don't fall for the memes" a meme?

Check for Icecat, is the only fork on the list that will last. 100% compatible with current addons.

Enthusiastic vouch for Vivaldi here.

I have used:
>Internet Explorer

Torch was very nice, but a hardware-footprint nightmare.

Firefox is a requiem for a RAM stick. Same with Chrome.

Internet Explorer/Edge makes my insides hurt.

Opera was all around a pleasant experience. Would recommend.

But Vivaldi does everything I liked about the other browsers even better. The only drawbacks I've detected so far:

>no "sync your browser session/settings across the web" option (not that I've looked very hard)
>facebook runs slow after sitting open and must be refreshed several times a day
>Terminating Vivaldi while running your computer at 200% the capacity of your RAM often results in loss of session, but really, who does that but me?

The rhetoric of catering to power users is not a gimmick. Vivaldi is my waifu.

Because it's made by a furry and furries have never hurt anyone.


Its open source. You can go check the source code if you worry about it being a virus. Also it has been stated time and time again that it is a false positive.

I decided to try out Firefox again for a few days to see if anything had changed. e10s was enabled and I had minimal addons. It was an unbearably slow and unresponsive experience.

It's not surprising to see FF market share decimated. I tried increasing dom.ipc.processCount to make it use more threads but that just made it more unresponsive in certain situations.

I really don't want to use Chrome, but the efficacy of google sync coupled with the fact it can actually make use of my i7, there's just no competition.

Opera is the best Chrome based browser you can get now

>buh muh Chinese
if you are really paranoid about that, then I guess is better that Chinese have your porn preferences than Google.

Is there any other browser apart from Firefox that has extended cache control? Do chrome or vivaldi allow ram caching or disabling cache completely?

I'll start the wiki!

But it's open source, isn't it? I thought it was just chromium with slower updates and privacy tweaks.

>Pale moon is basically firefox but with the older UI. It will also still support current extensions even when firefox switches to web extensions.
Problem with Pale Moon is the lack of multiprocess.

>Problem with Pale Moon is the lack of multiprocess.
As long as there are no performance issues, I don't see how it is a problem.

ungoogled chrormium with https enforcer and ublock is GOAT

Sadly, the problem really isn't so much the browsers.

It is simply a consequence of the modern web.

We have cramped so much shit into a system that was originally designed for static documents.

The idea of creating an official /wbg/ browser is nice but I think that going the gentoo route is a bit too deep.


So maybe we should just start with an official /wbg/ browser.

I want to build something like a desktop gui client/web app. thoughts on Vue.js or Electron?

cool ty


>I fell for the brave meme

>I love it

I want to like Brave but it's still buggy and has compatibility issues. Still no real addon support either.

Maybe one day.

Icecat is literally ESR with a bit of customization.

>Excellent tier

SJW trash software. Their ethics are abysmal. I'd rather have chrome.

The defaults are the best of any browser, I don't understand why the Chromium botnet is in god tier and Icecat is not.

Move Icecat to god tier.

I've noticed a difference in latest seamonkey and firefox:
They try to load the WHOLE page all at once before making it visible which make it look like they are lagging while they actually aren't.

Any way to disable this?

I think that's caused by shitty website design actually. Like you need some specific part of it loaded to get anything to display.

You are giving them the wrong use. Lynx and Elinks are best used for security analysts and IT professionals. Uzbl and Dillo are for embedded and low end computers. Luakit and dwb are for minimalists and productivity enthusiasts.

None of them are designed for normal use. List need an specialist class.

Reminder to try YaCy, is a fully decentralized search engine which can be used fully anonymous. There is a Firefox addon addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/yacybar-6344/

Remember, kill Google, don't give them money.

>Works with Firefox 1.5 - 3.6.*

How's life in 2004?
