/wbg/ - Web Browser General

This thread is for the discussion of anything regarding web browsers.

Creating this in hope that it will stop new threads about web browsers every 10 minutes

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Firefox 52 comes out in 3 weeks, death of plugins begins.

There's still time to switch to pale moon.

Good idea OP

What's better, Firefox Nightly or Icecat?

haven't had any problems with chromium on arch, but firefox has been slow and laggy, especially with scrolling. Anything I can do? Hardware accel. is disabled

>death of plugins
what about addons?


Personally I'd go with Nightly because of the fast updates. Although I'd say you should keep a secondary browser around just in case if nightly breaks.

That will happen at the end of this year.

I'm firefox fanboy for 13 years now and considering one of the alternatives. What are the benefits and differences with nightly / waterfox / pale moon / whatever the fuck, and will they fuck up my extensions?

Is "better security" a meme?

That's what I thought. That image of browser tiers that's always floating aroung has Icecat on the same level as Nightly though, which is weird cause I thought Icecat was just Firefox with all free images

Also this general should be a place to talk about search engines too imo