Tech illiterate here. I don't wanna pay 20 dollars for a subscription to some bullshit site that will find their location for me and all the stupid apps that track people's locations require that you download the app onto their phone as well which is useless to me because I don't know where the person I'm trying to find is in the first place. So what hardware do I need to get and set up to triangulate somebody's phone. Or do I need to climb a cell tower and start doing Neo shit up there? Any help is appreciated.
How do I track a person's cell phone
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Have you sought out help? Like seeing a shrink.
Search "how to hire a lawyer" next, bub
OK I know it sounds sketchy and weird. I should have included why I'm doing this. My retarded hippy brother has ran way from my mom's house. He wants to go out and be homeless. Like that's his whole goal is to just wander around and be homeless. My mom's worried about him and I don't know how to find him. I doubt he's even in the same city right now. Since he's over 18 and chose to leave home the police can't so shit unless he breaks the law. So I need to find him and the only way I can think to do that is to somehow track his cell phone.
Have you sought out help? Like seeing a shrink. Compulsive lying is a sign of mental illness.
If he's 18 let him be, hes chosen to take it upon himself the hard journey to adulthood.
The best thing you can do is wait and hope he calls. When he does be prepared to help him both financially and emotionally.
Intruding on his privacy now will only create more distance between you and encourage a loss of trust fron you on his part.
This will only make things much worse, he'll just toss his phone and then you REALLY won't know where he is
>Work at NSA
>Tell admin your shit broke and ask them for the keys
>Quickly download the sensitive data you want to your usb
>Escape to Russia
>Become a hero
I guess you guys are right. It's just that my mom is literally freaking the fuck out right now. He always talked about going to Colorado so he can grow weed so i guess we know what his end goal is anyway.
Disagree. Find what passive means you can to track him down. Getting him in is another question. Surveillance isn't a problem unless you're caught.
Give it back, Tyrone.
>passive means of tracking him down
That's why I wanted information on how to triangulate his phone. I can't get access to street cameras and other CCTV and I don't have haxxor skills to get into those resources by force. Hiring a PI is incredibly expensive and they're going to have the same information to go on as I do so I expect it'll be slow goings for them to get a lead. And like I said earlier the police aren't going to do shit unless he breaks the law and we don't want him to end up in jail. He won't fair well there.
What kind of phone does he have?
IPhone 6 I think.
Scratch that he had a iPhone 6. Now he has a windows phone. I don't know which one.
Wtf but appears they have a "Find my device" service too
Get into his account and you'll be golden
There is no way to do what you are asking unless you have physical access to his phone OP
no way, calls are encrypted, even if you had the equipment to triangulate a cell phone you could never know which one his was
and anyone who tells you different is lying
if this were possible it would be a huge problem OP
thankfully it's not possible
We had his account info for his Apple account but not his Windows account. I figured that's where you were going but when he broke his iPhone and we got him the windows phone he didn't tell us the information he used to set it up. He didn't like my mom enough to live with her and he certainly didn't like her enough to tell her that kind of information. He's edgy.
I mean I wouldn't tell my parents either to be fair. He had to have signed into this account on some other device in the house. Maybe some computer
Then how do police and other law enforcement agencies do it? I doubt get into contact with service providers and have them track phones for them. I already looked into building an IMSI catcher but I have to be in the general area he's in for that to work and it comes with the problem of identifying which signal is his.
>windows phone
what a fag
who pays the bill?
This. Depending on provider may have some resources you can use to locate phones on your plan.
>Then how do police and other law enforcement agencies do it?
oh, it's possible if you are the police, you just subpoena the cell provider and get the decrypted info, then you can tell where someone is using their phone down to the foot
you don't have that authority
the cell company he's with sure as fuck knows where he is though
I'll start looking through his desktop and let you know.
My mom pays the bill. Is there a way to get his account info that way and find it? She got him a windows phone because she didn't want to pay for another iPhone he was just going to break through negligence and general disrespect for other people's money and efforts.
>I already looked into building an IMSI catcher but I have to be in the general area he's in for that to work and it comes with the problem of identifying which signal is his.
this will simply not work
You're really fucking naive. Yes, law enforcement departments subpoena records from data holders; phone service providers, ISPs, etc. National espionage on the scale of "tap everyone's phone" is far too costly for any entity without billions of dollars in funding, like your local police department. There are laws in place to ensure these companies keep records for the very purpose of assisting law enforcement.
Being able to arbitrarily track a phone is a Big Fucking Deal that no user and no corporation wants to have happen. If you have a method to do this, congratulations, you have a zero-day exploit worth 5 digits at least. Go talk to some Romanians on UnderNet.
>My mom pays the bill. Is there a way to get his account info that way and find it?
maybe, it's really your only shot
get your mom to tell the provider her underage child has her phone and she wants to know where it is, that's as good as you are going to be able to do
she could stop paying the bill and you could get him another phone that you have installed tracking software on and act like you are doing it to be his friend , that's what i would try to do
>the cell company he's with sure as fuck knows where he is though
Shit this is so frustrating. He's not logged into his email so I can't reset the password to get in to reset the password to his password for his windows account.
it sounds like he comes by your place sometimes, how often does he do that?
why does your mom pay for his phone?
I literally wrote tech illiterate in the OP but thanks for the advice on talking to Romanians on Undernet
>implying I know what Undernet is.
Well give it a shot but the give him another phone plan won't work because how will I reach out to him to offer him another phone? I literally have know idea where he is.
dense fuck
Well he lived at home, I moved out for college, and now he's just gone. I doubt he'll be back. She paid the bill because he's 18 and not interested in doing anything. Hence why he ran away to be a homeless.
File a missing person report with your local PD.
meant to respond to you
>Well give it a shot but the give him another phone plan won't work because how will I reach out to him to offer him another phone? I literally have know idea where he is.
why do you pay for his phone if he won't talk to you on it, you say you are going through his desk and stuff when was the last time he was home? when did your mom buy and give him his current phone, how did that happen? maybe if she stops paying he will come around asking her to....
Hes not technically missing and he's not a runaway since he's 18. He left home to be a wandering hippy nomad. But he's literally as skinny as a holocaust survivor. My mom is afraid he's going to get "taken advantage of" on the road ie. Butt fucked and murderd by a psycho or some pack of Tyrones
I don't pay for his phone and he did answer my parents but just one word answer texts like an edgy teenager does. Now he's not talking to them at all. My mom got him his current phone almost a year ago for his birthday since he broke his iPhone. I don't know how he broke his iPhone exactly but I assume it was negligence and just not giving a shit that my mother paid money for him to have it.
Well if you know everything about this subject matter then why don't I give you some money to find my fucking brother for me? Oh wait you just said it was impossible.
have your mom stop paying his phone bill, see if he comes around or do what I said and have your mom go to the phone company and claim the phone is lost or stolen and needs to be tracked down
you are going to have to do this via social engineering... exploiting the system... not by decrypting and triangulating his phone, that shit is impossible but since your mom pays the bill she may be able to work the system to find him.
she may be able to get a copy of his call log via the billing statement and find out who he calls and where they live and that would be enough for a good PI to find him I promise you that
you could tell if he calls some girl all the time she's probably his gf and then go stalk her apt till he comes around...
but i would only play that game for a short while, your mom is dumb to keep paying his cell bill
That sounds pretty dank bruh.
He knows true freedom, unlike you, who will waste your life selling your body, time, and health to make the Jews richer.
>Well if you know everything about this subject matter then why don't I give you some money to find my fucking brother for me? Oh wait you just said it was impossible.
you are fighting with people who are trying to explain facts to you and help you
Alright that sounds like a good plan. She keeps paying his bill because she wants to talk to him. But he's not answering so she just keeps texting and calling.
what kind of cell plan is it, is it a prepaid type plan or has your mom signed a contract with verizon or somebody agreeing to pay the bill because if she has done that it's really her line and you will have better luck getting that account info to find him
just remember to keep your story straight when you go into the phone company to explain what you need, they are used to husbands trying to spy on wives and shit like that using these methods and will shut you down
It's not dank. He's going to get killed by some meth head or a giant nigger because he's an idiot. It would be dank if he had a plan to go to Colorado and establish himself some land to grow all the weed he wanted. But he's broke and just hitch hiking.
It's a contract plan. I'll come up with a basic story about losing the phone. God knows she's too frantic and angry/upset to come up with something right now.
You 100% have to climb a cell tower... Actually all you need to do is go hang out near one for a couple hours
>It's a contract plan. I'll come up with a basic story about losing the phone. God knows she's too frantic and angry/upset to come up with something right now.
I would first just ask for all the info you are allowed to have about the account without a story, if they give you the full call logs you will be able to figure out who he calls and what city he is in, you will be able to put 2 and 2 together and find his favorite places to be and then stake them out and find him
only after that or after that fails would I go to a story about the phone being stolen, because that will get it cut off
CHECKED picture is legit
did OP find his brother yet?
You're retarded. Look up the definition of a 'missing person' and go get some professional assistance.
>He's not technically missing
So you know where he is?
stop being poor and just hire a private investigator.
christ the level of NEETs on here