/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

>user misses alucard
>user explains plex
>user mourns a loss
>user wants an apollo invite
>user doesn't like plex
>user is looking for HD FLACS
>user wants to get into *******.**
>vice """"""journalist"""""" visits /ptg/
>user is courios about transcode
>user doesn't like pth economy
>user is a subhuman chink
>user doesn't like yui
>user likes yui
>newfriend doesn't like the tracker game
>rtorrent banned from irrelevant trackers
>qbittorrent isn't working
>user doesn't want to be a pleb

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:


first for thepiratebay

finally op's NOT a nigger

What's the best android app for torrents?

haha peenus weenus

This is a stellar OP. God bless, user.

>torrenting on mobile devices

When B*N staff will notice and fix HTTPS?

obviously I can't carry around a laptop to work. Plus the nigger IT guy blocked most of the ports that are non essential to work, so mobile is what I have left.

Good OP. This OP is allowed to talk to me and my dog in nappies, the other OP is NOT ALLOWED to do so.

real soon!

obviously mobile clients don't work on 99% of private trackers

Are you not allowed to carry personal electronics to work? Do you work for a DoD contractor?

then just wait til you get home? are you fucking daft or something?

>still can't download from the neighborhood indian music tracker

I work for an internet security company on the business side of stuff. Everything you take into the office is searched and they ask you to boot up laptops and phones as well for fear of copying chunks of source code and putting them on github for free or something.

Waiting is for faggots.

get a seedbox then

I thought I pm'd someone on MAM but there's nothing in my sentbox. Do PMs not show up there or did I not actually send it?

I have unlimited data with sprint and I want to take advantage of that.

there's a checkbox that says "save to sentbox", it's uncheked by default, so you did send it.

I am an avid PTP user and my username is RedDunce

let me guess; reddunce stole your sweetroll?

>tfw seed 100+ torrents for MTV
>check profile
>site only counts me as seeding 3

I'm putting my autoremove after 1 day on.

is there any way to get to other trackers trough bemaniso



Op ir really cool. Respect from a neo-ptg

Last I heard reddunce is actually semontaco

they said there's a bug since they wiped the logged IPs

So what's the deal with PTH and their logs? Am I really supposed to upload the exact same torrent again and then report the old one? Even if it's 100% log?

Is it really worth spending thousands of dollars just to be able to pirate stuff slightly more efficiently?

Never mind I think I get it. Old rips using EAC .99 aren't actually 100% but will appear as such for some retarded reason. Basically a few of my torrents which I thought I didn't have to worry about being trumped are now trumpable. First the AB shit not allowing WEB and now this, why do I even try.

quads confirm
hi reddouche

Thousands of dollars spent on what? My NAS didn't even cost even one thousand.

it's because you're a weeb


wouldn't surprise me tbqh!

Decent OP

anime website



tell us your set up pls user
I've been thinking of a NAS for a while

thx for the OP user, good work sir

It's just a basic i3 8GB ram FREENAS build with 8TB of WD Reds. Works great.

does it double as HTPC?

this is an anime free thread


>he didn't complete the AHD/TehC/MTV triforce
wew lads

Where does AHD recruit?

btn apl pth and ptp squared circle is where it's at

you're such a sissy faggot user chan

nowhere :O)
>unironically being on PTP
w e w

Hey user bite me bitch

No, I'm a beautiful girl actually.

suck my dick, degenerate homo~

be my gf?

i doubt it

>AB shit not allowing WEB
seriously? top kek, thank kami-sama i'm not a dweeb


IPT BTFO yet again.

Enjoy getting tracked, IPT users.

>not using the IPT browser to avoid being tracked
you asked for it lad!

>pm'd sysop without permission
and he wonders why he got b&

>using the IPT browser after all the evidence and warnings

IPT are literal niggers, but this just sounds like another false flag from 312cuck and his friends

> being a reasonable human being

Private tracker autism is not for reasonable people.

he's an idiot, should've threatened them for cahs

Best tracker for software now that w**t.cd is gone?

ipt triggers the moral cucks

any general tracker

t. pajeet unironically using IPT

Would rather use a private tracker for safety reasons.

t, triggered libtard

General trackers can be private dumb weeb.

a private general tracker
I know this is bait btw

Those tend to be utter shit though.

enjoy ipt: literally babby's first tracker

Why is her head so big?

>requested PTH invite from BTN PU invite forum
>been over 12 hours
>no response


IPT has the best sysop by far, others are total curry.

Why is your dick so small?

>when mratio fucks up

t. Afghan mafia mule

Mine took five days, I stopped checking after the second, then when I realized it could expire and I should check it, like seven minutes past the hour it expired.
I guess I didn't need it anyway...

why were rejected user?
what shady shit have been doing?

why would you use mratio to cheat this shitty tracker anyway
jesus you people

who are the ipt sysops these days?
years ago, there used to be lyn, mark, dennis and paul cummings or laced vodka, ghostmark, demonbullets and yumyumred

i'm a trap

please be in london

APooLoo release the FL

the site can't exist without it. otherwise it literally dies. poopthefreeleechloop


They fucking backed themselves in a corner. I was one of the PTH doubters, and it turns out their theories on economy were mostly right all along.

And yet PTH is mostly dead


Can any other economy work on a What. CD clone?

I think private trackers are dying in that regard. A well run DDL site would be superior if it had a ratio requirement for setting up mirrors on different services.

Hydra.zone is completely dead, and it's fucking ratioless.

>I think private trackers are dying in that regard.
All the old What members had all the music they wanted. No need to download it again.

And yet it's more alive than pooloo. Really makes you think!

>upload ~650 perfect FLACs