ITT you're supposed to ask questions that do not deserve their own thread.
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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Anyone have the latest Samsung Galaxy S7 root method? For Android 6 obviously.
Is outdated and there's a new version of xposed I found. Just wondering if there's a more effecient method since this one requires fixes to be installed after.
Anyone who work as programmer, is it worth to get master degree in IT at uni? Is it gonna be needed in future career? I got only engineer degree and i have almost 2 years of work experience.
If i use the ixquick firefox addon that just produces a "
Will encrypting an SSD stop TRIM from working?
A paper could help you get employed.
But since you already got engineering degree (and are employed) I don't think it would be necessary. Consider getting a bachelor in CE/EE maybe.
Programming is one of those things that with enough willpower you can learn without university
It shouldn't.
Once the drive is decrypted and mounted it's transparent to the OS
None of you can solve this:
Solve it yourself retard.
Well thank fucking God I can't, noone pays me for tech support
You debase yourself announcing your defeat like that.
I've searched Google for weeks and done what I can. If I don't get an answer this time around, I'll litter Sup Forums with a thread of its own.
I have openvpn which I've setup on my server (basically followed the guide) but it doesn't work anymore and I didn't change the config at all.
The log mentions this
Sun Feb 12 15:19:03 2017 ERROR: Linux route add command failed: external program exited with error status: 2
which I've googled to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
best way to hide porn (img/webms) on android phone?
Encrypt the phone. Not inconvenient if it has a fingerprint reader. Password only needed for reboots.
Hide in browser or hide after you downloaded them
The browser should have an option to disable images altogether
i already have the fingerprint reader but i still want it to be way hidden in case i just hand my phone to a friend or whatever
gotta have it offline just in case my man, you never no when the net's gonna be down or whatever
I'm building a website that is centered around a main page containing a sortable table - kinda like
is anyone familiar with a website that has a slick looking table in it, to take inspiration from?
I don't need porn to wank because I use an AC powered vibro-wand.
How do I show other people how much of homosexual I am?
It depends on what level of protection you want. If you don't have people going over your whole filesystem and you are just worried about them showing up in the gallery, just put them in a folder on your sd card and disable automatic media scanning for that folder. Navigate to it when needed using the file manager
just be yourself
>Windows can't stop the external device "blabla" because a program is using it.
Was it so hard to tell me WHICH program is using it? Is there a way to find out? I've already closed fucking everything. Is it just a bug?
This is not really a programming/developer question but I am wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to upload a gallery to imgur and then get a list of the BBCode for each one? ie if I upload 20 pictures is there a way to get [img]xxx[/img] automatically generated in a list for each image?
Hey I'm all for offline but why on your phone
idk don't always have the laptop around or too lazy
How do I become a master race web developer? Can I do it just by learning one language? Perhaps HTML5 and CSS is all I need to know?
Guide me.
What's so important about this? If someone could solve it they would. Is this some sort of paradox? If it's not possible to solve then it's not fair.
Just be better than that.
>Just be better than that.
>master race
>better than
what's a good youtube channel that goes over hardware/software news without being an obnoxious attention whore like linus?
How do you go backwards in the linux terminal? Specifically I'm in the gentoo minimal install environment right now.
And yes I know "cd .." takes you back one directory but let's say I want to go as far back as I can go. How do I do that?
You should watch channels about doing stuff with hardware and software. Those who make it an end rather than a means will always be unpleasant.
cd /
cd /
I don't think a relative command for that was ever added, because it's always absolutely /
If you want to end up home: cd ~
These are correct with regards to how you asked your question, but they take you back to root (all the way).
I hate using Sup Forums for help because I use this thing called google, but I can't even find anyone else who is even asking about this problem in the first place.
Windows 10 likes to immediately start searching in the start menu as soon as you make the first keystroke. For example, if I want to search my file system for a document containing all my scattered gaming login info, I tap the Windows key and type "doc_rec_cred_game".
But what Windows 10 does is:
>search for letter D
>search gets interrupted when I press O
>begins a search for "do"
>repeats this idiotic process until I finally have the full phrase typed in
>THEN it starts searching for what I want
TL;DR: Can I artificially instill a delay in Windows 10 searches until like a fifth of a second after I stop typing in a search query? My rig can run Planetside 2 and an MMO at the same time faster than it can search for one fucking file
I've gotten one of these to seamlessly switch between headphone and speakers. Will it reduce audio quality?
Does any one know any good cyber security books , or have any advice for someone going into the cyber security field ?
In the absolute sense, yes. But the difference is likely to be insignificant, especially compared to the convenience of what you've accomplished. Just enjoy.
do you have file indexing disabled? the search should be instant without any delay unless you turned it off, then it has to actually crawl through everything to search.
When in doubt, kill Explorer.
If that doesn't even do it then you could try shutting down. Whatever process hangs was likely the culprit and you'll know for next time.
It is enabled. But now that I simply checked that, it's working perfectly. I didn't even change anything.
Jesus fucking christ. Thanks? kek
>When in doubt, kill Explorer
Is it right to grab a website code and create your own one manipulating the original? I mean, everybody uses Bootstrap nowadays, and seems that nobody cares...
Will Ryzen have APUs?
I used that Aegis script some time ago to block W10 updates on W7.
I think it's now blocking updates I need in order to play some games.
How can I uninstall it?
>I think it's now blocking updates I need in order to play some games.
Its blocking steam updates?
Aparently I need some update in order to launch GOG galaxy.
Looks like the same kind of error I got when I tried to launch RE7.
What's the easiest way to learn to subnet networks? There are thousand of resources for it I know, but they all use different methods and it can get confusing at times. Need to get it down for CCNA, so any kick in the right direction will help.
I need one of this.
Do you just plug it then select the audio output on control panel?
Do you have the c++ redistributable packages installed?
I installed the latest ones and I think I'm not missing any.
google and hack at it until it clicks?
maybe here too
I used a laptop with a 960m to bruteforce a hash.
Now it's really loud
what do?
Stop trying to hack people
Well then just add the missing .dll to the folder of the program you are trying to run.
>bruteforce with nvidia
Clean it.
Repaste it.
In what way is it loud?
obviously its fan thats loud
and its loud because he is taxing the gpu to the max to do demanding mathematical operations
repasting he could fuck the shit up more
but also learn during dissasembly
Theres a certain tripfag that was really pissing me off, I needed justice.
The fan is constantly running now. It never ran before unless I was gaymen. Will do what you said thx.
Will do what you said.
Thanks, didn't know about that sub on le reddit, i'll check it out.
>Theres a certain tripfag that was really pissing me off, I needed justice.
once you grow up there'll be a lot of injustice.
the earlier to accept to just deal with it the easier you'll have it.
dont listen to betas
thirst for revenge and to fuck someone up is as good motivator to tinker with shit and learn some stuff along the way as any...
work it
break the faggot
you fap to still images and 3 second clip loops?
R9 280x Sapphire Vapor-X refuses to boot, motherboard gives me signal 2B, boots fine with on-board
Sometimes it'll go through boot normally, then crash catastrophically whenever a high-demanding video application is launched, be it games, a youtube video, anything that requires the card to switch out of minimum settings really
I got a GTX1060 that is en route because I need it operational as soon as possible, is there any way to troubleshoot the issues with the ead card, or is it a lost cause the second it refuses to boot the first time?
If I bid on a project on freelancer, will the fee be taken from my deposit or from the money I'm being awarded? For example, if I bid a project for 30 and the freelancer fee is 4€, do they take the money from the 30€ and I get paid 26€, or do I get charged from my paypal account?
I started getting this error on boot. The DLL doesn't exist and it looks kinda suspect. Nothing out of the ordinary in the start-up page and no suspecious services.
Any leads?
Download autorun.
cant be a driver issue
changing power supply
run it as administrator
see everything whats being run on startup
Damn there's a lot of stuff here that I have absolutely no clue about. I did find the entry though, so thanks.
Post it.
Anyway run adwcleaner and malwarebytes.
On my pc...the volume goes does by itself
How do I fix
I've tried restarting
I've unistalled realtek
Help pls
switch from everything tab to more focused tabs
check them out one by one
or post screenshots of them we will tell ya
also I believe somehwere in the main toolbar is option to hide windows own stuff
Power supply is doing good, I managed to sometime make it boot by starting with onboard and powering up the card on BIOS, then restarting. Still it would crash catastrophically soon after.
There was some dust I cleaned up, that reduced the average temperature pretty sharply (averaged 50 idle, 80 at max with the fan rolling, now averaged 40 idle, couldn't get a reading at max since it would crash)
I tried on another machine but the test was inconclusive (one of the 2 PCI-e required to power up the card was malfunctioning on the +2 pins, the card would light up but wouldn't boot). I wouldn't know how to troubleshoot a cable malfunction, all the cables are non-detachable
>GoogleChrome in the startup list
That looks shady.
Did you install any adware recently?
ZFS or XFS for a NAS?
Mostly going to store media on it such as movies and TV shows.
Why do you have windows defender running if you are using malwarebyets?
Sometimes it detects stuff that mwb doesn't.
looks clean relatively
you got citrix there lol, is that some workstation for some job?
delete yellow shit
and I would disable most of it
if you not retarded it should be obvious whats for what... if you want steam or onedrive on startup, or shadowplay...
seems mostly clean
scheduler has always lot of bullshit
though seems just regular updates and shit
but nothing with some snail dll that you get error from
wtf is easyanticheat
At your scale, with just you accessing things, it doesn't matter. Even NTFS would be good enough. Do you shut off your desktop when not using it? Or could you put the hard drives there, forget the NAS, and save dozens of dollars a year on electricity?
animefags should kill themselves
Probably from the recent For Honor open Beta. Seems like something utilized by Ubisoft.
I have Citrix disabled under the startup tab in Task Manager except for the URL Redirect, which is nice. That should be sufficient? Same with OneDrive and Garmin.
well there does not seem to be huge obvious answer to your error
I had look at your oriignal pic
>regsvr32 error
read some answers and posts
seems to be some activeX component trying to load... or whatever
>>regsvr32 error
It could be anything, not only ActiveX error.
Oh, the error is already gone. I found the entry with it as I said here but maybe I wasn't clear enough. Sorry about that.
Should I install Firefox to my SSD?
Sometimes I read that browser writes destroying SSD is a meme. Sometimes I read firefox eats SSDs. Can't decide.
Help pls