Low cost ($10~$20) 50/10 broadband was about to roll out THIS YEAR to all Americans making under 60k

>low cost ($10~$20) 50/10 broadband was about to roll out THIS YEAR to all Americans making under 60k

>this fucking pajeet comcast lobbying shill revokes it

Should've never fallen for the dumb Sup Forums trump meme

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>Should've never fallen for the dumb Sup Forums trump meme
It's called hierarchical issue voting, ShareBlue. Compared to the border enhancement, the deregulation of healthcare and the economy plan, the internet is a really minor thing.
I hate this Pajeet as much as the next Sup Forumsentooman but for fuck's sake.

>mfw trumpcucks are all poorfags

Agreed, but the internet is NOT a minor thing

it is the last bastion of freedom, not even memeing

obamacare is a bad law face it

Well off people could have gotten 300mbps for like $100 too but now it'll stay $500 forever

>mfw I'm getting 1gbit for 50€
might suck to be amerifat

kek. he says he wants gigabit to rural areas too.

>>low cost ($10~$20) 50/10 broadband was about to roll out THIS YEAR
yeah, the way it was supposed to roll out every year since 1996, right?

kill yourself, shill.

It's a bad law, but let's not pretend it started out that way before being neutered by congress and redesigned to punish the poor

It's a decent law with parts that are popular and parts that aren't. It's pretty much the best we can do with what we have because the republicans don't want to cooperate to implement a single payer system or even a public option.

but now it can never happen because its a "novelty"

It's called the working class

It's already out for people living in poverty. The 2017 rollout was for median income households, aka 95% of Internet subscribers.

You forgot the part where he also wanted to kill net neutrality. I guess trump fags seriously want to sever ties with this website the only way they know how- by having a business tell them what they can and can't do

>the best we can do is to fuck over the middle class (again) while subsidizing health care for welfare leeches

oh no it started nice and then republicans threw a fit and screwed it all up they are the reason for the idiotic mandate and the fines

trumpfags are extreme newfag cancer and were never part of the site

this post was paid for by shareblue

Healthcare is all about the healthy paying for the unhealthy. The problem we have is that we have a free market based system which still has few regulations in place. Other countries with free market systems have strict price controls to prevent companies from exploiting vulnerable "customers", America just expected companies to compete but they only competed for the healthy individuals, the unhealthy individuals fell by the wayside. ACA equalized the market so now health individuals are equally screwed but to a lesser extent in some ways. We wont completely solve this problem until we implement a single payer system, provide a public option, or we implement price controls.

>if you dont buy health insurance you deserve to pay a fine

that is a bad law

Sup Forums are fucking retards

>typical amerifat doesn't understand how insurance works


It's not a fine it's a tax drumpftard.

the only people screwed in ACA are the middle class. the plans for the wealthfare leeches are heavily subsidized. meanwhile, the plans for anyone that actually has anything that can be considered a career have the premiums increase every year. the deductibles are complete shit. the rich don't give a fuck about ACA so it doesn't bother them.

also, how are we going to pay for single payer? taxes in the US are already shit. the federal tax rates might be lower than in other countries, but the state, and property taxes are complete shit. taxes on a decent house in chicago suburbs will be around 10k per year.

its a fine and it doesnt need to exist

no one should have to buy insurance

>also, how are we going to pay for single payer?
We raise taxes a bit. The savings from not paying a private company 2-3x what the medical treatments are worth will offset the small increase in taxes.

People who need to have it and can't should have insurance. People who don't want to have it shouldn't have to get it. This is apparently too hard a concept to grasp for some people.


I would say this person freely drives on roads paid by others but then I remembered that NEETs like this probably don't even have their license.

>Let's let the businesses take care of peoples health!

What could go wrong?


this is exactly what i mean i do not want insurance but they seem to think i should have it

You never get good internet, you just pay some hundred billions for it.

That's how it works when money owns the goverment.


>prices will lower when companies know that the government will be forced to pay them no matter what

No one wants to pay for healthcare, if you make it a strict requirement that companies cover people with pre-existing conditions but not force people to have insurance then people are going to not going to pay for insurance and only apply for it when they get sick. That is not a workable solution.

There's literally no reason taxpayers should be subsidizing internet service.

Get a job, you NEET losers.

>I don't know what net neutrality is

Hello, Trump.

People with pre existing conditions should pay a higher price for insurance.

> Obamacare
What other option do independent contractors have? Many American developers have to lead lives as wagecucks merely because of the health insurance factor.

He's aiming for 1 gbps you massive faggot.

> People with pre existing conditions should pay a higher price for insurance.

You're not going to be 23 forever son.

single payer like the ACA was meant to be before getting mutated into shit

Health care is a societal issue.

If you as a society are unwilling to let people die on the streets or become disabled or otherwise unable to do their chosen jobs over not having bought insurance, then you just need public health care.

Nobody but richfags will buy health insurance. Virtually everyone will get more or less severe health issues anyhow. And the severe health issues will simply be nothing people can pay for.

Society doesn't actually have to support this kind of gambling, because it's a bad idea for it.

That's why I do this remarkable thing called "planning" and "saving" for anticipated future costs.

>Let's let the businesses take care of peoples health!
>What could go wrong?
This is exactly how a lot of Americans really think, mind-boggling to me

CTR literally shilling with racist memes on Sup Forums

how desperate

I went through 3 providers over 2 two years and not place near by (within 30 miles) took my insurance. What sucked was that the one time I found I place that did take it, it was only the Gold plan, and not the Silver which I could barely afford.

Still have not been able to see a doctor, and all the money I spent on Obama care I could have used to actually see a doctor.

So how many 100k do you have, and did / do you have it for the duration of your life?

You could require surgery and prolonged medical attention from the moment you're born to the moment you die, after all.

And as far as I know, most people -regardless of health bills- don't even leave this much money behind in their inheritance no matter what.

Basically, it's a risk you alone can't even really cover.

There are so many who are brainwashed to think that companies have their best interest in mind. You might be shitposting but it's so true it's frightening in the real world.

Let's see how for that planning gets you when some distracted driver swings in your lane and the car collision leaves you severely impaired for life. Or you develop a brain tumor or MS when you turn 40.

man fuck that lets go out and get blacked and buy birth control and shit

/r/the_donald wants you back

Not everyone has the luxury of living with their parents until they're 30 and saving up 5k for their future first set of out-of-pocket insulin from working at McDonalds as assistant manager.

I don't know where you're from but most 40 year olds I know are perfectly fine, and I'll take my chances. :^)

it should be illegal for an insurance company to deny someone with a pre existing condition insurance period

There is nothing wrong with letting people who can't afford care die in the street. Taxpayers shouldn't pay millions of dollars for some bum's chemotherapy to extend his life by 10 months.

I hate health care before this.. then out of the blue I diagnose with Myasthenia Gravis.

the meds around 4-6k per month and I can't work anymore...

you guys really should pay for that healthcare insurance

Neither did the Democrats under Obama who had a supermajority, but instead elected to pay back their donors by bending over to Republicans.

Do you honestly believe that CTR still exists? Why would the hillary campaign continue to pay for it after the election has been over for months?

You are an idiot.

Just remember that a single accident can leave you hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, people with savings and planning have literally been left in bankruptcy after one wrong move.

If it happens to you, THEN you'll be crying for help.

This is what's wrong with humanity, people like this guy who don't think about the future or what other people are going through until it happens to them.

Yea, and your family, friends, work place and society along with it, because if you hit the actually common "get rekt" flag in health, it's suddenly also their problem if they have some morals and don't drop you completely.

If they don't, nobody will care to even do enough of the possible medical procedures to keep you at work.

Even if it's a net loss overall, people don't plan to gamble that YOUR health should be restored for an overall profit in 10y+. Not if they're not almost sure they can't make you pay for 20y+, heh.

high speed broadband is a novelty anyway.

Who actually needs highspeed internet? No one.

"The Hillary campaign" was the DNC. They didn't go anywhere. I'm not even the user to whom you're replying but come on.


Obama did want a public option but one particular democratic senator (politico.com/story/2009/11/lieberman-brushes-off-critics-029698) was very against the idea and screwed the entire thing up. What we got was a compromise to this particular senator it's a solution very similar to the one that republican governor Mitt Romney signed into law for his state.

I think the main problem with the ACA is not the law itself but that the democrats and/or Obama proposed it.

They literally just got millons more in funding

I'll pay for it with all the money I saved from not paying thousands in insurance premiums every year. :^)

I'm not sure exactly what your point is

Butthurt liberal detected.


Their funding is public record


I don't see any new millions in funding, what are your sources?

Then you weren't asking your question in good faith. That's why an answer to it would be lost on you. So transparently rhetorical.

Here's how he should have handled it.
>press conference
>"we wanted a public option, but Lieberman prevented us. I want his constituents to know that."
>his political career is over
Democrats can't play politics at all.

No seriously, it would cost a fortune to provide broadband to every rural customer. For what benefit? So they can watch Netflix? Our government should spend billions so people can watch 4k netflix?

Trump is wrong about net neutrality, but the other good things he's doing far outweigh it. Get the country in order first, fix the internet later.

How are we supposed to upload our ghosts on the Net in the future?

>There is nothing wrong with letting people who can't afford care die in the street.

Yes there is, you'll understand once you're older

> There is nothing wrong with letting people who can't afford care die in the street.
Yea, there is. A society that will almost immediately kill you for being too poor (most people can't cover a 10k emergency surgery) is just completely useless.

I'm in society for the very fact that we can efficiently secure our well-being as a group.

Never mind we'll simply loose too many people who are ultimately not free to replace. Be it experienced car mechanics or university graduates.

> Taxpayers shouldn't pay
Yes, they should. We should agree to which level we guarantee health interventions and restoration for everyone as is needed for society and just fund that.

Same as we decide at what level we try to guarantee other things.

>There is nothing wrong with letting people who can't afford care die in the street
>*Until me or someone I know is dying on the street
>**Until someone who can't afford healthcare mugs me or someone I know on the street so they can obtain money for care

t. trumpledyte

Every house should be connected to the internet, but should it be broadband? I don't believe so.

I'd reply to this but you wouldn't understand my answer

>implying Sup Forums ever liked pajeets
>implying Sup Forums ever not liked fast Internet

>Every house should be connected to the internet
Nice socialism there.

Thank god for Trump and his administration cutting off the free internet to the poor and disabled.

Only honest hardworking Americans should get their 10/1 internet for $99.99 / month


Eat shit and die

>subsidizing home internet

It's called the library. While we're at it, abolish EBT and bring back bread lines. Lazy welfare asses shouldn't have convience

Explain how that is socialism

No, you won't. Insurance pays the average case.

You, individually, may have to pay a more expensive case. You don't necessarily have enough saved up for these even if you DID save up an equal amount.

And the average person will NOT save up nearly enough money either way.

This. The problem with conservatards is they have no foresight. Even if you show them how something will affect them negatively later as the result of their actions, they'll simply dismiss it because the only thing they can see is that they might have to pay or work more in the now.

Climate change? I don't give a fuck I'll be dead by then! Some businesses will figure it out! Nepotism treated me well, you just gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps!

Government will have to pay for it. That's why Europe has such good internet , tax dollars funded it.

He has multiple PACs that aren't CTR and we can see on the record that CTR hasn't received any funds as of yet

No one is killing anyone. They are just not choosing to give a service for free. How far should society go into perserving life then? Should we pay for cryogenic freezing of every citizen?

Government is willing to pay for broadband infrastructure expansion in the US too, as a first step toward that. The problem is that telcos have taken the money, barely laid any of the wire they said they would over the course of years and then literally told the government to fuck off over breach of contract.

Your checks are still cashing I see. And do you understand the concept of quarterly reports?

And this is bad because?

Because its either forcing people to pay for internet, ala Obamacare, or having the government pay for the internet, ala Obamacare.

I bet this fucking commie drives on public roads lmao

Back to Russia, human waste.

still not the mark of a good, successful society

>breadlines becomes a thing
>this faggot waits 2 hours in a grocery store to check out
>"wtf I hate myself now"

>low cost ($10~$20) 50/10 broadband was about to roll out THIS YEAR to all Americans making under 60k

Said who? This doesn't sound feasible. I'd rather pay more for better speed by the Trump administration making ISPs competitive and allowing municipal broadband.