
>infinite possibilities
>only as bloated as you want it to be

why would anyone use any other DE?

Other urls found in this thread:[email protected]/maillist.html

xfce4 is the best

because as much as I like XFCE it's not for everyone. Some people don't like fiddling around to get a compositor without tearing, most people just want an animeshitmachine and other DEs serve that pretty well compared to XFCE. I do love me some XFCE+Compton though, shit's smooth and lightweight (300mb RAM on Boot)

don't forget easy to use

this, unless you're really shit with computers XFCE is goat. Sister learnt linux using it after I forgot to boot on my windows partition

Why is xfce so fucking comfy?
What's behind this feeling when you boot into xfce, enter your user password and are greeted with your costumized desktop. You instantly feel a deep relaxation as if the world is on pause.
Nothing comes close in terms of DE comfyness.

I hope xfce never dies

kys overwatch

no wayland support

wayland more like wayshit

Because Openbox and dmenu exist.

>stop liking what I don't like

I'm already on OpenBSD, so I already have Xenocara. I don't need Wayland.

Also, if you too wanna install XFCE on OpenBSD:

Enjoy screen tearing

BSD sucks. GNU is life brother.

Sound is fucking broken from the start
>Press mute button
>Sound is muted
>Press it again to unmute it
>Sound stays muted

Pain in the ass

>BSD sucks
Yes it does. Never come close to it. Stay away from us.

mercy main btw

Doesn't support HiDPI.


>mercy main btw

mein neger

because I use mate, mate

>not using Lumina DE

Why would anyone use a DE?

I would use it if you could make Super+Down shortcut that does the same thing as windows 7 and unity.
Apparently you can't, therefore, pic related

You can retard.


Thunar used to be great but is now just a horrible broken mess.

It's good, I used for years. KDE is better for me right now, though.

it was the last DE I used before leaving DEs entirely for dwm. haven't used a DE since, but if I did it would probably be to try either LXQt or the new Enlightenment

Meh, I use it when I don't want to fuck around with stumpwm.

>tfw using xfce for two years now and no reason to change

>why would anyone use any other DE?
Because someone may want a working file picker and prefer not having screen tearing out of the box.

You can eliminate it on the GPU driver level (Intel and Nvidia at least).
You can eliminate it on the compositor level in X (Compton for example).
You can eliminate it by using Wayland (when they write a Wayland compositor).

Enjoy being an idiot who cockily posts misinformation, retard.

What screen tearing

I have no screen tearing on xfce

Why should I use a DE? Lightweight and customizeable sounds like I want to use a WM.

isn't LXDE with lubuntu more lightweight?

Or you could just use a real operating system instead of figuring out how to fix this open sores garbage.

DEs were a mistake

Nothing but a bunch of shitty dependencies and bloat for people who still miss their shitty Windows machine

Linux on the desktop would be much better if people stopped trying to turn their OS into a bloated compis mess that resembles the shitty and inneficient GUI pholosophy

It's dead.

krunner is great, but a lot of it's functions depend on the background indexing crap like baloo & friends.
You can teach the xfce launcher some nice tricks too.

Is it possible to retain the awesome multiscreen capability of i3 if you use it as a window manager with xfce?
I can hardly imagine anything better.

In the past, I successfully removed baloo and used the fsrunner plugin to find files.
My point is that krunner does everything instantly and automatically.
calculations go to the clipboard, files launch, windows gets priority, new application gets launched etc.
Can the xfce do calculations in the same way?

>still tearing
>still tearing
>using incompatible compositor with legacy shit X

So, this is the correct decision

A DE is not an operating system.

Relative to kde and gnome sure, but lxde and window managers are more lightweight.
xfce and mate are honestly the least customizable DEs.
>>infinite possibilities
>>only as bloated as you want it to be
If you "unbloat" xfce to a certain point, it will stop being xfce.

>why would anyone use any other DE?
There's a 101 reasons why, and they mostly center on xfce being dated in terms of features and bugs.

Posted from my xubuntu laptop.

Find files, yes. But you strip it of functionality like searching through contacts, emails, and more, which would be great if it worked properly.

>Can the xfce do calculations in the same way?
Not that well, but it it still ok

>why would anyone want to use a DE

just looking at the implementation, it just parses stuff to bc (which could be changed to python, R or whatever you want)
But is it instant?

Yes, you write command or expression, execute it by pressing enter, the string gets processed by rules you can define and then custom scripts can be launched.
If you mean instant like processed while you are typing then no.

It's fine with some tinkering. Title bars will always be fucked though

Yes, instant means you instantly gets result, or real time feedback, as in you process the input after every new character in the input.
Pressing enter to get the results is not just inconvenient, it is near unusable.

I don't know why they don't just implement it.
Is there any kind of computer user that never uses calculators?

Why should I use this instead of MATE?

You shouldn't. You should use Lumina.

Why do you find it near unusable? It's handy for quick calculations. For more complex use you can just open the calculator of your choice directly.

I often use the calculator in krunner.
Some times it is a quick calculation, other times I need to do a lengthy summation either way, instant results are much faster and it means you can make corrections without having to constantly copy paste.

On non kde systems, I have used dmenu to create the same thing, but I constantly find myself opening a new calculator window over and over again.

Should I uninstall Unity for XFCE OP ? It seems awesome

Whats that icon theme? My xfce doesnt look as comfy

Because Cinnamon is superior.

numix circle, I think

because gnome shell is all those things and more

Ignore that dumbass, I just got used to super+up toggling between doing what super+up and super+down do on windows and it isn't that bad desu

>why would anyone use any other DE?- 60 posts and 8 image replies shown.
I don't want my DE to look like it's from 2002 and was written in Delphi.

Seriously, it's got THE UGLIEST UI elements of any DE. Icons on buttons? What year is it?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

It uses the same UI elements as any GTK based desktop. Install a theme.

>Because Cinnamon is superior.
this guy knows. Cinnamon + a good theme (like Arc of Arc-Flatabulous) is superior in every which way possible and it also doesn't look like shit.

>Looks like shit
>Shitty plasma panel wannabe
>No compositor (compton doesn't count because it's shit and it isn't spelled kwin)
All in all a poor man's kde/plasma. Can't even beat gnome for fucks sake. Get your act together gtk folks.

I'm using it right now, very confy.

I use GNOME3.

What do you suggest?

install a window manager and the programs you use?

Sorry noob here, i'm not getting the diference between window manager and DE, wehat does the DEs do that WMs doesn't?

de provides a panel/notification area, and autostarts services like wif and shit. you'll have to set all that up manually if you use just a wm, and by the time you're done you have what constitutes a personalized de

a DE is a bunch of programs on top of a window manager. for a lightweight install, you may wish to pick only a WM, and then the programs you use on top of that. Openbox for example is a window manager, and xfce/gnome etc are DE's.

thank you that was helpful.

does it have more than just the windows? I'm assuming that if i want some panel to put icons i have to install it?

>using XFCE
>when MATE exists in the same timeline

Thank you guys, gonna try using a WM

the WM will only do windows. you must install a panel in order to use a panel, such as lxpanel or pypanel. same for things like file managers, desktop backgrounds etc.


What's wrong with new Thunar?

I'm on Debian stable on old Xfce and Thunar and it's good.

What should I expect to break when I upgrade to the latest Xfce and Thunar?

why not pick a WM and the programs you want (text editor, file manager, etc)

xfce or lxde?

fyi there's a recent patch to Thunar that finally fixes the file moving/whatever crashes[email protected]/maillist.html

used the patch in muh gentoo and no crashes anymore

xfce with pcmanfm + gpicview, best of both.
I switched to pcmanfm because of this, It's way better imo.

Because Gnome 3, MATE and i3wm exist.
xfce is a shit.

I recommend fluxbox - very lightweight, easy to configure menus and keybindings, you can tab windows together, has a built-in panel & tray, can remember window properties, very customisable
Only thing it isn't is a tiling wm
Most of the default styles are ugly but if you Google there's a site with lots of styles that aren't and they are very easy modify/create yourself if you want to spend time doing so.

just install it and use it seperately for a week or two and decide if it's right for you.

pretty comfy-desu



eat a dick


I've been using xfce4 for like 10 years, old habits die hard!!!

Any good Cinnamon wallpapers similar to the one you uploaded?

MATE is the best choice.

Because xfeces is shit

Really good DE however It has a few problems that probably wont be fixed.

They doomed it when they went with switching to gtk3. It will never keep up hacking around GNOME dev cancer. When the fast gtk release cycle kicks off it will be left behind and forceably depreciated.

that's an applet problem. sod off
I believe its in the window manager shortcuts section.
I switch back and forth between gnome and xfce. Both are incredibly comfy to use.
Windows tears and you can't do shit about it other than getting told to update your drivers.
>unless you are subtly shilling macOS again

XFCE is better as a shell than a DE as I've heard. People swap their WMs and Compositors all the time and XFCE never bitches about it, it's perfect for fiddling around

>lxde more lightweight
different WM and no compositor
>xfce and mate are the least customizable DEs
source? I've made abominations on XFCE that you wouldn't recognize
seeMATE in my experience is fucky and has no good looking menu options. also gnome 2 sucks and the mint dev team does as well.

remember to use a compositor other than the default! xfcomp(im calling it that now) can never achieve tear-free playback

try using cinnamon on a toaster, let us see how that goes,
>captura de pantalla
de donde eres?
dub dubs and a shitpost.
no reason to use anything other than apt. maybe yaourt but that's not even a package manager.
check the fglt on /wg/
what kills me is having to set inherits on almost all themes to not get shitty gtk2 icons.