Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?

Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?

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because >muh freedom


Because he didn't give a single practical contribution to the company he fooled everyone into thinking he was the mastermind of?

Explain how they turned to shit twice now, every time he left.

Dude was a marketing genius. I remember taking a marketing exam at uni(part of the engineering degree). All I did was watch a lot of his videos at Next and Apple, interviews etc. Aced the exam without reading any of the bullshit the prof told us to.

>(part of the engineering degree)
>humble brag

Too alpha

I don't

How is being an engineer considered bragging?

He is the anti-Stallman.
Same level of autism.
Same inability to function in normal society.
Same delusions of grandeur and massive egos.
Except Jobs was a greedy asshole who made products that intentionally denied their users basic freedoms and spied on them for governments and corporations, while Stallman is fairly selfless (poor) when it comes to material/financial wealth, wants everyone to have complete freedom, preaches the dangers of proprietary software and hardware as surveillance tools, etc.

>jobs' company built a polished product focused on the end user that was actually worth a shit
>stallman's orbitals built a kludgy piece of shit focused on paying lipservice to a deluded ideology and is basically garbage that's only popular in enterprise use cases today because it's cheap

are you offended because he dissed a handicapped guy? don't be retarded

>focused on ripping off the end user, but they love it because they're all brainwashed faggots

>built a kludgy piece of shit focused on paying lipservice to a deluded ideology
I assume you're talking about HURD, which yes, is a kludgy piece of shit focused on paying lipservice to the microkernel ideology that Linus BTFO in a famous flameware with the guy who made MINIX, which was never even designed to be a usable production-quality OS and which only about 3 people actually remember these days.

FSF/GNU-endorsed software projects are hit or miss.

>why don't you like douchebags?

That's like asking why you don't like L Ron Hubbard.

Bluepill king of tech is why.

Why don't you hate him, op?

why is there a chin grab in all his family PHOTOS

kek, this. jobs was clearly the backbone of the company.

>Except Jobs was a greedy asshole who made products that intentionally denied their users basic freedoms and spied on them for governments and corporations,
oh? then why did apple refuse to unlock iphones for the FBI?

Because it's you I like, user.

because everyone including the FBI knew that it was possible to break into them (IIRC they were able to bypass it with a simple hack within a week) and it made for great PR so that shills and fanboys could claim that Apple respects privacy

Something about punchable faces.

Cynical businessmen shouldn't be treated as rockstars

The FBI was able to do it using an exploit that a middle eastern security company had found out, which only worked on the iPhone 5c because it was the cheapo phone, lacking security features.

Keep telling yourself that. There's nothing secure about trumping up a computationally trivial encryption by "preventing" brute force attacks by only "allowing" a set number of attempts. It's security through obscurity, relying on hackers not being sophisticated enough to decipher the chip set.


Because he made dumbass CEO-wannabe middle manager dickheads think that they were justified in being complete assholes, since Steve Jobs was a complete asshole who inspired greatness.

Nevermind the fact that 1) he was a great leader first, and an asshole second and 2) there's no need for a great leader to be an asshole.

The recent downturn is due to the stock price spiking so high. Tons of long-time hardcore workers cashed out and went home. They lost a *tremendous* amount of important in-house knowledge over the last decade.

I forgot to add a "really makes you think" to the end of that post to make it look less like a buttblasted attack and more like the 4/10 shitpost it was meant to be

anyway you've activated my almonds so I will reply seriously

it feels like you're associating it too much with the modern Tim Cock-era coasting where they're just fucking over their products to keep up a facade of innovation rather than actually trying to produce a product people want, I don't really think I would say that Jobs was really focused on "ripping off" end users and advancing the proprietary machine more he was focused on his autistic egotistical visions which put raw numbers to the wayside in favor of the overall polished "experience" end users tend really want rather than just the biggest numbers, and confirming to his ideals

of course there were monetary motivations in these decisions as well (fifty-five or die) but, even though it's whataboutism, it WAS pretty much standard practice in the markets the Macintosh ended up targeting

stallman and many other free software developers create products that are nice under the hood or in application but at the same time they seem to almost purposely shit on the idea of the polish that made Apple such a meme in the first place, sometimes it's charming but honestly sometimes a little bit of professionalism goes a long way

Well, you'll be hell on wheels hacking Macs when you finish your paper round.

Only a complete idiot could think that.

>there's no need for a great leader to be an asshole.
Actually, he wasn't a great leader when he was an asshole. He was just a guy working at Apple. A major shareholder but not in management.
Then he got kicked out.
Once he came back to Apple his leadership was of a higher class and his jackassery was diminished.


Are you kidding me?
Steve Wozniak may be one of the purest and loveliest human beings in the world
He doesn't give a shit about money and is an engineer by heart who wants to make the life of people easier

I do like him. In fact, I respect him more than Bill Gates because he wasn't autistic.

he died of cancer. Not very resilient if you ask me.

>Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?
Pretentious brown shitskin hippie touting unscientific bullshit about apples curing cancer.

He's a gullible cuck with spreading liberal propaganda.

I like everything Woz has done and accomplished, but I just hate that fat fuck's stupid face and those huge ass nostrils. I wish I never saw a picture of him.

No, he is just a good person

But why?
His smile warms up my soul everytime i see a picture of him

I just can't stand the face of the guy, I was at GTC last year and when his fucking face came up on the big screen I fucking wanted to jump up and scream all sorts of nasty things.

>spreads liberal lies and is a proponent of tested and failed policies that will inevitably corrupt western society
>good person


They turned to shit with him at the helms too though.

>implying they were not shit to begin with
>implying they didn't always produce overpriced garbage
>implying he wasn't just a tyrant who get his prostate massaged everytime he emotionally destroyed someone

Ok, I'll concede your original point:
>jobs' company built a polished product focused on the end user that was actually worth a shit
because a polished turd really is actually worth (as much as) a shit

>I don't really think I would say that Jobs was really focused on "ripping off" end users
he was operating as a marketer (make the users believe it's what they want so that they buy it) and not as a developer (make a product that is good so that users want it ). In a sense, he was ripping off the deluded fanboys who ended up believing (and still do) that the iPod was the first MP3 player (or the first MP3 player to have a "high-capacity" HDD), that the iPhone was the first smartphone, that the iPencil is a revolution in mobile device input even though styli had been the norm for over a decade back in the good old days. So the consumers go crazy because they are fooled into thinking that the products are innovative even though they're not, and then they gladly pay any amount and deal with any ridiculous ToS Apple decides to enforce. They think they're getting a revolutionary, innovative, quality device, but they're actually getting a polished turd. Rip-off

Sounds like you need to grow up.

why would i go out of my way and force myself to like him? he had zero influence on my life as i never used any of his companies products ever.

Focused on keeping the general public from benefiting from their computers beyond the most superficial usage.

I hated his antics. He was a total asshole to everyone he didn't NEED. Rude af.

I like the fact that he would take unpopular things and make them popular/sexy/standard. That, I appreciated.

But seriously, he was a total asshole. Borderline sociopath.

>he had zero influence on my life as i never used any of his companies products ever.
This is a blatant lie. Even if you've never used an Apple product, Apple has had a massive influence on technology in general. They didn't invent anything brand new, sure, but they did make things that needed to be popular, popular.

nice mental gymnastics. if it weren't steve jobs, it would be someone else popularizing these things. do you honestly believe that we wouldn't have smartphones right now without steve jobs? i even doubt they wouldn't be as thin as they are right now.

Sup Forums told me so.

How did Apple make laptops and PC part and my gayming console popular ?

>popularized walled garden, status symbol tech
>obnoxious cult of personality

At least he died of cancer in his 50's like he deserved.