What if Brits never ruled the waves, but the French did?

What if Brits never ruled the waves, but the French did?

by owning the Sahara....

We'd all be speaking a proper language instead of English.

French were shit at colonizing. So were the Brits, but the Brits were less shit.
The only good colonizers were the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese, and the Portuguese were the best.

Better world

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, I'd roll your mum over and fug her in the butt

>the Dutch
>that flag


It's true, though.

It's definitely not true.

A little advice, you may think you are totally anonymous online, but there's always someone who can find you, and it could effect you in real life. In no way is that a threat or anything but, not thinking before posting stuff online can hurt you in real life. I've been online since I dialed into it using churrasco smoke signals. I've watched it grow and flex and change. I've seen bad things happen to good people because they thought they where safe. So I guess what I'm saying is, don't believe just because you think you have anonymity online that there can be no repercussions in real life.

Because there can.

no u

No, definitely u

Ehh, dude, you lost New York f.e. to those 'shitty' Brits.

delet this?

Worse globally.

Spywares you mean ?
Spooky m8

>French were shit at colonizing. So were the Brits, but the Brits were less shit.

Nonsense. Great Britain was the greatest colonizer of them all. Just look at the successful, lucrative British colonies like New York, Capetown and the Gold Coast!

new pasta? It's delicious.

And other masterpieces like Khartoum, Baghdad and Melbourne.

This is it, I'm creating a pasta folder right now.
Thanks Brasil.


The United states would be a lot different. 18th century French values everywhere.

We would all be in an even worse position than we are now.

Then we'd be speaking French

You already are