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International #589
Guess the cunt
Is there even one good country on this continent?
/lat/ - resistiendo con aguante
/fr/ Fil francophone
Battle of The Nations
Why have I never seen mongoloid russians? post pics of them pls :3
What is it with Aussies and their obsession with the USA? It's not just another Sup Forums meme either...
1. Your contry
Have you ever been to Paris, Sup Forums ?
What's her master plan?
ITT: It's the Netherlands
Miserable and poor the English language is
Why is America so good at breakfast?
Live stream
I want to make this planet Greek. Help me to start
/ita/ il filo
Why do most cultures look down upon women with prostitution experience?
Ywn live in a comfy suburb of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Race mixing will ensure that in a hundred years all Americans will have the American ethnicity which will consist of 30...
Haha no it's ok, we are not racist! we are """"""xenophobic""""""
Did you have any weeaboo classmate?
How can non-mediterranean men even compete?
Eurovision 2016
Portuguese living in the Netherlands
Christians will support that wreck
Battle of the Nations
You load up into your Dota game and see this
Post YFW these countries declare war and try to invade yopu
What's the most beautiful nationality?
When someone says Finno-Ugric languages are difficult to learn
What is English in your native language?
What to do?
New York or London or Paris or Tokyo or other
Poland would never love you however much you love Poland
Jesus fucking christ i cant take this heat anymore
In the news today
This triggers the german
Sverigetråden - icke 2D cancer upplagan
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Question for /nord/: if Russia was to collapse, would you agree with Karelia becoming a Nordic country...
How easy is it too marry a turkish girl?
/rus/ general
I am a Volksdeutcher from Vojvodina in Serbia
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I wish I was Bosnian
/fr/ - Le fil des Français
/Maghreb/ = Morocco + Mauritania + Algeria + Tunisia + Libya
Non-cringy Japanese and Kpop songs
/esp/ Hilo español - Portugueses invitados
Help with English language
Your ethnicity
Why do Japs think Poland is stupid?
/deutsch/ Heiko Maas Ausgabe
Finish the sentence:
Hi, /flags/, I'm curious. How do you like your pizza? Let's see how good is your taste
Battle of the Nations
What can we do to reclaim finnish culture and stop the younger generation from thinking they wuz vikings?
Guess the country
Hardest european language to learn?
Do you feel like your country was accurately represented in this game?
/GCC/ Thread
Rate their diaspora in your country
Which modern race most closely resembles ancient Romans? Italians...
Why were they so fucked in WWII now I know a lot of countries did horrible things but Japan was on another level...
Let's talk about China!
2030 World
Mfw realized I socialize with all types of foreigners here but have never interacted with anyone non-white irl
Why do japenese tourists take pictures of everything?
Why do other Asian countries always get so annoyed when people mention how much more developed Singapore is to them...
Resentful Mediterraneans thread
Language bread
Filthy race traitor
It's tourist season again
/flip/ Presidential Elections General
According to EA this is an accurate representation of a German WWI soldier
Americans have to work to earn a living
Hello, Anzu here. I'm here to answer some questions from my fans
Tfw 1/4 Tatar
/tr/: atamız baskısı
Apart from being muslim is there anything particularly exceptional about him?
AYO HOL UP....*smacks lips profusely*...YOU SAYUN...LIKE...*adjusts war medals*...WE BE...WE BE SUM FINNA...
What does the average Bulgarian think of FYROM and its national identity?
Why do black and Asian people age so well?
Non Europeans of int, do you butthurt about western influence on your culture? I butthurt a lot...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
Why White girls gotta be so ugly?
If your capital is a port, you're pretty much a non-country
Discord and we
This wiped out the entire US military
Post trains
What is Sup Forumss opinion on mixed-race individuals?
Battle of the Nations
Sup Forums Games Thread
Filthy race traitors
What is this animals name in your native language?
Post your ethnicity
/ita/ il filo
Post my fit on /fa/
America hate thread
Do you 愛 Japan?
Who is really behind this flag when they post?
Left or right?
Fatty wanna patty?
How can i distinguish Europians?
Why Japan is loosing its relevancy?
Childhood crushes thread
/fr/ - Le fil de la /fr/ancophilie
Is Sup Forums up for some hunger games tonight? First 48 replies that have images get in
Hurr muh natural borders
Tattooing is illegal in Korea
Leave Sup Forums for a month
Amerifats won the space race
Please inform me, what happens here? And why it is the least populated state?
Is America the greatest country on earth?
Yfw the takeover is happening
You were born in australia
Am I white?
What the actual fuck went wrong?
What was the most embarrassing moment in your cunt's history?
Hilo Latino /lat/
French or German, which is more useful to learn as a third language?
Where can I go with a one way ticket and start my life over?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono 157
How the FUCK do I get an Australian gf?
Victoria flamel
Khawlat Kherroubi edishaan ( ._.)
Can he pass as a local in your place? Or just as a chinka chonka immigrant?
Eh, guys. Look what I have seen today near my house
What kind of race in porn vids makes you horny?
Be mixed-race American
he GENUINELY thinks Sup Forums would be better off without Australians
A 2014 report found that Walmart, where the video subjects were shopping, costs taxpayers $6...
You can always tell how third world a country is by how they cook their steaks
Is anyone else looking forward to the eventual fall of the West and the takeover of Islam?
Can any Finns tell me about my surname? My last name is Kokkonen and I know next to nothing about it...
The Commonwealth of Australia
/nachtschicht/ aka /deutsch/
Would she be considered fat or thicc in your country?
What do your country's McDonald's look like?
African american gf
What is this country like?
Be from argentina
What are you studying? Or if already done, what's your occupation
Bought a designer shirt
How's Tinder in your country? Are you normie enough to have Tinder stories?
I lik spain is spain to your
Why do Japanese people think they're white?
This triggers the eurofags
Polish are now asleep
Be from poor /asean/ country
Honest opinion on this country?
Porn is LITERALLY banned in South Korea
Why is America so fucking based?
Welcomed tourist ranking
What's your heritage Sup Forums?
Is there anyone here who doesn't hate the states?
Going to Germany to lose my virginity, any tips before I go?
Why do americans eat the burger?
Pics you've taken
I'm all for a laugh and
Reminder that our betrayal in WW2 was payback for the betrayal of Arminius to the Roman Empire. Get fucked, Germs...
1. Your country
/balt/ + /ausnz/
You will never live in Arizona
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ Fil francophone
Based Pope
/ita/ - il filo
Underage sextape capital of the world
Reminder that the swiss and belgians kill themselves more
European Empire when?
Hilo latino
American politicians
I love Katya
T*rks ACTUALLY believe they are anatolians
You can only post in this thread if your town's mayor isn't a terrorist
Surra de bunda
Thank you Sweden
Based London
This cunt declared war upon you - your reaction
Finland in NATO
Why do only third world countries call soccer football?
I'm going to fap
What is the sissiest nation out there?
If Italian colonialism succeeded, there'd be a ton of Ethiopians and Somalis bantering germanics for being uncivilized...
When you realize your celtic heritage scientifically exist despite the French governement propaganda
Rate your nation
Does Sup Forums support a European army?
If you have to choose a girl from another race to marry with
Im a Norwegian, living in a subburb half an hour south of Oslo (on the west side of the Oslo fjord i.e. the best side...
ITT: Post literal 10/10 grills of colour from your cunt
You will never live in a US-Suburb which is 20 minutes away from a big city with your wife who you love and your 2...
This is Europe by 2050
Do you support a Kosovan state!?
Sverigetråden - Fredagkvällsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Kvällslig 2dupplaga
/esp - hilo español/
Is it true that Americans don't have kettles and instead boil their water in the microwave?
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
Language aesthetics discussion
Let's start one of these threads
Internet in Norway
Roman """""""""""Empire""""""""""""
1. Your cunny
Why does Latin America have shitty "H""R""E"-tier borders...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
>Tfw France is close to civil war
Your cunt
Mfw i just found out rome actually existed
Finish the sentence:
What do you think of when you see this flag?
Swedes are "cucked" only in big cities?
/MeNa/ = The comfiest Sup Forums general
First world country replies to you
In this thread we grieve over the clay that we will never have, used to have, want to have
Are racists just mad these days because non white countries are becoming more powerful...
ITT: We trigger Latin Americans
Why does India and China have billions of people?
/ita/ - Il Filo
/fr/ - Le francofil pour les francophones
What's the difference between Spain and Portugal other than their language?
Battle of the Nations
Go on /cgl/ it's like a female /r9k/ but for autistic female faggots who like dressing in autistic clothes for some...
/luso/ - Fio lusófobo
TFW parents are not leaving me the inheritance because I'm a neet
Brazil GDP: 2,246 trillion
Sverigetråden - för alla svenskar samt brödrafolket
Hilo con aguante hilo con stamina
Why is Cyprus so small and cute?
Wake up
R8 my house, but don't h8 pls
/blackpowa/ general
Battle of The Nations
There is something terribly wrong with Americans
Most popular language studies on Duolingo in each country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
TFW can't stop thinking about my Sup Forums gf and where she is right now
Victory Day
What would your country name its first helicarrier?
Battle of The Nations
I like spain do you like
Languages by aesthetics
Girl need help pls respond
Would this ever happen in your cunt?
Why do Europeans speak English with an American accent instead of British accent?
/mena/ general
Interpals is full of broken English speakers
Kawaii and beautiful are not same
/international vocaroo/
Wake up
What's Sup Forums favourite car?
"My country has the biggest ________."
Battle of The Nations
1. Your cunt
/fr/ - Le fil de tout les Français
Post your national shame
Would you racemix with an italian girl ?
Tfw you see niggers get the qt white girls while they are young and in their prime
Why do hollandese people drink such small beers?
/brit/ - The Real Deal Edition
It's time for annual Battle of the Nations thread
You wake up in Japan
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
What really happens there?
ITT: we comment on the results of the 1912 Reichstag elections
/deutsch/ Faden bunte Ausgabe
Why do white men like brown girls so much ?
What is the first thing you think of when you hear "Texas"?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Public transportation in your country
His country has trannys
Which side is your country going to be on in the Anglo-Hispanic War that is only a few days weeks away?
/brit/ - Fat Fucks Out Edition
A thread for those interested in or part of celtic culture to congregate
Ukraine is goat
Be arab
I want to make discussion of Slovenia
YOU read tonnes of books in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls...
Dear Japanese
/carib/ - UUGH edition
How do people in your country deal with problems?
It's time for annual Battle of the Nations thread
Do people other than weebs on Sup Forums find Finnish girls attractive?
What car do you drive?
Ian Smith didndu nuffin wrong
Howdy, germanic servants! Check it out, I'm made of gold!
Google the country above you
Russia-Nippon friendship
MFW Poleaboos start becoming a thing
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: explain what you hate about the country above you
/lat/ - Hilo Latino
What are some decent German films that I haven't seen?
Fuck. someone stole my toilet seat, what to do?
I don't understand why this mushroom is popular
Why is it always the islands that are war mongers?
Australians will defend this
A secret German defence white paper calling for the acceleration of the formation of a joint European Union Army has...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
French are:
Gendered words
Canada USA Mexico /cum/
/fr/ — Le fil francophone
Why are the UK such sjw faggots?
Be me
Americans can't drink this
How popular is Game of Thrones in your country?
Royal Navy fires warning shot at Spanish patrol boat
New Zealand Federation with Australia Referendum
How upset does this make you Americans/Canadians (any other predominately white country)!? Well, deal with it!
Why don't Canadians and Australians get along when they are mostly chinks and poo posters?
This is the greatest bird in existence
Most common language being learned on Duolingo
Why can't japanese speak english?
Why is int contaminated with poltards that much? I'm tired of rightists spreading idiocy here
Eating pork
What did you do to celebrate 5 De Mayo user?
I'd kill for a double whopper right now
London gets first Muslim mayor in UK local elections
Mfw canadians eat the shit that americans piss and shit out of their collective cunt holes
Has anyone been to Korea as a sex tourist? How bad /good is it? How expensive is it?
Nationalities you've never met before
Why do these countries hate each other?
Here comes a Chinese OP
Why don't westerners wash their butts after they poop?
Should I fugg her Sup Forums?
The main reason modern russia is so shit is because of commie blocks and apartment complexes
Your America fact for the day: only one state has ever changed its two letter postal code abbreviation: Nebraska...
Sverigetråden - Morgonmys
/lat/ - resistiendo con aguante
This is considered pizza by Americans
Why is Korea seemingly the most butthurt about this...
Name my band
OI M88
The last digit of your post is the country you fight for in World War II when you are reincarnated and sent back to...
Language thread
How come mexicans and filipinos look and sound kind of alike?
What are you doing? Sup Forums
Risk thread - Eurasiafricarabia
Best cat from best country
Hilo de la resistencia
Call moderate muslims uncle toms and support extremists
How do you call this in your country?
/deutsch/ früher, jetzt /nachschicht/
Does this mean Mexicans will be deported from Sup Forums?
How and why did Scotland, Wales, and Ireland adapt English as their primary language?
Girls thread
Guess the nationality
Sao Paulo is better place to live than any big american city
Why do Americans tolerate the Amish?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What would you country's reaction be if Turks, Kurds...
Be Canadian
I like spain do you like
British men came in this voluntarily
How come South Americans / Hispanics in general don't flock in hordes to Spain the same way that Algerians/former...
Australia declares a war on fish
What were you like in high school?
Look in the mirror
Overrated/Underrated Cuisine Thread
Canada. Y-you guys ok?
Who would win between these guys if they went to war tomorrow?
Faces of Sup Forums
Congratulations, madame president!
Can I hear british accents on vocaroo please?
Tfw you discover ISIS could beat your entire military forces
Why do Japanese care more about Korea than Koreans care about Japan?
What are these things called in their native languages?
/ita/ il filo
Went to Barcelona with my brother like 4 or so months ago
Americans shower with their shoes on
What european countries most hate to turkish people?
France/North-Italy fusion
R8 our refugees
Would you race mix with a Portuguese and doom your white genes ?
Being canadian
White pride
1% of brazileans are killed by these showers every year
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Tell me your experience with Polish people
Seriously, are there really Amerilards that think Italy is just pizza and mafia...
Hilo con aguante
Be Ukrainians
Anyone who´s /drunk/ come here
Goodnight Sup Forums :3
ITT post a Soldier from your countries miltary
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week
>>>>>this TRIGGERS the european
Ask polish guys anything
/ita/ - il filo
What's Sup Forums's favorite latin american country?
Which side will your cunt take in World War III?
Is mexico really that bad?
Post statues of the grand LENIN
Am I white?
My house burnt down
What if Brits never ruled the waves, but the French did?
Any Mexicans on Sup Forums today?
Why does Sup Forums prefer asian women over white women?
What's it like to live in a non-meme country? Is it painful?
WTF why are we so rich
Authorities in northern Cameroon say a local self-defense group used a poisoned arrow to kill a woman with explosives...
European Castles
Time for an early morning cuppa
Why does this country even exists at all...
Sverigetråden - Sunt Förnuftupplagan
Mfw Brits on Sup Forums ignore any mention of their Ruling Class, which holds 90% of the land in the UK
Where will you be born next?
What's considered "hot" in your country?
Can we get a polandball thread going
White Latin American thread: 5 de Mayo edition
/fr/ - Francofil & francophilie
Redneck Aussies, Ontarians and Americans are not English, so why do they roleplay like if they are...
I think that Japanese girl is the cutest in the world
Number of russians in czechia increased since 2009 by 40%
Way to go
What happens if asians and blacks mix racially?
Russia bullying thread
Would you have an argie gf, Sup Forums?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ = /bantz/
Im currently dating an asian trap
Anime faggots not welcome
Reminder that when Trump will be president he won't "make America great again". In fact...
Are you more racist than you are sexist? Or more sexist than you are racist?
/ita/ il filo
Do you feel safe, Albertans? He's looking out for you
What's your favorite Sup Forums meme? I'm partial to small foamy beer
Would I be accepted in your country?
What country is most humble?
Are Atheists terrorists?
Why do european girls do this?
Poorgentina thinking they're relevant in the world
This is the second largest desert in the world
Do you like french music ?
Friends and Allies of America
Do you like black girls ?
What is the purpose of this country?
What? Oh no, i'm not german, i'm BAVARIAN
Tfw no Rhodesia
What video games take place in your country or feature characters from your country, and are the portrayals accurate?
Why girls love Italians so much?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ireland confirmed cutest country :3
1.Your country
Why are they so based? They are the most secular, and modern place in the ME...
I go to bed every night hoping I don't wake up
What's your height, Sup Forums?
Person from which country youd like to start a fight?
Is this the true face of Arthurian legends?
ITT food from your country
your cunt
Culture Pals /cp/
How many innocent Armenian children has she murdered in cold blood?
What is Sup Forums drinking tonight?
Sverigetråden - Miljöpartiet-upplagan
Question to Canadians
Are Finnish girls white angels put on earth by the gods themselves?
What happens there?
Your thoughts on London's first Muslim mayor?
I think that Japanese girl is the cutest in the world
Hilo /lat/ino
Let's talk about China!
Cinco de mayo
/ita/ il filo
TIL there's a tiny village in Spain called "Kill the Jews"
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Do you love Britain?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...