R8 our refugees

R8 our refugees


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>cherry picking

Sure, some of them are perfectly fine people. But that doesn't mean they are all like the ones in the photoshoots.

Until the women take off those fucking rags they aren't Canadians

Hello Pajeet/Chang

Are you retarded?

Tell me how this is cherry picking. What is there to cherry pick? It's literally a story about how the refugees don't have much but want to help because they understand how being displaced from your home feels.

0/10 go home Sup Forumstard

Fucking Trudeau, America was a peaceful continent free of muslimsfags until the leafag brought all those fanatics.

*cums on you*

>America was a peaceful continent free of muslimsfags

Time to stop this childish stupidity and rejoin motherland.

Glorious, boundless and eternal under the will of the only true god.

*Tips fedora

go back to bed, Kevin.

Lmao cherrypicking. Muslims are the greatest, most charitable people on earth. It's part of our religion. Most of us just make society better and safer for everyone involved.

Muslim here. Bangladeshi origin.

Let me tell you about Tower Hamlets, East London.
>it's a sharia zone
>CCTV literally everywhere, and in peoples homes
>Street checkpoints (sharia police search you for alcohol and drugs)
>all women under 29 years old have 11pm-6am curfews
>your home gets a monthly searching (by sharia police)
>TV licensing is just half price if you're a Muslim (double the price for non Muslims)
>sharia police search anyone who steps off public transport
>our Muslim women aren't even allowed to speak in public without being granted permission
>all metal cutlery is banned
>all plates and dishes are banned
>instead we use plastic cutlery and paper plates

We're also practising a form of Islamic communism within our community, and it's working.

Have you heard of Anjem Choudary, our future prime minister?

Why don't you keep it in your countries tho?

Ay, America, could we borrow some of those nukes to liberate Europe? It would be a huge favour, especially with people like existing

Love, Sven

The problem is Middle East muslims, they're fanatics as fuck, unlike Eastern muslim, they're peaceful people

Lmfao Brits are top cucked

Ay, Sven, Murica is not the only country with nukes :3

Thanks Ivan, I will put them to good use

>Until the women take off those fucking rags they aren't Canadians

Who made you the fashion police?

>I at first was off put about the refugees only because of the economy otherwise I'm all for helping people....then seeing this...changes me completely.they lost everything and choose to donate what they have to us...I have to admit I am in tears reading this never have I been so wrong

nice copypaste lad

Most Syrian refugees in Canada are actually Christians

>im gonna act like I know what I'm talking about

KEK stick to soccer, Pedro Alejandro

not true at all