Based London

London now ruled by the son of Pakistani immigrants who grew up in a council flat and gained everything he has by brains and hard work.

Beats a billionaire old-Etonian Rothschild Jew.

How is this not good? It is awesome for Britain that such a thing is possible.



Judge him by his deeds, not by his background, beliefs or skin colour.


>Sup Forums

a muslim could cure cancer and people on Sup Forums would say he stole it from white people

Britain is the land of opportunities.


Thank God he beat this lad.

For anyone that's not white British.



you have a muslim president though

I'm proud of him and our community.
Muslim here. Bangladeshi origin.

Let me tell you about Tower Hamlets, East London.
>it's a sharia zone
>CCTV literally everywhere, and in peoples homes
>Street checkpoints (sharia police search you for alcohol and drugs)
>all women under 29 years old have 11pm-6am curfews
>your home gets a monthly searching (by sharia police)
>TV licensing is just half price if you're a Muslim (double the price for non Muslims)
>sharia police search anyone who steps off public transport
>our Muslim women aren't even allowed to speak in public without being granted permission
>all metal cutlery is banned
>all plates and dishes are banned
>instead we use plastic cutlery and paper plates

We're also practising a form of Islamic communism within our community, and it's working.

Have you heard of Anjem Choudary, our future prime minister?

>t. Abdullah Al Aziz

christian and half-white, it was really only a phase, our next president will be a straight white christian man

britain will literally be ruled by shariah in 10 years tops

>islamic communism


Exactly. Nazis said the same about Einstein's theory of relativity.

Reactionary scum can't be reasoned with. They should be ignored.

Allah Akbar brother

find a better gimmick

But he called moderate muslims uncle toms. That kind of cancels out that good stuff.

Straight white Christian woman. Trump has essentially zero chance of being elected. His candidacy will increase Hispanic turnout substantially, especially in Florida and Arizona.

>a muslim could cure cancer
Through suicide

>bongs literally had to choose between a kike and a goatfucker

can't make this shit up

and yet she's still white, we even in the worst case scenario we have a 100% chance of having a white president
meanwhile britsharia's will experience life under mohammeds regime in a few years

>moderate muslims
from the soundbite of the interview its not that bad 2bh.

definitely trying to create a controversy by the other side rather than something he's really really guilty of.

t. someone who wouldn't vote for him anyway

Can we PLEASE stop this notion that UK is white now?

They are literally worse than Sweden-tier.

>he called moderate muslims uncle toms
lol they literally adopt black American terminology for themselves, prepare for race riots and rapes of British children oh wait that already happened LOL

Somebody being a muslim is bad because it means they believe in magic tbqh